Class News

Maths – number fluency

Posted on Saturday 19 October 2024 by Miss Birch

Year 3 have been learning about numbers to 1,000. We’ve learnt about 3 digit numbers, how to read them, partition and manipulate them!

We’re moving onto our addition journey now and to help your child feel confident in using methods like column addition, they need to be secure with these facts.

These number facts are beyond 10 and there are lots of different strategies to work them out.

For example:

6 + 5
If I know 5 + 5 is 10, 1 more is 11.
If I know 6 + 6 is 12, 1 less is 11.

9 + 4
If I know 9 + 1 is 10, 3 more is 13.

Help at home by practising these numbers facts colour by colour as these will really help when we come to addition with 3 digit numbers!

After-school clubs

Posted on Friday 18 October 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Our autumn term clubs continue after half term and there is an opportunity to join the below after school clubs which currently have available places: 


Hama Bead Club – Y4, Y5, Y6

Mindfulness & Yoga – Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6


Skipping – Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6

Sewing & weaving – Y4, Y5, Y6


Skipping – Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4

Girls Football – Y4, Y5, Y6


Dazl Dance – Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4

Basketball – KS1 

Basketball – KS2

Clubs run straight after school and finish at 4.15pm.

All clubs will run until w/c 9 December, which would give your child 6 sessions if they’d like to join. 

If your child is interested in joining any of the above clubs, please reply to the email sent and an individual payment request will be set up. 

English: Little Red writing

Posted on Friday 18 October 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

In reading and writing, we have been reading the book Little Red by Bethan Woolvin. This is alternative version of Little Red Riding Hood where Little Red saves herself rather than waiting for a woodcutter!

Today we wrote some descriptions of Little Red and I was so impressed with how hard the children worked! They have all made great progress since the start of Year One and I was astounded by some of the vocabulary they used.

Well done everyone!

Help at home by talking about the Little Red story and how the children would describe her.

Autumn1: Week7

Posted on Friday 18 October 2024 by Kay Lowry


This week we have been reading the book Henri’s Scissors.

The children have been inspired by this story and created mater pieces of their own.


During maths, we have been continuing our work on subitising. This is where the children don’t need to count the amount of objects, they just know. We do this a lot without thinking for instance, when we read the amount on dice.

Help at home by playing board games with your child. When they are moving their counter, ensure they are counting accurately.


The children have learnt lots of new sounds this half term.

Help at home by practicing these regularly to support your child with their reading journey.

We have started challenges in our areas of provision this week. These are focus tasks for the children to complete each week. The children have enjoyed completing them both independently and with adult support.

Junior Leadership

Next week the children will have the opportunity to put themselves forward to be a member of our Junior Leadership team. There will be two children selected from each class. Their role is to be the voice of the class and share our ideas with peers and adults. Please discuss this with your child and support them if they wish to put themselves forward for this.

We have been talking to the children about democracy and that everyone in our class has the right to their say. The children will be voting using a ballet paper and we will go with the majority votes.

 Poetry Picnic

We have really enjoyed performing our poem this week.




Thursday is class voting day.

Please ensure children have no earrings in for PE on a Friday.

Please write a comment in your child’s reading record and bring to school on a Thursday.

Please send in any pictures of things that your children have done over the weekend. We enjoy sharing these with the class.



Rugby ticket offer

Posted on Wednesday 16 October 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Headingley Stadium has the honour of hosting the England men’s and women’s national team against Samoa and Wales respectively on Saturday 02 November 2024.

As a partner school of the Rhinos, we are pleased to offer children and families 20% off tickets. These are purchased directly from the Rugby Football League using the discount code shown below.

Reading: Performing Poetry

Posted on Tuesday 15 October 2024 by Miss Goswami

This week in Reading, Year 5 have been reading a poem written by Hilaire Belloc. Belloc was a French-born poet who became a versatile English writer. He was also an avid historian, writing numerous historical texts. In addition, he wrote cautionary tales for children and Year 5 have looked at one called ‘Matilda who told lies and was burned to death’.

Year 5 put everything they had into this performance. They used intonation, tone, volume and action to act out the poem. Their outcomes were fantastic!

MATILDA told such Dreadful Lies,

It made one Gasp and Stretch one’s Eyes;

Her Aunt, who, from her Earliest Youth,

Had kept a Strict Regard for Truth,

Attempted to Believe Matilda:

The effort very nearly killed her,

And would have done so, had not She

Discovered this Infirmity.

For once, towards the Close of Day,

Matilda, growing tired of play,

And finding she was left alone,

Went tiptoe to the Telephone

And summoned the Immediate Aid

Of London’s Noble Fire-Brigade.

Within an hour the Gallant Band

Were pouring in on every hand,

From Putney, Hackney Downs, and Bow.

With Courage high and Hearts a-glow,

They galloped, roaring through the Town,

‘Matilda’s House is Burning Down!’

Inspired by British Cheers and Loud

Proceeding from the Frenzied Crowd,

They ran their ladders through a score

Of windows on the Ball Room Floor;

And took Peculiar Pains to Souse

The Pictures up and down the House,

Until Matilda’s Aunt succeeded

In showing them they were not needed;

And even then she had to pay

To get the Men to go away!


