Class News

Staying Safe Week!

Posted on Monday 15 July 2024 by Miss Goswami

Last week was our themed week: Staying Safe. Year 5 were very busy learning how to stay safe in a range of different scenarios and situations.

On Monday, we kicked off the week with a road safety assembly. In this, the children recapped how to stay safe in each type of travel (car, bike/scooter, bus, train and walking).

  • A seatbelt must be worn every journey – whether that be a long or short drive.
  • You must not distract the driver.
  • If there is a seat available on a bus or train you must sit down.
  • Travel with an adult.
  • Green Cross Code: Think, Stop, Look and Listen.

At the end of the day, we had a water safety assembly. The children discussed the difference between canals and rivers and how to stay safe around them. You should always ‘Stay Away From the Edge’.

Help at home: Can you spot the dangers in the poster?

On Tuesday, we started off the day with an assembly on hate crime and the subsequent consequences. We learnt that in law they take into consideration 5 of the protected characteristics (religion, race, sexual orientation, gender and disability). Year 5 then had an assembly about online safety. In this, the children were able to revisit their knowledge about how to stay safe on games: reporting bad behaviour, not accepting someone you don’t know etc.

Next, Year 5 were visited by the one and only D:Side Dave. Dave came in to also talk to us about online safety. In this session, the children talked about the positive and negative effects of social media and discussed how to make responsible and safe choices on the internet. Take a look at how long each social media site has been around for.

Year 5 used their detective skills to work out if online profiles were real or fake.

To finish the lesson, we looked at the different age ratings on games.

Help at home: Can you identify any of the warning symbols?

To finish off the day, we had a session about promoting good health. The children learnt about how they can keep themselves healthy and happy.

On Wednesday, we started the day off with an assembly lead by RNLI. Did you know RNLI stands for Royal National Lifeboat Institute? Alan came in to speak to us about how to stay safe at sea and on the beach. He discussed the flags that you might see on a beach and what they mean. You must swim between the yellow and red flags to be seen by a lifeguard.

Later on in the morning we had a talk from the local firefighters. In this session, they told the Year 5 and 6s how to prevent fires at home: using reliable charging cables, making sure candles are extinguished and cleaning the hob after use. Firemen Sam and Dave told them how to help stop a fire spreading too – whether that be shutting all the doors at night or testing smoke alarms regularly.

On Thursday, the whole school had an assembly about how to stay safe around dogs. We then later had a session with Mrs Hill. We learnt that there are two things you must do before stroking a dog: ask permission from the owner and let the dog sniff and come to you first. We looked at a range of different scenarios between 6 different dogs and an imaginary character called Tom. The children needed to be dog detectives and decide if Tom could have been hurt and who was responsible for the consequences. Lots of children thought different dogs were responsible but Charlie was able to deduce that Tom was responsible!

To finish off the morning, we had a session with the British Military Martial Arts.

To finish off our Staying Safe week, we learnt about sun safety, railway safety and we had a session learning about first aid.

There are 5 ways to protect yourself from UV rays: SLIP, SLOP, SLAP, SLIDE, SHADE.

  • slip on clothing to cover your skin
  • slop on suncream (20 minutes before the sun and every 2 hours to reapply)
  • slap on a hat to protect your face and scalp
  • slide on sunglasses to protect your eyes
  • seek shade whether that be natural or human-made

In our railway safety lesson, we watched a video and discussed how to be safe near railways and on train platforms.

In our first aid session, we tried to help our partners by tying bandages around their head injuries. Year 5 also got to try out CPR.

There are 4 steps to take before CPR:

  1. Try to wake up the casualty
  2. Shout for help
  3. Check for breathing
  4. Call and ambulance


Book amnesty

Posted on Monday 15 July 2024 by Mrs Taylor

As we enter the final week of Year 2, we would be grateful for the the return of any school reading or library books you may come across at home.

Please send these into school with your child over the next week.

