Design and Technology: Textiles

This half term we are learning all about Design and Technology and we will be sewing our own hand puppet! We are very excited to get going. This week, we have learnt how to thread a needle and tie a knot. This took great resilience and perseverance but everybody did a brilliant job.


Once the needle was threaded, we began to sew. We practised  both the overstitch and the running stitch and we were all very proud of ourselves!

Help at home by practising threading a needle and tying a knot.

Amazing Africa!

In Geography lessons, over the last few weeks, Year 2 have learnt lots about about Kenya in Africa. We have looked closely at the similarities and differences between Kenya and England and Nairobi and Leeds.

The children were able to name physical and human geography in both Nairobi and Leeds.

In writing, we have looked at features of reports and  planned our own report about Nairobi. Next week, we will write our reports all about Kenya and Nairobi.

Help at home by asking your child some facts about Nairobi.

Can they name some features of a report?

Geography Topic – Explorers

This half-term,  in Year 2, we are being geographers. This week we have been learning the names of the seven continents and five oceans. The children have enjoyed learning two songs to help them remember. We have also enjoyed exploring google earth and looking at a globe.

Oceans song

Continents song 

How can you help?

Google Earth is a brilliant tool to help develop children’s understanding of space, place, scale and interdependence. Zoom right in on your home and then zoom out to reveal the area of Leeds that you live in. Zoom further out to see what city you live. Zoom further for the county. A little further and you might start to spot some national parks. Further still and you can see the country that we live in. Keep zooming and you’ll see the continent we live in (though this isn’t labelled).

Quizzing your children about some locational knowledge will help them to remember important information.

  • Which continent do we live in?
  • Which country do we live in?
  • In which hemisphere is our country located?
  • Which county do we live in?
  • Which city do we live in?
  • Which part of Leeds do we live in?
  • Which four countries make up the United Kingdom?