Even more maths…
This afternoon we’ve spotted some patterns in our class novel, The Leopard’s Drum, and then created our own pattern.
Maths challenge table
Our mathematicians have been creating jungle animals / superheroes from different 2D shapes.
Just to let you know, PE in Year 2 is on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Hopefully, the weather will stay fine and we’ll be outside. This means children will need trainers and a jumper as well as their normal kit.
This term’s newsletters have been emailed and paper copies will be sent home later this week.
This year, we’ll publish the newsletters on the website, too. Here are the first half-term’s…
- Year 1 and Year 2 newsletter
- Year 3 and Year 4 newsletter
- Year 5 and Year 6 newsletter
- The whole school newsletter
Reception provide their own newsletters and lots of photos, top tips and news on their class news page.
Rugby world cup activities
As the Rugby World Cup approaches, Roundhegians are organising activities for both children and adults at their local facilities.
News from Year 1
We’ve had an exciting day today; children have shown some brilliant maths skills and others have been acting out our story ‘The Leopard’s Drum’. Can your child retell the story to you?
Just a reminder that PE is tomorrow (Tuesday) and Thursday.
Welcome to Year 3
We have had a fantastic week getting settled into our new classroom. All the children have shown an impressive attitude to learning which is great as it means we can get on with all the learning I have planned.
It has been great meeting some of you in the playground. Please feel free to pop in anytime after school if you have any questions.
Fun in maths
Having reminded ourselves of place value this week, we used all of our refreshed knowledge to play some maths games and challenge ourselves along the way.
Beanbag drop
Somebody threw the beanbags into the basket and everybody had to write down the number it made.
Then, that person took charge and asked us questions about our number. How many thousands? What is 100 more/less? What is this number rounded to the nearest 10,000?
Target challenge
We rolled a die to decide how many digits we were working with. Then, we picked a target (the greatest number, a multiple of 5, the number closest to 6000). Each person then picked a playing card for us to write into our place value grid aiming for that target. Sometimes we all won and sometimes one person had thought more carefully.
Questions dice
For this, we roll the die to make a number and then we had to roll again to choose a question. Sometimes we had to add 100, sometimes we had to take 10. It really helped us to understand what each digit was worth in that number.