Class News

Who’s theory was correct? Aristotle or Galileo?

Posted on Thursday 01 December 2022 by Mr Wain

In this week’s science learning, we conducted a fair test.

Does the mass of an object affect the rate in which it falls?

Aristotle’s theory suggests that the mass of an object does affect the rate in which it falls and that heavier objects fall quicker!

However, in 1590, Galileo tested this theory by, according to legend, dropping two cannonballs of similar size but different masses off the Leaning Tower of Pisa and seeing when they hit the ground.

This week, we conducted a similar test.


We tested out Aristotle’s theory by dropping different objects of similar size but different masses and recorded their time of impact with the ground.

We found that mass doesn’t affect the rate in which objects fall. The slight difference in time is due to forces like air resistance.

Great learning, Y6!


Bethan Woollvin Webinar

Posted on Wednesday 30 November 2022 by Mr McGriffiths

This morning Year 1 and 2 had a very special online visitor. The author and illustrator Bethan Woollvin spoke to both classes about her work, how she creates her stories and what she likes about being an author and illustrator. We have been reading lots of her stories in class so we were very excited!

She read us the story Little Red and then gave us a tour of her studio including showing us some of her sketchbooks, it was very interesting! Bethan then showed us how to draw Little Red in a draw along session. We concentrated very hard and we were very proud of our drawings!

Finally, we got to ask Bethan some questions and hear her answers. We asked some terrific questions and we were very grateful for Bethan to give her time for such a wonderful webinar! Hopefully, it can inspire some new authors or illustrators in Year 1 and 2!

Skipping ropes

Posted on Wednesday 30 November 2022 by Mrs Taylor

We continue to work with Skipping School as part of the Year 2 and Year 4 skipping festivals.

While you might be thinking about Christmas presents, we have skipping ropes available to purchase from school for a subsidised price of £3.  These are available in two sizes and a range of colours.

Daily poem

Posted on Wednesday 30 November 2022 by Mrs Taylor

We continue to read a variety of texts in class and this is our daily poem for this week, The north wind doth blow.

Ask your child to perform this for you – the signs we have learnt can help with this. We’ve had some great performances in class so far.

Class Assembly

Posted on Monday 28 November 2022 by Mr Roundtree

It is Year 3’s Class Assembly at 2:40 on Wednesday! We are looking forward to showing you all the learning we have done so far this year.

In preparation for Wednesday, please can you child bring in a shoe box or empty tissue box tomorrow (if possible).

Thank you!

We are gymnasts!

Posted on Monday 28 November 2022 by Mr Roundtree

This half term, we have had Jane and Lucy helping us in our P.E lessons by teaching us gymnastics!

We have been balancing, jumping, rolling and travelling across the hall.

Check out some pictures below!


Living and learning: mental health

Posted on Friday 25 November 2022 by Mr McGriffiths

This week, Year 1, with the help of some of the characters from the Beano, have been learning about a range of emotions.

Emotions are feelings. They can change all the time.

We all experience a whole range of emotions, from anger to happiness to fear.

Looking at someone’s face and their body language can help us to understand how others might be feeling.

How might Dennis be feeling? What clues tell you this?

We discussed why it is important to recognise and talk about our emotions and how to seek help with our feelings or if we notice a friend might need help.

Everybody in the class had some great ideas to help ourselves when we feel strong emotions and we will discuss this more next week.

Well done Year 1.

Skipping School

Posted on Friday 25 November 2022 by Miss Birch

Hello everyone,

Year 4 had a fantastic morning with Skipping School leader – Katie.  She took the children through each step, such as how to hold your skipping rope in a smile shape and when to jump after the rope clicks the floor. They then worked up to doing complicated straddle jumps and crossing the skipping ropes! The children were great and were really resilient (as it can be quite tricky!) while working together and encouraging one another.


Year 4 will be participating in the Skipping School Competition after Easter which is all about getting moving and having fun while doing so! We will be practicing the skipping skills we learnt today, up until that point.

Help at home by getting the children skipping.

Stars and Monet

Posted on Friday 25 November 2022 by Mrs Wood

This week, we’ve been reading the book How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers. We worked together to sequence the story and talked about what happened at the beginning, middle and end.
We also had a go at writing how we would catch a star.
On Wednesday, we talked about star constellations. We researched our star sign constellations and had a go at drawing and painting our own.
On Thursday and Friday, we explored impressionism by looking at Claude Monet’s series of impressionist oil paintings of the Houses of Parliament. We used short, thin marks when using the soft pastels to create the background. When we were happy with our background, we used acrylic paint for the House of Parliament.
This week, we developed our understanding of the composition of numbers by investigating the composition of 3, 4 and 5. Composing and de-composing numbers involves the children investigating part–part–whole relations, e.g. seeing that 3 can be composed of 1 and 2.

Through practical experiences, we explored combining parts in different ways to find out the whole.
We had lots of fun playing the ‘Hats’ game.
How many children are wearing a hat? (part)
How many children are not wearing a hat? (part)
How many are there altogether? (whole)
“1 is wearing a hat. 2 are not wearing a hat. There are 3 children altogether.”

“3 children are wearing a hat. No children are not wearing a hat. There are 3 children altogether.”
“2 are wearing a hat. 2 are not wearing a hat. There are 4 children altogether.”

We watched the Numberblocks Stampoline video and had a go at printing our own Stampoline patterns of 4 and 5.

Poetry Picnic
This week’s is called Mice by Rose Fyleman.
We talked about how poems can sometimes have rhyming words in them. Can your child tell you the rhyming words in this week’s poem?
Christmas is coming!
We’ve been practising our Christmas songs for our Christmas performance. We just love to sing and dance in Reception! We can’t wait to for you to come and watch us on Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 December.

– PTA Christmas fair
– Friday 09 December
– Learning journey drop in’s – Monday 12, Tuesday 13 and Thursday 15 December at 8.50 – 9.30am or 3.15 – 3.45pm
– The cold weather is here! Please make sure your child comes to school wearing a suitable coat.
– Please label hats, scarves and gloves!

Home-Link Challenge




Living and Learning: mental health

Posted on Wednesday 23 November 2022 by Mrs Taylor

This week, Year 2, with the help of some of the characters from the Beano, have been learning about a range of emotions.

Emotions are feelings. They can change all the time.

We all experience a whole range of emotions, from anger to happiness to fear.

Looking at someone’s face and their body language can help us to understand how others might be feeling.

How might Dennis be feeling? What clues tell you this?

We discussed why it is important to recognise and talk about our emotions and how to seek help with our feelings or if we notice a friend might need help.

Next week, we will be thinking about self care techniques that can help us to look after our own mental health. Mindfulness is one example of a self care technique. We do lots of mindfulness techniques in class – ask your child to share them with you. Also, look out for the wellbeing bingo for you to try at home.