Class News

Merry Christmas to all…

Posted on Friday 18 December 2015 by Mr Roundtree

‘Twas the first term of Y5, and all has been well
Not a child has been slacking, not even Isabelle;
The maths has been mastered by Emre with care,
In PE, Malique has launched balls through the air;
Natalia tries hard to learn all words anew,
And Addam can also remember a few;
Keiron and Jorja and Luke filled their heads,
With knowledge of space that got them out of their beds;
Ava loved Malham, Ben and Dominic too,
Adwait loves puzzles, that much is true;
When out on the playground, Raj makes such a clatter,
Ebonnie, Indi and Grace love a natter;
Away with the knowledge of stories is  Mia,
And Kostas and Haider and Sarah and Riya;
When to our wondering eyes, great writing he shows us,
A fantastic report about Tim Peake from Moses,
With a little time telling from Talha and Frankie,
and Jack now writes sentences that are really quite swanky;
Owen and Zaiyad code and do shout,
“Now Word!  now, Scratch! now Raspberry Pi come on out!”
Aleena tackles numbers without any fear,
As do Manya, Naran and Subbi with cheer;
So off home you all go, get out of my sight,
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Have a happy holiday!

Posted on Friday 18 December 2015 by Mr Wilks

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my first term in Year 2 and have been really impressed with how hard the children have worked and the progress they have made. Here’s an A to Z guide to my first term…

  • Ahmed has impressed me with his curiosity in science lessons.
  • Aisha was a marvellous Whoops-A-Daisy Angel.
  • Alexander has shown an excellent, mature attitude to his learning
  • Alexandra did brilliantly to take on two roles in the production at very short notice.
  • Arundeep has shown that he is an excellent mathematician.
  • Ben has shown he understands how to use a range of punctuation in his writing.
  • Byron also really impressed me in science lessons.
  • Charles really impressed me with how mature he was when talking about his learning with Mr Roundtree and me.
  • Daniel has impressed me in reading, writing and maths this term.
  • Eleni has shown great enthusiasm in everything she does.
  • Eliza’s reading and especially her comprehension skills have been really excellent this term.
  • Enas has been a really positive, smiley presence in the classroom.
  • Eve is a great SEAL role model in the class. She’s a very kind and caring class member.
  • Evie’s spelling has been a highlight for me. She’s a walking dictionary!
  • Finlay’s artistic skills are brilliant.
  • Gurnoor’s smile and laugh have been ever-present this term.
  • Kirsten is another person who has done very well in reading, writing and maths lessons.
  • Kismat really impressed me with her reading comprehension skills.
  • Maggie really impressed Mrs Taylor with her understanding of SEAL concepts.
  • Manpreet has shown that she is a confident mathematician.
  • Natasha’s learning in maths has also been great this term.
  • Nayaab’s readiness to learn has been a model to everyone in the class.
  • Poppy has impressed in all subjects but did especially well in a recent maths assessment.
  • Rabiya’s progress in reading and spelling has been fantastic.
  • Sam works very hard in all lessons. His handwriting is particularly impressive.
  • William’s ability to explain his reasoning in maths lessons has been excellent.
  • Zakariya’s progress with his handwriting has been superb.
  • Zara’s focus in lessons has really improved and I’ve been particularly pleased with her writing.
  • Zidaan’s creative homeworks have often stood out this term when we’ve reviewed them as a class.

Finally, a massive well done to Laila who has made amazing progress this term. The improvements in her reading and writing have been amazing. Well done!

I hope you have a lovely holiday and I look forward to seeing you in the New Year!




Happy holidays!

Posted on Thursday 17 December 2015 by Mrs Wood

We have come to the end of our first term!

Can you believe how quickly time has flown?

I am sure you will agree that the children have settled well and become happy, confident learners. We are proud of them all!

Well done, Eessa, for becoming more confident and Hashim for trying different foods. We have enjoyed seeing Jai and Lewis learn to blend and watching Amrit M gain confidence with her numbers. Thank you, Harman and Vedant, for your lovely manners. Well done, Jack and Amrit S, for gaining confidence with their writing. Edris, Evie and Aadil have impressed us with their extra learning at home – we enjoy the things you bring in to show us. Tanvi and Betty have been good friends – helping a new child settle. Sahar joined us this month and has become a great addition to our class.  Thank you, Avraj and Leah, for being cheerful and positive members of the class. Sam, Da’wud and Madison have impressed us with their independent writing.  We have loved the models James and Sohrab have been busy designing. Thank you, Sukhmani, for your ideas and input into our spider topic. Billy, Klara and Harpreet have been designing board games in the maths area and teaching other children how to play them. Well done, Christina and Simran, for your enthusiasm and Sasha and Matilda for entertaining us with their singing!

Have a great holiday and a happy new year.

See you next term!

Creative Homeworks

Posted on Wednesday 16 December 2015 by Mr Wilks

Below are the 8Rs of learning homeworks that the children chose as their favourites. 


Egg update

Posted on Wednesday 16 December 2015 by Mr Wilks

End of week 3:







Fruit Shoot


Coca Cola


Egg update

Posted on Wednesday 16 December 2015 by Mr Wilks

End of week 2:







Fruit Shoot


Coca Cola


Egg update

Posted on Wednesday 16 December 2015 by Mr Wilks

End of week 1:







Fruit Shoot


Coca Cola


Swimming returns on 12 January

Posted on Monday 14 December 2015 by Mrs Taylor

A reminder there is no swimming tomorrow or for the first week of next term.  The next swimming session therefore will be on Tuesday 12 January.

At the play session last week, it was great to see all the children in the big pool showing great confidence in the water.

Following our Health themed week, it was also noticeable to see the increase in healthier snacks for after swimming with some children bringing fruit they had purchased from the tuck shop earlier in the day. Please also ensure your child has a water bottle at school (in addition to one in a packed lunch) to take to swimming.

In case you get chance to go swimming over the holidays, Leeds Let Get Active offers free swimming sessions at local leisure centres.

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Den building

Posted on Monday 14 December 2015 by

Our mini topic over the last three weeks has been The Village that Vanished by Anne Grifalconi. In this African folk tale, a village escapes from a group of slavers by dismantling their village and hiding deep in a forest. Today, we had a go at creating our own village with “Chris the Den Man” and made it vanish. Here are the finished results (before the village vanished!).WP_20151214_14_20_10_Pro WP_20151214_14_20_29_Pro WP_20151214_14_20_46_Pro WP_20151214_14_21_50_Pro

Latest competitions

Posted on Sunday 13 December 2015 by Mrs Taylor

We’ve had a busy end to the term with two recent competitions.

Firstly, our Year 5 and 6 cross country teams braved the elements in traditional cross country weather to take part in the Leeds North East competition at Cardinal Heenan.  Despite the conditions, all the children were keen to compete and a special well done to Gloria, finishing 14th in her race.

cross country 2cross country 3cross country 4

Back indoors was the second round of the Sports Hall Athletics competition at Roundhay School. Unfortunately we didn’t progress to the next round but the children never gave up and there were lots of cheering and encouragement to support the team.  Well done to all children who took part.  They’ve learnt lots of new track and field events in the process.

We certainly looked the part with our new school polo shirts and hooded tops purchased by the PTA.

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