Class News

Summer 2: week4

Posted on Friday 28 June 2024 by Kay Lowry


We have been practising our races for sports day again this week. The children are really enjoying using the different equipment and developing new skills!


This week’s book is called Clean Up. It is about a girl called Rocket who cleans up the beach whilst on holiday. It has inspired the children to clean up our school. They have been proud litter pickers picking up any rubbish that they find and using it to make creations in the classroom. They have been using the word of the week (pollution) whilst discussing what they have been doing and why.

Help at home: by using our word of the week with your child.


This week we have been discovering bonds to 5. The children have been making these and using the sentence stem:

5 is made from …. and …..

…. and …. combine to make 5

We have also been singing lots of songs including five little speckled frogs to consolidate this learning.


Next week is a busy week. We have sports day, meet the teacher, our school trip and the summer fair.

KS1 and KS2 Olympic Event

Posted on Thursday 27 June 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Today, a group of KS1 and Year 5/6 pupils took part in the East & North East Leeds Well School Partnership KS1&2 ‘Olympic’ Event at Leeds Beckett University.

Our KS1 children completed a 10-station skills circuit carousel on the pitch in the middle of the track while our KS2 children took part in athletic track and field events.

Well done to all the children for giving 100% in all of the activities and learning new skills in such a great sporting setting.

It was really fun and we got to do a mixture of events. There was something for everyone.

I thought all the activities were really good. My favourite was the skipping.

We had chance to run around the big track.

It was all about having fun and cheering on your team.

Armley Mills Industrial Museum

Posted on Thursday 27 June 2024 by Miss Birch

Year 3 and 4 visited Armley Mills Industrial Museum today! The museum was full of amazing, old machines that get wool from a sheep, ready to weave into fabric.

Each class had a weaving workshop where they carded wool to make it smooth and straight. This was done by hand or in the later years, there were machines for this!  Back in Victorian times, children as young as 7 were working on the machines… We decided that we’d much rather be in school learning than doing this!

We then saw a huge old spinning machine that helps to get the wool thin and looking like string or thread. It was very loud. The song, “wind the bobbin up” was explained as the wool is spun around one!

Finally, we had a go at weaving ourselves. There is a weft which goes left to right and a warp that goes top to bottom. The children weaved their fabric in and out to create some beautiful weaves!

We also spent some time outside in the garden getting some fresh air and exploring the other levels to the museum. We saw machines for sewing, projecting and banking. Very impressive!

Help at home by watching this BBC Bitesize video about weaving.



Living and Learning – RSE

Posted on Thursday 27 June 2024 by Miss Wilson

This week, Y6 have been learning about RSE – Relationships and Sex Education.

We learnt about the scientific process of conception, what happens during pregnancy and what consent means.

As always, our sessions were framed around families, responsibility and respect.

Here are some quotes from our Y6 children after our learning:

“I knew a lot from chats at home but I found it really useful to go over it. I’ve read books but it was so good to be able to ask questions.”

“I was confused about a lot of this stuff before but now I feel much more confident.”

“Some of this learning was a bit funny but I found it really helpful.”

“No means no.”

Moortown’s super skippers

Posted on Wednesday 26 June 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Today, Year 2 took part in the Skipping School KS1 festival at Leeds Trinity University against four other Leeds schools.

The children have been learning lots of individual and group skipping skills and today it was great to see just how much the children have progressed.

We were lucky enough to win some awards for the following events.

After all the points (skips) were added up, the winning school was announced…

We were so excited and proud to hear we had won!

A huge well done to all the children for fantastic determination, resilience and team work. They have worked so hard by practising in PE, at lunchtime and playtime, at skipping after-school club and even at home!

We looked super smart in our new KS1 PE tops too.

Skipping is amazing because it gives us exercise.

I really liked learning new skips at the festival.

It’s all been fun and it is good for your mental health.



Posted on Wednesday 26 June 2024 by Alice Needham

Yesterday, 10 children from Year 3 and 4 went on a trip into Leeds to visit Waterstones!

The children all chose a book to take home and we had great fun looking at all the different choices that were available.

Take a look at some of the books that we chose below! Have you/would you like to read them?


Science: We are biologists!

Posted on Wednesday 26 June 2024 by Miss Goswami

In our next science unit, we are biologists. Biology is the study of living things.

In this week’s lesson, we dissected a flower called Alstroemeria. We labelled the different parts and discussed which of them make up the male and female reproductive systems. Have a look at our work:

Help at home: Label the different parts of the flower.

Flower Parts

Living and Learning: Relationships

Posted on Tuesday 25 June 2024 by Miss Goswami

Over the past 3 weeks, we have had a plethora of RSE lessons covering a range of topics. This week, we talked about relationships and what makes them healthy as well as families and what makes ours different and unique.

To start, we defined a relationship as “the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected” and then talked about the different relationships we have in our lives. Then, we discussed healthy and unhealthy relationships and thought about how we could support and improve them. Here are a few ideas:

  • being kind, considerate and respectful
  • being honest
  • listening to each other
  • respecting personal space, boundaries and privacy
  • accepting others’ differences

We then talked about similarities and differences between our families and focused in our why our families are important to us. Here are a few responses. Families provide:

  • love
  • care
  • support
  • food
  • shelter
  • safety

Help at home: Talk with your child about the different relationships they have.

Living and Learning – Healthy me and my body.

Posted on Monday 24 June 2024 by Miss Birch

We’ve been learning about our bodies in Year 3.

How are females and males different?

We came up with lots of ideas about how they are different but actually decided that many females and males have loads of similarities. For example; favourite colours, hobbies, hair colour.

One thing we decided that is definitely different is the body parts.

Year 3 were very mature and discussed how animals (including humans) have different bodies for different reasons. For example, females can produce milk for their young whether they are a cow or a cat.

It’s important that we know the names of our body parts and that they belong to us. We reminded ourselves of the NSPCC  pants  rule:

Help at home by naming as many body parts as possible! How many can you name?

Living and Learning – Body Image

Posted on Monday 24 June 2024 by Miss Birch

We kicked off our new topic in Living and Learning by talking about body image.

We first made a human scale in the hall to show how confident we are with different things. One side of the hall was ‘most confident’ and the opposite being ‘least confident’.  This showed us how different we all are ‘inside’.

We then thought more generally and came up with these ideas of how we’re different:

Some of these things we can’t change, could change or will change over time. Here’s what we decided!