Class News

New topic: ‘Food’

Posted on Thursday 21 April 2016 by Mr Catherall

This week, we have started a new topic: ‘Food‘. Before the Easter holidays, every child in Year 6 suggested a topic they would like to explore. After creating a shortlist, the children voted and decided on ‘Food‘.

So far, we’ve focused on the geography of the food we eat: where some foods originate from; how they travel to our plates; and why some foods are imported while some are produced here in the UK.

We’re excited to explore this topic further and will keep you updated about all our food-related learning.

You can help at home by (amongst other things!):

  • discussing the origin of the foods you eat at home
  • looking at the food packaging together and making sense of some of the information you are given
  • discussing why some foods might be grown in specific countries
  • discussing how foods are advertised and how this might affect us as consumers
  • encouraging your child to think about the choices they make when choosing food to eat (are they healthy choices?)

Moortown PE kit

Posted on Thursday 21 April 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Has your child recently taken part in a sporting event wearing one of our Moortown polo tops?

If so, please could you ensure it is returned to the office asap to ensure we have all tops available for our next sporting events.

polo shirt

Under the sea

Posted on Wednesday 20 April 2016 by Mrs Taylor

A few more pictures from a great day at The Deep.

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We had a whale of a time!

Posted on Wednesday 20 April 2016 by Mrs Wood


Rocket seeds

Posted on Wednesday 20 April 2016 by Mr Roundtree

You may have seen on Newsround recently that many schools have received some seeds from outer space; we are one of those schools! Today, Year 5 were set the very important challenge of planting our schools ‘red’ and ‘blue’ seeds.

Each school has received two sets of seeds (red and blue); one lot is from space and the other are plain old Earth seeds. We don’t know which one is which but we’ve planted both and so begins our experiment to find out: will seeds grow if they’ve been cultivated in space?


This is a six week experiment through which we’re required to observe, record, measure and question – all essential scientific skills. Although Year 5 have planted them, children from across the school will be involved in looking after and monitoring them throughout the project. We’ll keep you updated as the seeds grow and let you know which ones we think are from space.

Which do you think?

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Lights… camera…action…

Posted on Wednesday 20 April 2016 by Mr Roundtree

Before the holidays, Year 5 were asked what they’d like their next topic to be about. Obviously we had lots of ideas which covered all of our different interests:

  • food
  • film
  • sport
  • mythology
  • technology

After Miss Rushbrooke narrowed down the selection to just four, we voted on which topic we’d most like to learn about and the one with most votes became our first topic for the Summer term. Film snatched it and so we have begun our ‘Lights…Camera…Action…’ topic.

The children ‘oood’ and ahhhhd’ when they walked in on Tuesday afternoon to find many interesting and unknown objects to explore and question.


We identified what we could see, thought about what they might do and wondered who made them; when they were made; and whether they still worked now.

We then went on to look at how films began by making some optical toys which were the foundations of the technology to transform still pictures into moving ones.

It’s been a fantastic start to the topic with many more exciting things to come!


Posted on Wednesday 20 April 2016 by


Today, we have been creating algorithms using scratch. We wrote a code to manipulate a sprite. Why not ask your child what a sprite is?

What do children learn through cooking?

Posted on Tuesday 19 April 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Year 3 have continued to develop their food technology skills in our session today.

Cooking is always a popular lesson and here is a recent article about its benefits.
year3 2year3

Free tennis

Posted on Saturday 16 April 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Tennis For Kids is a free 6-week coaching course packed full of action packed games and activities designed as the perfect introduction to tennis for kids aged 5-8.

Courses are available locally at Roundhay Park tennis courts and Alwoodley tennis club.


In addition, free family open days will be running locally, at David Lloyd and Roundhay Park, over the next few

KS2 Tuesday tuck shop

Posted on Saturday 16 April 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Our weekly fruit tuck shop returns on Tuesday 26 April.

As an incentive for selecting the pre-pay option, we continue to offer you one week free. Therefore, for the Summer term, the cost for one portion of fruit from 26 April to 12 July 2016 inclusive (11 weeks) is £2.00 (10 x 20p) and the cost for two portions is £4.00 (10 x 40p). Please note that if you choose to pay in advance, your payment is non-refundable and must be made in cash with the exact money.

If you prefer your child to continue paying in cash on a weekly basis, that’s fine – we’ll continue to operate this system.  Each portion costs 20p.

If you would like to pay in advance for your child to visit the tuck shop, please provide money to the office as soon as possible.

KS2 fruit tuck shop takes place every Tuesday morning playtime.