We are also missing a few of the red Moortown PE t-shirts from the recent skipping festival if you could return them to school too.

Thank you for your support with this.

Living and Learning: Staying Safe Week

Posted on Friday 12 July 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

This week we have been learning all about how to stay safe in lots of different places.


On Monday we had an assembly about road safety. The children listened excellently and learnt all about how and where to cross the road safely. THINK, STOP, LOOK and LISTEN!

Later in the day we had a talk from a member of the Canals and Rivers trust about how to stay safe near water. We also had a visit from D:Side Dave which the children always enjoy!


We had an assembly about online safety delivered by Louise from West Yorkshire Police. We followed this up in class by discussing our digital footprint and how we use the internet at home and at school.

We also followed up yesterday’s assembly on road safety by talking about how to stay safe on bikes and scooters.


Today, a member of the RNLI came to visit and we learnt all about their amazing work. We also found out about how to stay safe in the water and what to do if we, or somebody else, gets in difficulty. We now all know the importance of floating like a starfish!

In class, we talked about how to stay safe at home and the different hazards there may be. The children were very knowledgeable and sensible during these discussions.


On Thursday morning we had a visit from the Dog’s Trust. We spoke about the 5 Golden Rules to stay safe around dogs.

We also spoke about how to keep safe in the sun. The children designed some great posters to help people remember what to do.

In the afternoon, we had a visit from British Military Martial Arts. The children loved getting active and testing out their martial arts skills!


This morning we had visitors from Catering Leeds who taught all about how to stay healthy and hygienic. We talked about where you might find germs and practised our hand washing technique.

Our final visitor of the week helped us with some first aid! We learnt what to we needed to do if we found someone who wasn’t moving. We practised shouting for help, listening for breathing and doing chest compressions. We all did a fantastic job!

Help at home by discussing with your child all that they have learnt this week and how they can keep themselves safe.

Summer 2: Week 6 Safety Week

Posted on Friday 12 July 2024 by Kay Lowry

This week has been learning all about safety.

The children have been learning all about staying safe online, people who help us and staying safe around animals.

We have been lucky enough to have lots of visitors this week too.

During the week, we had a visit from two of our local police officers. They we able to help us identify who we need to speak to if an adult asks us for help. They also showed us some of the special equipment they use in order to keep themselves safe.

A person from our local dog’s trust came to talk to us about being safe around dogs. They taught us the five rules to stay safe around them.

We were also lucky enough to be taught some martial arts this week too.


During maths this week, we have been looking at time. We have been identifying  why we need to tell the time and what different things we can use to tell it. The children have enjoyed timing eachother to do different activities.


Please can all children bring a bag in on Thursday 18th July so that they can take their school books home.

Martial Arts!

Posted on Friday 12 July 2024 by Miss Birch

We can use martial arts as self defence!

Check us out…

Safety Week!

Posted on Friday 12 July 2024 by Miss Birch

This week is a themed week all about staying safe in lots of different areas of life. We’ve had learning based around safety at home and visitors in talking about safety around water, online, animals and on the road.

Have a look at what we’ve been up to in Year 3:

Water Safety

Rivers and Canals Trust and RNLI spoke to us about safety around different types of water. We must if we or someone else is in trouble:

  • Call for help
  • Do not climb in the water
  • Stay calm
  • Float like a starfish

Offline and Online Safety

The police discussed hate crime – any crime committed against someone because of race, gender, relationships, disability and/or religion. This includes the words we use!  We must treat others how we wish to be treated.

This is the same while we’re online too. Our digital footprints are something we need to think about as these could affect us years later. Not everything that we see online is or true fact so we must be critical users and tell a trusted adult if you’re unsure or you feel unsafe!

Safety at Home

Home should be a safe and comfortable place to be but there are things that can be risky or unsafe. We identified things that could be unsafe and how we can make good choices around them! For example:

The kitchen has things that can be hot (ovens, kettles) or sharp (knives) but when we’re with a trusted adult, they can help us stay safe when we’re helping cook.

