Class News

Living and Learning: drug education

Posted on Friday 13 January 2023 by Mr McGriffiths

In our latest Living and Learning lessons, we’ve been learning about safety around medicines and household products.

We considered:

What are medicines?

What do they look like?

How are they used?

Why do people use them?

The children had lots to share about their experiences of taking different medicines and what they are used for.

Using different scenarios, we thought about what would be the best things to help. Sometimes a hug, some water, rest, a tissue or sleep can be enough to help someone feel better and medicine might not be needed.

Then, we considered safety rules at home and how to keep themselves and others safe.

We discussed the following safety rules depending on whether they were true or false or if it depends on the situation.

In some more scenarios, we thought about why the situation was unsafe and what the character could do to prevent a danger.

We need to take the right medicine for us.

Medicine should only be given by adults.

The wrong medicine can make you very poorly.

These are adult pills and they should not touch them.

They need to be kept in a safe place.

Help at home: please reinforce this key safety message at home. Make sure your child is aware of possible dangers at home, such as medicines and household products, and how to seek help if they need it.

Posted on Thursday 12 January 2023 by Miss Birch

Last Friday, a poem was sent home for Year 4 to learn. Learning a poem by heart is a really important skill for children to practise and Year 4 have done a fantastic job of this!

Catch a Little Rhyme by Eve Mirriam (CC)

Once upon a time
I caught a little rhyme
I set it on the floor
but it ran right out the door
I chased it on my bicycle
but it melted to an icicle
I scooped it up in my hat
but it turned into a cat

I caught it by the tail
but it stretched into a whale
I followed it in a boat
but it changed into a goat
When I fed it tin and paper
it became a tall skyscraper
Then it grew into a kite
and flew far out of sight …

As you can see, the poem contains lots of rhyming words and this really helped the children get into a rhythm when reciting the poem to the class.

The performances have been great with amazing expression, clear and projected voices and some children even added actions to help them remember the words – very clever!

Help at home by occasionally reading poems instead of fiction or non-fiction books to broaden the children’s reading.

Living and Learning: drug education

Posted on Thursday 12 January 2023 by Mrs Taylor

In our latest Living and Learning lessons, we’ve been learning about safety around medicines and household products.

We considered:

What are medicines?

What do they look like?

How are they used?

Why do people use them?

The children had lots to share about their experiences of taking different medicines and what they are used for.

Using different scenarios, we thought about what would be the best things to help. Sometimes a hug, some water, rest, a tissue or sleep can be enough to help someone feel better and medicine might not be needed.

Then, we considered safety rules at home and how to keep themselves and others safe.

We sorted the following safety rules depending on whether they were true or false or if it depends on the situation.

In some more scenarios, we thought about why the situation was unsafe and what the character could do to prevent a danger.

We shouldn’t take someone else’s medicine. It is just for them.

Medicine should only be given by adults.

These might be tablets so they shouldn’t touch them.

They should tell an adult they have found them.

Help at home: please reinforce this key safety message at home. Make sure your child is aware of possible dangers at home, such as medicines and household products, and how to seek help if they need it.

Spring term after-school clubs

Posted on Wednesday 11 January 2023 by Mrs Taylor


Class Assembly

Posted on Tuesday 10 January 2023 by Mr Roundtree

It is Year 3’s second Class Assembly tomorrow. The assembly will start at 2:45.

Year 3 have requested that I post the link to the song we will be singing – so here it is!

Help at home by having a little sing-along!

See you tomorrow!

Living and Learning: I know what a drug is.

Posted on Saturday 07 January 2023 by Miss Goswami

Over the next couple of weeks in our Living and Learning sessions, we will be focusing on “Being Safe”.  This week in Living and Learning, we discussed what a drug is and what might influence a person to take/not take them.

We learnt that a drug is: ‘a substance people take to change the way they feel, think or behave.’

We also talked about the term ‘drugs’ and how it refers to all drugs:
• all illegal drugs,
• all legal drugs, including alcohol, tobacco and volatile substances (those giving off a gas which can be inhaled),
• all over-the-counter and prescription medicines.

In small groups, the children created diamond nines of what they thought would be the biggest influence for taking/not taking drugs. Here is an example:

The children also gave reasons for their choices: “feelings/emotions might be the biggest influence as people might think it helps to relieve stress” and “family would not influence you to take them because they love you and wouldn’t want to harm you”.

Science rocks!

Posted on Saturday 07 January 2023 by Miss Birch

The first week back after Christmas has been a week of starting new topics and units. This includes our new Science topic – Rocks, soils and fossils!

Our first week began with the question – How are rocks different? We made careful observations of 12 different rocks and thought about what made them special.

This included things such as;

  • Colour – is it one solid colour or does it have mixed colours?
  • Texture – is it smooth, rough or both?
  • Crystals – does it shine or sparkle?
  • Weight – is it heavy or light?
  • Layers – does it have stripes or clear layers?

Here are some of the class making their observations:

We then sorted a selection of the rocks into a Venn Diagram. The children had the choice of which features to sort the rocks by.

The class loved the lesson and already had fantastic knowledge in identifying the names of some of the rocks. One person remembered that one of the rocks (Basalt rock) is in the Earth’s Crust! This was from our first Topic lesson about the Earth.

Help at home by seeing if your child can identify any of these rocks based on their appearance!

Welcome back!

Posted on Friday 06 January 2023 by Mr Roundtree

Happy New Year!

Year 3 have had a busy but brilliant first week back at school!

We started our new science topic about rocks, soils and fossils. Year 3 carefully observed a variety of different rocks in order to group them by their properties (appearance, weight, texture etc).

We practised our skipping skills during PE…

And started planning our new piece of writing where we write a recount about escaping from a volcanic eruption!

We are all looking forward to a jam-packed half term!

We are geographers!

Posted on Friday 06 January 2023 by Mr McGriffiths

This half term, our topic will focus on Geography. Our topic is called ‘The streets around our school’. We will be focusing on the environment we live in, any local issues and finding solutions to issues in our locality.

We are becoming geographers – a type of scientist who studies the Earth. Geographers study the land (the physical features of the Earth) and the people who live within it (the human features).

We looked on Google earth to see where we lived in comparison to the whole Earth. We know that we live in the continent Europe. The country England and the city Leeds. We looked at Moortown Primary School and Moortown park on Google Earth. We even spotted where our classroom was!

Try going on Google Earth at home. Can you find your house and places you like to visit?

We also looked at the different countries that make up the UK and their capital cities. Help at home by looking at a map of the UK with your child and talking about the different countries and cities.

Group Reading – What do you need to know?

Posted on Friday 06 January 2023 by Miss Birch

Year 4 have begun their group reading today!

The class have been divided into 6 groups and each group has been given a book to read at home. This will last for the next half term.

During our Book Club sessions, each group will discuss what they have read and complete activities related to their book. This will be a fantastic opportunity for the children to explore characters and storylines more than they might do normally!

Each Friday during Book Club, each group will be given a new page to read to for the next Friday.

What to remember:

  • Your child has a book that they need to read every week (up to a chosen point).
  • The reading record activity needs to be completed using their new book.
  • Group reading books and reading records need to be brought in every Friday.

Help at home by listening to your child read their new book and ask questions about the book to help prepare them for in class discussions.

We look forward to hearing the children’s discussions next week!