Class News

Fire Safety

Posted on Tuesday 02 June 2015 by Mr Wilks

This afternoon, Rob and Steve from Moortown Fire Station talked to us about how we can ensure we stay safe if we encounter a fire.


What’s going on this week?

Posted on Monday 01 June 2015 by Mr Roundtree

Welcome back to our final term of Year 2!

This week sees the beginning of our new topic, Green Fingers. We’ll be exploring the world of plants, hoping to understand what plants need to grow and be able to name common flowers and trees. While you’re walking around, notice the plants you pass and discuss how they are different or similar to each other. We’ll be getting our hands dirty by planting lots of different seeds for us to look after until the end of the year.


As usual for the beginning of a half term, we revisit basic understanding of number. Are numbers odd or even? How many tens and how many units? Can we count confidently in 2s, 5s, and 10s? Practise at home by counting as you walk up the stairs and using tables to solve related division facts (if 4 x 5 = 20 then 20 / 5 = 4).


We’re getting bossy as we explore instructions in English. Can we follow instructions to create our own cress heads? Do we know the main features of instructions (title, what you will need, numbers, sequence of inst, diagram/picture)? Can we use these features to write own clear instructions? At home, see where we use instructions in everyday life. Do you have any recipes or Lego model guides lying around that you could discuss together?

Well done, Reception

Posted on Monday 01 June 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Well done to Reception who had the most journeys to school on foot during Walk to School Week.  Hope you enjoyed the martial arts session today as your reward.  Thanks to John, from White Rose Martial Arts, for providing the session.


SEAL Changes and manners

Posted on Monday 01 June 2015 by Mrs Taylor

As we enter our final half term, the next SEAL theme looks at Changes, starting from next week.

This week, we begin with a focus on manners and  I cover my mouth (when I cough, sneeze or yawn) is our weekly statement.

The ‘Vampire method’ can help to prevent germs spreading. By coughing or sneezing into our elbow, germs are not spread into the air or on our hands which may contaminate other things.

Here is how it’s done.

Don’t forget to ‘use your sleeve to cough and sneeze’.

Walk Leeds walking festival

Posted on Sunday 31 May 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Following our Walk to School week, Walk Leeds is a week-long walking festival from the 31 May to 07 June.

The Walks Diary lists all the walks taking place.


696 journeys on foot

Posted on Saturday 23 May 2015 by Mrs Taylor

As we come to the end of Walk to School Week, there have been 696 journeys to school on foot and the class competition was very close.

  • Reception  118
  • Year 1 107
  • Year 2 80
  • Year 3 111
  • Year 4 107
  • Year 5 100
  • Year 6 73

So, winning by just seven journeys, Reception will receive the martial arts session with John from White Rose Martial Arts, who runs one of our after-school clubs, after the half term break.

Here are some comments made by children about their journeys to school on foot:

  • ‘The walk made me feel happy and energetic.’
  • ‘We enjoyed meeting friends on the way and looking at different types of houses.’
  • ‘We felt safe because there were safe places to cross and a lolly pop lady too.’
  • ‘I felt fresh, awake and ready to learn.’
  • ‘We enjoyed talking about the day ahead.’
  • ‘There was no cost involved and we picked up litter on the way.’
  • ‘We made a difference by leaving the car at home.’
  • ‘We had fun by learning spellings and times tables.’
  • ‘It was quicker and we didn’t get stuck in any traffic.’
  • ‘We had great talking time, time to plan the day and after-school activities.’

We’re sure you’ll agree these are all great benefits of walking to school.  Have a look at our walk to school video for some more facts to persuade you to use a sustainable method of travelling to school, in turn reducing congestion at the school gates.

Well done to our Where’s Wally? competition winners, too.

Let’s hope these numbers increase over the summer months along with journeys by bike and scooter.

Too much noise in Year 1

Posted on Saturday 23 May 2015 by Mrs Weekes

Insight into the future

Posted on Saturday 23 May 2015 by Mrs Weekes

Homework of the week

Posted on Friday 22 May 2015 by Mr Wilks

Below are the previous creative homeworks of the week. Sorry for not posting earlier!






‘Who do you think you are?’ homeworks

Posted on Friday 22 May 2015 by Mr Wilks

Below are the five excellent that we chose to be our homeworks of the week:




