Welcome aboard!
This week marks the beginning of our Explorers topic and so we welcome our newest member of the Year 3 team.

A vote was taken to decide their name; introducing… Bobby the astronaut!

(Somehow, tables 1, 2, 3 and 5 didn’t take to the Table 4 suggestion.)
To delve into the mind of an explorer, we had lots of lively discussion about what sort of items they should pack into their travel bag.

From fast food menus (“No! How will they deliver to half way up a mountain?” vs “Yes – we could use the paper to start a fire.”) to party poppers (“We shouldn’t pack it – setting them off could scare animals.” vs “Yes – if we discover a new species, we need something to celebrate with.”), we debated it all. We also used maps to locate supplies lost by our flying ship in a terrible storm:

In maths this week, we’ve been ordering numbers to 1000. This was quite a tricky skill, so we made sure to keep our brains engaged with some active maths. Here we are creating human number lines:

Next, we put our skills to the test in a place value number line challenge. We made actions to help us remember the steps for putting numbers on a number line!

Our English theme for the week has been grammar. We’ve looked at conjunctions, proper nouns, verbs and pronouns. For example, we extended sentences using conjunctions:
Our rusty, old car broke down.
Our rusty, old car broke down although it wasn’t really broken.
Our rusty, old car broke down although it wasn’t really broken, so we had to get a taxi.
To improve the flow of our writing, we looked at changing proper nouns for pronouns. For example:
Jessica waved at Felix and Felix waved back at Jessica.
Jessica waved at Felix and he waved back at her.
Balance, coordination and team work were all skills we used in our PE lesson this week! Maybe one of us will be the next Kyle Wilson!

I’ve been absolutely blown away by the creative homework this week. Each child interpreted the task in their own way and produced some wonderful results. We really enjoyed discussing our own efforts and the effort of others. Here are some highlights, featuring the character Dark himself!

Well done to certificate winners Setayesh and Musa! Both of you are an asset to this class and it’s great to see such enthusiastic and responsible learners!