This week in Maths, we have been looking at odd and even numbers. We know that even numbers are made of 2s and odd numbers have an odd one. We have been counting forwards and backwards in odd and even numbers. In our number fluency sessions we have been investigating how odd and even numbers can be made. We discovered that even numbers can be made from 2 odd parts or 2 even parts and that odd numbers can only be made by 1 odd part and 1 even part.
We used this learning in our main maths lesson to add and subtract 2 from even numbers. We know that when you add 2 to an even number the answer is the next even number. We also know when you subtract 2 from an even number the answer is the previous even number. We worked really hard using odd and even numbers!
Help at home by talking to your child about odd and even numbers. Can they tell you which numbers are which? Can you add and subtract 2 from even numbers?