It happened that a few Weeks later

Her Aunt was off to the Theatre

To see that Interesting Play

The Second Mrs. Tanqueray.

She had refused to take her Niece

To hear this Entertaining Piece:

A Deprivation Just and Wise

To Punish her for Telling Lies.

That Night a Fire did break out–

You should have heard Matilda Shout!

You should have heard her Scream and Bawl,

And throw the window up and call

To People passing in the Street–

(The rapidly increasing Heat

Encouraging her to obtain

Their confidence) — but all in vain!

For every time she shouted ‘Fire!’

They only answered ‘Little Liar!’

And therefore when her Aunt returned,

Matilda, and the House, were Burned.


Help at home: Can you spot the rhyming pattern? Does this poem remind you of anything you’ve previously read, heard, watched, seen?

Science: Space

Posted on Tuesday 15 October 2024 by Miss Goswami

Year 5 have now started their second science unit: Space! This week, we have learnt about our Solar System.

Here are some key facts we learnt:

  • The Solar System is made up of the Sun, celestial bodies, eight planets and their moons.
  • The Sun, Earth, Moon and other planets are approximately spherical bodies.
  • The Sun is a star which releases heat and light and is at the centre of the Solar System.
  • All of the planets in our Solar System orbit the Sun.
  • The first four planets have solid surfaces whilst the last four planets have gas surfaces.
    • Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars all have solid surfaces.
    • Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have gas surfaces.
  • Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet.

Then, we carried out research using secondary sources (a form of scientific enquiry). We used this information to create posters about the order of the planets and wrote down more key facts about each one.

Finally, we made mnemonics to remember  the order in which the planets orbit the sun.

Help at home: Come up with a new mnemonic to remember the order of our solar system. Here is an example:

Mercury          My

Venus              Very

Earth               Epic

Mars               Marvellous

Jupiter            Jumper

Saturn            Suits

Uranus          Unique

Neptune        Neil

Or why not watch the ‘we are planets’ song.

Living and Learning: Democracy

Posted on Tuesday 15 October 2024 by Miss Newman

This week in L&L, we’ve been focusing on one of our British Values – democracy. Democracy means that power is in the hands of the people.

Our topic this half-term has been Ancient Greece. The Ancient Greeks founded democracy so the children already had a great understanding of what this meant.

The word democracy comes from Greek:

  •  dêmos – people
  •  krátos – power/rule

We’ve learnt about democracy in our country and how this works. The children were really interested in learning about the central and local government and the roles of political parties. We also discussed how we’re involved in democratic decisions at school:

We get to vote for how we use our reward time.

We get to vote for our JLT in school.

At the start of the year we got to vote for the name of our class reward points.

Next week, we’ll have our own democratic vote to elect our new JLT members for this year.

Help at home: create your speech for becoming a JLT candidate.

  • What good qualities do you have to be a good leader?

“I would be a great leader because I listen to, and respect, other’s views.”

  • How can you help your class?

“I would help Year 4 by listening to your opinions and ideas and sharing these with Mr Wilks and Mrs Weekes.”

Living and Learning: What is democracy?

Posted on Tuesday 15 October 2024 by Miss Birch

This week, Year 3 learnt about what is democracy and how we can become involved in democratic decisions.

Democracy, one of the British Values, meansrule by the people’. It comes from the Greek words dêmos (people) and krátos (rule or strength). This has linked to our Topic learning because the Ancient Greeks, more specifically the Athenians, who created the idea of democracy.

We learnt about how democracy works in this country. This included learning about central and local government, what services government provide for the people and the role of political parties.

Next week, we’ll have our own democratic vote to elect our new JLT members for this year.

Help at home: Create your speech for becoming a JLT candidate.

What good qualities do you have to be a good leader?

“I would be a great leader because I am a good listener.”

How can you help your class?

“I would help Year 3 by sharing your ideas with Mrs Weekes.”

Living and Learning: respect

Posted on Friday 11 October 2024 by Mrs Taylor

To start our lesson about self-respect, we made our own creature creations. Starting with a head, someone else added a body and finally someone else added legs.

We had some great mixed up creations and not one of them was the same. The creatures were all different as we all have different drawing styles and imaginations and, just like the creatures, those differences make us all unique.

We thought about what else makes us unique and why we are special. Some children wanted to add extra things to this like different behaviours, responsibilities and routines.

We thought about how we can show that we respect ourselves.

Get enough sleep.
Eat your 5 a day and other healthy foods.
Don’t be rude to yourself.
Brush your teeth.
Don’t try and hurt yourself.
Keep yourself clean.
Not having too much screen time.
Looking after your belongings.
Looking after your family.
Do exercise to make you fit and strong.

Here’s a poem we created…

Our weekly circle time sessions give the children chance to build on this learning about respect and self-respect and our themed week, Me and My Communities, after half term will also reinforce this learning about our own identity.

Help at home: talk through this learning and think about how respecting ourselves helps us to respect others.