Class News

Allergen Grange Sports Day 2024

Posted on Tuesday 18 June 2024 by Miss Wilson

Some of our speedy Y5 and Y6s took part in Allerton Grange’s annual primary school sports day!

We took part in a range of events such as 200m sprint, javelin and 50m relay.

We had a brilliant morning and even managed sixth place! Well done to everyone for taking part.

We are designers!

Posted on Tuesday 18 June 2024 by Mr Roundtree

This half term in topic, we are designers.

We’re going to be design, making and evaluating a pouch! Year 4 will get to choose the purpose of their pouch; it could be a pencil case, a purse or a general pouch.

A key skill that we’ll be using to make these pouches will be sewing. We have been practising sewing using a running stich and an over stitch.

We followed these instructions:

1. First, thread the needle and tie a knot in the thread.
2. Then, complete a running stitch using your Binka fabric.
3. Finally, tie a knot at the end of the stitch and cut the excess thread.

The vocabulary for this topic can be found below:

Help at home by asking your child to define what a product is.

Spelling list for 3.2

Posted on Tuesday 18 June 2024 by Mr Roundtree

This half-term, our spellings are linked to the rules and strategies we’ll be learning in class:

  • alternative graphemes: tion, sion, ssion, cian
  • alternative graphemes: i, ie, y, i-e
  • homophones: he’ll, heel, plain, plane, groan, grown, rain, rein, reign
  • alternative graphemes: sc
  • spelling patterns: que
  • alternative graphemes: u spelled ou

Each Friday, you’ll be tested on 8 of the words from the list below.

he’ll scenery bicycle mosque enough
heel decide possession direction mission
describe plain height surprise fascinate
league plane scissors increase magician
exercise fatigue groan unique country
guide confusion grown rain science
passion tongue fraction rein rogue
picturesque politician optician reign rough

Production: Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits!

Posted on Tuesday 18 June 2024 by Miss Goswami

Hi everybody!

Please make sure you bring your costumes and props outlined in last week’s letter to school no later than Friday 21st June, in a named plastic bag. If you don’t have any of the items listed for your role, please let an adult in Year 5 or Year 6 know before this Friday.

Keep practising your lines at home and get into the character you are portraying!

Thanks everyone!

PE: Tennis

Posted on Tuesday 18 June 2024 by Miss Goswami

This half term our focus sport is Tennis. So far, we have practised our throwing, catching, serving and striking skills. Year 5 are now trying to hit a moving object with accuracy.

Today, we played hand tennis to help with our hand-eye coordination. The children also had time to explore with a ball and racket each. Our challenge is to improve our ‘keepy-uppies’ score. At the end of the lesson, we moved on to tennis football, where the children had to hit the ball into each other’s goals whilst the defenders stopped the ball with their racket.

Help at home: Go outside and practise throwing and catching with a tennis ball. Or, why not try our ‘keepy-uppies’ challenge? What’s your best score?

England Schools’ Swimming Association Primary Team Championships

Posted on Sunday 16 June 2024 by Mrs Taylor

This weekend, our Year 5 and 6 swimmers took part in this prestigious national finals event at Ponds Forge, Sheffield after recently qualifying in the North East regional heat.

Competing against schools from all over the country from Westminster to Guernsey to Devon, and with tough competition, all the team put in 100% in their mixed stroke and freestyle races. For some of our swimmers, this was their first experience of competitive swimming. We are very proud of how well all the children represented Moortown with such a great, supportive team spirit.

A huge thanks go to parents for their support with the team over the two events.

Races can be watched back on the following link.

1:08:00 lane 2 mixed stroke

2:40:50 lane 7 freestyle


PE: Tennis skills

Posted on Friday 14 June 2024 by Mrs Lake

This half term, Year 2 are learning the fundamental movement skills associated with tennis. Throughout the half term, we will be doing individual racket and ball activities and learning different skills. We have also started doing some partner activities; rolling and bouncing balls in and out of hoops, serving into a hoop and striking the ball on the floor to their partner with the tennis racket.



Help at home by talking about the skills your child is learning and practice hitting a ball with a tennis racket.


Design and Technology: Textiles

Posted on Friday 14 June 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

This half term we are learning all about Design and Technology and we will be sewing our own hand puppet! We are very excited to get going. Yesterday, we started practising our stitching skills by using the sewing cards. We had to thread our needle and tie a knot in the end. This took great resilience and perseverance but everybody did a brilliant job and kept on trying. Once the needle was threaded, we began to sew. We practised  both the overstitch and the running stitch and we were all very proud of ourselves!

Here is the vocabulary we will be learning about in this topic.

Help at home by looking over the vocabulary and discussing each word with your child.

Summer 2: Week2

Posted on Friday 14 June 2024 by Kay Lowry


During PE this week, the children have been developing their racket skills.

They have been learning how to control a ball on a racket and developing their technique of hitting the ball to a target.


This week in maths, we have been looking at what 5 needs in order to make numbers. For example, 5 needs 3 to make 8.

Help at home: by giving your child a number that is between 5-10. Ask them what 5 needs in order to make that number.


During topic this week, we have been comparing the city to the seaside.

The children were able to list some things that they might find at the seaside and some things that they might find in the city.


We have been focusing on forming the letters c, o, a, d and g this week.

Help at home: by practising these with your children. These can be done with chalk, in sand, using coloured pencils or pens.

Design and Technology – I can sew using a needle and thread.

Posted on Thursday 13 June 2024 by Miss Birch

In Year 3, we’re going to be design, making and evaluating a pouch! This pouch can be for whatever purpose that the children choose. It could be a pencil case, a coin purse or a general pouch.

A key skill that we’ll be using to make these pouches will be sewing. Some of us had sewed before but many of us hadn’t.

We followed these instructions:

1. First, thread the needle and tie a knot in the thread.
2. Then, complete a running stitch using your binka fabric.
3. Finally, tie a knot at the end of the stitch and cut the excess thread.

The children worked so hard to be precise with their sewing and their running stitches look fantastic! More confident sewers were helping their friends and all worked together. Have a look at some of our outcomes:

One of the trickiest parts was tying the knots in the thread. Help at home by practising tying knots in a piece of string or even learning how to tie shoelaces! These fine motor skills will be really beneficial for the children.