This week’s Living and Learning theme was: “I know how to stop bullying”. This underpinned a lot of what we covered in class.

In our Living and Learning session, we discussed the impact that our words have on others.

Using our ‘friend’, we took it in turns to say mean things about them. With every hurtful comment, we ripped our friend to pieces.

Once there was nothing left of our friend, we took it in turns to say nice things about them, putting them back together as we did so.
We were able to put our friend back together, but what do you notice? Our words had changed our friend. We discussed how important it is to build each other up and understand the power of words.
In reading and writing sessions this week, we have analysed instructions by following some to make our own treasure maps (Learning Objective: Retrieving Information)…

…and collecting a word bank of appealing recipe language (Learning Objective: Which words interest the reader?).

In maths, (Learning Objective: Multiplying and Dividing By 4) we’ve used story problems and bar models to support our learning. We’ve used reasoning skills to explain if diagrams were true or false:

Thank you to the masses of parents that came to our assembly on Wednesday! The hard work you’ve been putting in at home really shone through.

On Thursday, we had some visitors from Y6 to share opinions with and discuss our learning.

Friday brought with it the long-awaited Takeover Day! Roles were shared amongst the class such as “Star Chart Monitor” and “Register Taker”. Children were extremely enthusiastic and relished the responsibility! They even asked if they could take on more chores at home!

Well done to certificate winner Emily, for always knowing the right thing to do, especially how to stop bullying, and all of Year 3 for their fantastic assembly using all the 8 Rs for learning.