Class News

Geography double-page spreads

Posted on Thursday 23 May 2024 by Mr Roundtree

This half term, we have been geographers.

We have been learning all about the world around us in our ‘Explorers’ Geography unit. This has included lots of learning about Venice and York and looking at their similarities and differences.

Today, Year 4 created some ‘double page spreads’ that showcased all their Geography learning from this half term. Check some examples out below!

Summer1: Week6

Posted on Thursday 23 May 2024 by Kay Lowry

On Monday, we had a very exciting day. We released our butterflies. The children have enjoyed observing the life cycle of the butterflies over the last few weeks and were happy to set them free.


This week we have been learning how to use the rekenreks. We have been subitising numbers on them aswell as making different amounts within ten.


During our English this week, we have been learning about our bodies. The children were able to say and write a fact about the human body.

Poetry Picnic

This week’s poem was called Monkey Babies. The children have enjoyed both reading and performing this poem throughout the week.


During this half term the children have been developing their ball skills. They have been practising bouncing a ball in a hoop and catching a ball that someone else has bounced to them.


Help at home: by reading lots, both to and with your child over the half term.

Living and Learning: I know that being physically active is healthy mentally and physically.

Posted on Thursday 23 May 2024 by Mr Roundtree

In Living and Learning, Year 4 have been discussing how to stay healthy mentally and physically.

Physical activity helps us to strength our muscles, develop our coordination, improve our fitness and maintain a healthy weight.

Being active also releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good – boosting your self-esteem and helping you concentrate as well as sleep well and feel better.

It is recommended that children get one hour of physical activity every day. We spent time going through a typical week and assessing whether we met the criteria each day.

It was reassuring to know that most children in our class meet this target each day – it seems some never sit still!

Help at home and ask your child when they have been active today.

We are physicists!

Posted on Thursday 23 May 2024 by Mr Roundtree

In Science, we have been learning as physicists about electricity.

The class were given a variety of components and asked to make a lightbulb light up. The children were given two wires, one cell and one lightbulb.

After much trial and error, all the groups were successful!

We discussed how we would stay safe when handling the equipment, particularly the lightbulb as it was made of glass.

Help at home by asking your child how they stayed safe when we did this experiment.

Living and Learning: physical health and fitness

Posted on Wednesday 22 May 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Our latest Living and Learning sessions have been all about the importance of physical activity and how we need to keep active to keep our bodies and our minds healthy.

The NHS guidance states that children and young people should  ‘aim for an average of at least 60 minutes (30 minutes in school and 30 minutes out of school) of moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity a day across the week’.

We know that the exercise we need to do to achieve this, should increase our heart rate, make us breathe harder and make us feel warmer.

We thought about how we manage to achieve our active 30 minutes during the school day.

Wake Up Shake Up

PE sessions

running, skipping and playing tig at playtimes

playing in the MUGA at lunchtime play

Go Noodle, Supermovers and active counting in class

jogging around the playground for brain breaks

Then, we shared ideas as to how we achieve the 30 active minutes outside of school.

travelling to and from school in an active way

after-school physical activity clubs

practising gymnastics


playing football

going for a jog

going on a bike ride


martial arts


Help at home – try a new physical activity out of school. Use our physical activity guide for some ideas. Encourage your child to practise some skipping ready for our skipping festival (skipping ropes are available to buy from class for £3).

Living and Learning – I know the importance of a balanced diet.

Posted on Wednesday 22 May 2024 by Mr Roundtree

Year 4 have been discussing how we can make sensible choices that help our bodies stay healthy.

One way we can help our bodies stay healthy is having a balanced diet. This means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions. 

We discussed our own diets and whether they are balanced or not. Here are some questions for you to discuss with your child at home:

Have we eaten five portions of fruit and vegetables today?

Have we eaten enough protein today from meat or other sources?

Here’s a guide to the amounts of food we should be having:

Help at home: Can you plan your next meal using these proportions to help you?

Y6 met Martin Brown!

Posted on Wednesday 22 May 2024 by Miss Wilson

Horrible Histories illustrator Martin Brown joined us LIVE! He talked to us about his job and his new book: Paws, Claws and Jaws.

“Anyone can draw!” said Evie. Martin was really keen to emphasise this!

The above point clearly shown by Miss Wilson’s sketches below!

Not only did we do a draw along with him…

…but he had some important messages about animals and our need to care for and respect them.

This linked really well to our Geography learning. Help at home by asking what’s the link with the paragraph above and what we’ve been learning about deforestation?



Posted on Wednesday 22 May 2024 by Mrs Taylor

This week, thirty of our Key Stage 2 pupils took part in the Brownlee Foundation Mini Triathlon event at John Smeaton. This is always a great event and it introduces the children to the elements of triathlon – a swim, a bike ride and a run.

Well done to all the children for taking part.

If your child is interested in triathlons, please see more details in our physical activity guide or have a look at this bike and run offer at the Brownlee Centre.

Editing our writing

Posted on Wednesday 22 May 2024 by Miss Wilson

Over the last two weeks, Y6 have undertaken their own writing project!

They chose everything about the writing: the content, purpose and audience – even the planning style!

Today, we edited in pairs. We read each other’s writing with a specific focus in mind. Swapping around the room, we teamed up with lots of different people to find and fix errors.

Our individual projects have created some beautifully unique and extremely well thought out writing, from poems, to reports about the French Revolution, to recounts about famous football matches.

Have a read of some of them below!

Help at home by having a go at writing several paragraphs about something really creative – but still be mindful of spelling and must dos!

Living and Learning – I know that being physically active is healthy mentally and physically.

Posted on Tuesday 21 May 2024 by Miss Birch

Over the last couple of weeks, Year 3 have been discussing how to stay healthy mentally and physically.

Physical activity helps to:

  • strength our muscles
  • develops our coordination
  • improves our fitness
  • maintain a healthy weight

We discussed our day to day lives to work out if we are being active enough. These are some opportunities we have to be active; walking to and from school, Wake Up Shake Up, PE, swimming, clubs, playtimes.

Help at home: Have a look at Uma’s day. How could she be more active? Have a look at your own day.  How can you be more active?

Physical activity helps to keep our minds healthy too. Being active releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good – boosting your self-esteem and helping you concentrate as well as sleep well and feel better.