We then had visitors in to talk to us about different bacteria (the good and the bad). We saw how bacteria transfers from one thing to another and how to wash our hands thoroughly. Help at home: Sing happy birthday twice while washing your hands!

First Aid

First aid training is super important for the children as they can use this process if something were to happen to someone they are with.
1. Check if they are awake.

2. Call for help!

3. Check if they’re breathing.

4. Call 999.

5. Do CPR – 30 chest press and 2 breaths.

Road Safety

Road safety is essential whether you are walking, cycling or in a moving vehicle! There are many things we can do to keep us and others around us safe.

  • Wear a helmet when cycling or scootering.
  • Wear a seatbelt if there is one available.
  • Stay seated if on the bus.
  • Don’t distract someone who is driving.

Travelling somewhere by being active is a great option. Not only is it better for us, mentally and physically but it’s better for the environment too!

We also had a go at checking speed limits which was harder than it seems. We had to read the speedometer, remember the number plates and note it all down as well.

Animal Safety

Dogs Trust spoke to the children about how to approach and treat dogs because not all dogs can be friendly. They have emotions and feelings like us but they can’t express them like we can. If a dog approaches us we should:

1. Keep our arms crossed.

2. Don’t make eye contact with it.

3. Let it sniff you to get to know you.

4. Ask the owner if you can stroke or touch the dog.

Following these instructions will keep you and the dog safe!

Living and Learning – Safety Week

Posted on Friday 12 July 2024 by Miss Wilson

We kicked off this year’s Safety Week with an entire day devoted to road safety. This is an essential topic to learn about as we transition to high school and are becoming more independent out and about.

We discussed travelling safely and sustainably…

…and even had some time to plan our new school journeys ready for September.

We went out onto the local roads (well, pavements!) in the afternoon to put our new / refreshed skills into practice.



Staying safe week so far

Posted on Thursday 11 July 2024 by Mrs Taylor

It’s been a busy staying safe week so far in Year 2.

What’s a digital footprint with Mr McGriffiths.

The importance of wearing a helmet when riding a bike or scooter.

Did you know if you are taller than 135cm, then you don’t need to have a car seat or booster seat because you are now tall enough for your seatbelt to fit correctly on your shoulder and hips.

Dave, from d:side, spoke to us about online safety including age limits on apps and not sharing personal information online.

We recapped the NSPCC Speak out Stay safe message  and in our circle time, the children discussed how and who they would ask for help if they needed to.

Please could I talk to you…

I’m worried about something…

Could you help me with a problem…

There’s lots more staying safe learning coming up.

Help at home: talk to your child about this important learning and ask them to share the key safety messages.

Staying safe week: road safety

Posted on Thursday 11 July 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Jake, from the Leeds City Council road safety team, gave a whole school assembly all about staying safe on and around roads including different types of active travel.

Don’t forget, as part of our staying safe themed week, we are running our active travel safety competition this week.

For a chance to win one of three £10 Love2Shop vouchers, we’d love to see your active travel staying safe photos, maybe using a traffic crossing or wearing a bike helmet (send photos to Photos should be sent by 4pm on Thursday 11 July and winners will be announced on Friday 12 July.

Help at home: Jake reminded us of the green cross code. Talk to your child about what we need to remember when crossing the road.

Staying safe: online safety

Posted on Wednesday 10 July 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Louise from West Yorkshire Police gave a whole school assembly all about staying safe online.
There were lots of clear online safety messages around content, contact and conduct.

At the end of the assembly, the children reflected on what they were going to do after hearing Louise’s messages.

I am going to check my younger sisters’ Roblox settings.

I am not going to accept friend requests from people I don’t know.

I am not going to play games that have a age rating older than me.

Help at home: ask your child how content, conduct and contact are linked to online safety.