What is a microhabitat?

Today in Science, Year 2 explored microhabitats in the school grounds.

First, we thought about different microhabitats and what living things might live there.

We looked for living things in different microhabitats. We discussed the microhabitat’s features and how it meets the living things needs for survival.


World book day!

Today we celebrated reading in Year 2!

The children looked fantastic in their world book day outfits. We enjoyed talking about our favourite characters and books.

We started the day with an assembly celebrating the origins of world book day and listening to some of the teachers read extracts from their favourite books. Mr Wilks talked to us about how books can mean different things to people and how to spend the £1 book token.

World Book Day | WHSmith

Later in the morning, we enjoyed paired reading with Year 4. It was fantastic! all the children enjoyed sharing their favourite stories and reading aloud to a Year 4 child.

Finally, after playtime, we had a webinar with John Patrick Green – author of the Investigators books. We listened to how he creates the books and had a go at drawing some of the characters. The drawings were fantastic!

Help at home by discussing the activities your child has done today and looking at the free books they can buy with their £1 book token.

Living and Learning: I know we’re all the same and we’re all different

Last week, in Year 2 , we have read the book ‘Elmer’ by David McKee and considered things from another’s point of view. How might Elmer feel about being different from the other elephants? Why did Elmer want to look like the other elephants? How do the other elephants view Elmer?

Through this book, the children were able to discuss how the elephants are the same and different. We have applied this to ourselves too.

Help at home: What similarities and differences are there between all the people in you family? Encourage you child Say what they really like about someone else and why.


We are editors!

Yesterday, we wrote ‘The next adventures of the Naughty Bus’ and the story writing was brilliant. We included adjectives to add more information about nouns in the story and conjunctions to add more detail to our sentences.

Today, Year 2 have done some excellent editing. We edited a piece of writing together, did some paired editing and then we independently edited. All the children were responsible and respectful whilst listening and giving feedback to their partner. Well done for being fantastic editors Year 2!

Help at home by asking your child to edit some writing you have written with some simple mistakes in. Can they correct missing full stops, capital letters and commas or up level a sentence with an adjective or conjunction?