Last week in our reading lessons, Year 2 children were exploring non-fiction books and texts. The children enjoyed looking through a range of different non-fiction books and ticking off all the features they could find.

Help at home: Look through a non-fiction book and ask your child to point out all the features. Discuss the differences between non-fiction and fiction books.
This half term, Year 2, have produced some wonderful writing. As well as doing some bigger pieces of writing about The Great Fire of London, we have been concentrating on handwriting, dictation and editing our writing for ‘must dos’. We have been encouraging the children to look at their own writing and spot any ‘squashed sentences’. This is where two sentences run into each other. For example – I like to play in the park it is fun. The children can spot where the squash is and either fix it with punctuation or a conjunction.

Help at home: Quiz your child. Can they find the squash? Ask them to choose the best conjunction to fix the squash. They could choose and, because, so or but.