Class News

‘Join our Club’ girls football

Posted on Thursday 11 June 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Fourteen of our Year 3 and 4 girls took part in the Wigton Moor ‘Join our Club’ festival at Immaculate Heart Primary. This followed a series of curriculum training sessions at school as part of the Join our Club initiative.

The festival involved three local schools, with over 60 girls taking part, providing the opportunity for the girls to play in friendly matches and demonstrate their skills.  It was great to see so many girls getting involved, especially in the heat and after a three day residential for some!  Well done to all our players.

Girls from Years 3, 4 and 5 are now invited to attend the Wigton Moor girls team trials on 28 June.



Dance at Allerton Grange

Posted on Thursday 11 June 2015 by Mrs Freeman

This morning we visited Allerton Grange High School and were taught a few dance routines by the students there. A special mention to Brandon, Edward and Matthew who all demonstrated some great moves.


Posted on Thursday 11 June 2015 by Mrs Freeman

Our topic this half term is ‘Extreme Earth‘. We’re studying how the earth is made up of different layers and tectonic plates. Our focus has been volcanoes and what causes an eruption.

Work has begun on our very own volcanoes using plastic bottles and papier mache. We had lots of fun creating these and are really looking forward to our very own eruptions later in the week.

Take a look at our progress so far.

This week we begin our new SEAL theme, Changes

Posted on Tuesday 09 June 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Following our focus on manners last week, we now begin the SEAL theme of Changes. This theme aims to equip children with an understanding of different types of change, positive and negative, and common responses to change. It aims to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in three key social and emotional aspects of living and learning: motivation, managing feelings and social skills.

The key ideas and concepts behind this theme are:

  • Change can be uncomfortable, because it can threaten our basic needs to feel safe and to belong
  • Change can also be stimulating and welcome
  • Both adults and children can experience a range of powerful and conflicting emotions as a result of change – for example, excitement, anxiety, uncertainty, loss, anger, resentment
  • Worries about change can be made worse by uncertainty, lack of information, or misinformation and lack of support from others
  • People’s responses to and ability to cope with change are very variable, and might be influenced by individual temperament, previous experience of change, and the nature of the change – chosen or imposed, expected or unexpected, within our control or out of our control
  • Some children may welcome most forms of change and dislike routine and predictability. Other children may find even small changes very difficult.

Within school, children, who are coping with or have undergone significant change, are supported in a variety of ways:

  • Our positive ethos within school
  • Support systems, from staff and peers, for children who have undergone change or who maybe new to the school
  • SEAL and circle time sessions where children feel safe to talk about their feelings
  • Class SEAL boxes for children to record any concerns
  • Preparing children wherever possible for planned changes for example, a change of class teacher, Key Stage or even school


Moortown botanists

Posted on Tuesday 09 June 2015 by Mr Roundtree

Lab coats went on yesterday as we all turned into botanists. It was time to find out once and for what plants need to grow so we set up an experiment. We planted the same seed and gave it different conditions to see which would grow and which would not.

Here are the conditions we set up:

  • soil, water, light, warmth, air
  • no soil, water, light, warmth, air
  • soil, no water, light, warmth, air
  • soil, water, no light, warmth, air
  • soil, water, light, cold place, air
  • soil, water, light, warmth, no air
We made a prediction as to whether we thought our plant would grow and why. Which do you think will grow and why do you think that?

Plant news

Posted on Tuesday 09 June 2015 by Mr Roundtree

Having planted all sorts of seeds last week, let’s see how they’re getting on. We’ve had them sat on a sunny window sill and they’ve been watered everyday.

The sunflowers have started growing very quickly but we’ve also got tomatoes shooting through the soil and some marigolds and courguette poking through too. They’ll be planted outside next week so you’ll be able to come and have a look.


Making it through the maze.

Posted on Tuesday 09 June 2015 by Mr Roundtree

We’re trying to make our way through mazes in maths by using lots of directional language.

  • forward
  • backward
  • left
  • right
  • quarter turn
  • half turn
  • three-quarter turn
  • clockwise
  • anti-clockwise
We directed each other through an obstacle course…
We also helped the penguin get through some very complicated mazes.
Carry on at home by letting your child direct you from your bed to the living room, for example, or set up an obstacle course in the garden.

Return of Leeds Sky Ride

Posted on Monday 08 June 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Join the cycling revolution in Leeds as Sky Ride returns for its third year bringing thousands of cyclists and spectators to a traffic free city centre.

The free family friendly mass-participation bike ride takes place on Sunday 14 June 10am – 3pm. Registration is now open at  and people are being encouraged to sign up fast as places are filling up.

Previous years have proved to be very successful attracting more than 8,500 people of all ages and abilities, with many more lining the streets to cheer along friends, relatives and loved ones.

For those not jumping on a bike there is plenty to get involved with thanks to the return of the “Tricks and Tunes” area featuring top DJs as well as pro BMX and mountain bikers performing jaw-dropping stunts not for the faint-hearted.

Riders can look forward to starting from the same point, on The Headrow, as cycling legends during last summer’s “Grandest of Grand Départs”. They will also pass iconic city landmarks from Leeds University to the town hall and First Direct Arena.

Riders can challenge family and friends in the Sprint Zone, experience the sensory tunnel and find out more about cycling opportunities in Leeds. Bike experts at Halfords are offering a free bike safety check to everyone who registers and will be on hand to help out with any last minute problems. Join the cycling revolution in Leeds as Sky Ride returns for its third year bringing thousands of cyclists and spectators to a traffic free city centre.

The event is one of 15 to be held nationally and is part of a continuing partnership between Leeds City Council, British Cycling, Sky and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority which aims to encourage more people to get cycling.


Getting green-fingered

Posted on Thursday 04 June 2015 by Mr Roundtree

We kicked off our Green Fingers topic this week by planting some seeds. It was really interesting to see how the seeds were different shapes and sizes and it helped us to understand where they came from. Grace liked how different the Marigold seeds were (long and thin) and Farai really wanted to try eating a sunflower seed.

Hopefully, we’re green fingered enough to keep our seeds warm, watered and with plenty of sunlight to help them grow.

Getting more skillful

Posted on Tuesday 02 June 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Today we began our six weekly coaching sessions with Leeds United.  Developing skills that can be applied to any game, we started by throwing towards a target.

Some tips were to put your opposite leg in front aiming towards the target and swinging your arm all the way through and also pointing towards the target – this helped a lot.  There were lots of accurate aiming.