Breaking news from Y6 PE lessons
As you know, we are learning PE and basketball in PE with a twist. Here, two of the six journalists explain how their teams are doing so far.
Linda explains:
In recent PE lessons, we have learnt lots which makes it difficult for me to know where to start. Ah, I believe I need to do some explaining so I guess I will start from the beginning when Mr Catherall put us in groups…
It was just a normal day of working hard at school. We had done everything planned: maths, English, reading and break time. After all that work, we were heading out for lunch when Mr Catherall explained that we were going to be put in groups and would be teaching ourselves PE (basketball and rugby). We’re learning rugby because the Rugby World Cup is happening in England at the moment. Don’t panic though – of course we still have support from our teacher regularly.
Another journalist, Ravinder, wrote:
In PE we are doing rugby. However, we are in charge of our own lessons. We are in teams of five people. Our team is made up of: a skills coach (Zack), a physio (Lanas), a captain (Oliver), an equipment manager (Simran) and a journalist (Ravi). Last lesson, Zack did especially well as the skills coach. He was teaching our group and came up with some good games. Lanas also did a great warm up which included a pulse-raiser and stretches.
Ask your child how their team is getting in. Do they think their teamwork skills are improving? Why?
Holiday history
We’ve been comparing beach holidays from the Victorian age to holidays now. There are a lot of things which have changed but even more that have stayed the same. Check out our Venn diagrams…
More great Creative homework
Last week’s homework has filled the classroom with Lego.
I can design a Lego mosaic/model.
Some of us chose to design a model for a First News competition commemorating the Queen becoming the longest reigning monarch.
Some of us chose to design a model linked to the Holidays topic.
Well done, Year 5. Keep it up.
More number bonds!
7 and 3 makes 10, shown on a ten frame. Make one of these at home to support your child to remember number bonds to ten… you could use coins instead of counters.
We can show this using a ‘part,part,whole’ picture.
We enjoyed working out how many pegs were hidden behind the board!Again – do this at home – all you need are ten clothes pegs and one coat hanger, then slide some pegs to one side, the rest to the other and then create a ‘number sentence’ like 4+6=10.
A snapshot of the homework from last week
We all really enjoyed looking at each other’s homework last week. Well done to Year 1 for putting in lots of effort! Here is a selection of very creative homework…
I really liked how this homework used real sand and pebbles!
My favourite aspect of this homework was the pictures of different types of holidays around the edge of the island.
Maths today
Today, we looked at representing number bonds to 10 in a different way. When children apply their knowledge in new situations it really cements that learning. We want Year 1 to be fluent in their number bonds to 10 as they form a solid base for moving onto more complex mathematics.
The National Curriculum aims for pupils to ‘become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.’
You can support your child’s learning by practising number bonds to 10 at home, aiming for rapid recall – using your fingers to practise works!
Number bonds to 10
Today, we were investigating number bonds to 10 using Numicon. Keep a look out for more posts this week showing different ways to show our number bonds to 10.
In PE this half-term, we’re learning rugby and basketball skills through a model for teaching called Sport Education.
Each child is placed in a team and has a specific role. Ask your child if they are the journalist, the skills coach, the physio, the captain or the equipment manager.
Also, ask them how learning PE in this way differs to the way they might’ve been taught previously.
PE days
Just a quick reminder: if the day starts with a T then Year Three have PE.
Tuesday is swimming and Thursday is dance this half term.