Fascinating fingerprints
As part of our themed week, Year 1 found our whether they had loops, arches and/or whorls on their fingerprints.
Science Day
There’s been a robbery in Year 2!
Poor Ziggy the Zebra was stolen from Year 2 on Monday night and all that was left was a ransom note. Don’t worry though – it turns out Year 2 are super-detectives and they used all of their forensic skills to get him back.
The suspects
Mr Wilks Miss Valentine Mrs Weekes
We used chromatography to work out which of our suspects pens had written the ransom note. It needed a lot of accuracy, careful handling and great listening skills.
We had the evidence ink on filter paper already. Then, we added the pens of our three suspects. Once placed in water, it travelled up the filter paper and spread the ink out so we could see what different colours each one was made up of. Each pen changed in a different way and we could see which of our suspect’s pens matched the evidence.
It was Mrs Weekes!
Super scientists
Year 1 have been biologists, physicians and chemists as part of our themed week. We can predict, question, plan, discuss our results and conclusions.
What will happen when the lemon juice invisible ink pictures are dried and placed in the oven?
Will the water and marbles stay in the bucket?
You could try these at home!
CSI Fingerprinting
Today was science day and we’ve been learning all about fingerprinting. We’ve learned that all fingerprints are different and have arches, loops or whirls.
Even identical twins have different fingerprints! However, our twins’ were incredibly close!
The Skeleton
We’ve also been learning about the skeleton this morning with students from Leeds University.
We’ve learned about the joints and how muscles work in pairs to allow us to move our bones at the joints.
CSI Fingerprinting
It’s the science day of curriculum week today and we’ve been learning about fingerprinting. We’ve learned that all fingerprints are different and that fingerprints have arches, loops or whirls.
Maths all around us
Maths can be found all around us and Year 1 completed a maths trail as part of our themed week.
- Can you find an array?
- What shape is the bench?
- What is the height of the bin?
Maths Day
As well as working with the Happy Puzzle Company, we’ve been doing lots of different maths in the classroom too.
The day started with lots of resilience to try and make our way through the maze.
We then looked at problems across lots of different areas of maths.
The day finished by looking at how musicians need to use mathematical knowledge to be able to keep a beat and read musical notes. We practised clapping in time before clapping to different musical notes. Finally, we all had an instrument and played different beats at the same time. Unfortunately, I was so busy being a composer that we don’t have any pictures but you can take my word for it – it was great!
Puzzling puzzles
Reception class and Year 1 began our current themed week with some problem solving mathematical puzzles with The Happy Puzzle Company.
With lots of teamwork, thinking skills and resilience, we enjoyed the challenge of all the puzzles.
Themed week
Today, we have been mathematicians which involved team-work, reasoning skills, adopting a systematic approach and lots of patience in order to solve some logic puzzles.