Welcome back to Y3!

What a fantastic first week of this Autumn term! I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to your children recount their summer adventures and getting to know them a little better.

This week, in Maths, we’ve been working on counting and place value using hundreds, tens and ones. I have been so impressed with the children’s ability to explain their reasoning, which is very tricky!

Our class novel for the first two weeks is Orion and the Dark, a book about a boy who explores his greatest fear on an adventure. We were inspired to write our own descriptions of monsters:

We have also been designing our own real life monsters using our descriptive plans…

… and our sketch books!

We’ll make our monsters out of clay next week, so watch this space!

This week’s Living and Learning theme has been “I greet someone politely”. We discussed what this means and the different ways you can achieve this in our first circle time:

A highlight of ours this week has got to be this humongous courgette brought in for show and tell. The children (and I!) had lots of questions!

Thank you to all the children for working extremely hard to make our first week so amazing. I am very excited for the journey ahead.