World book day!
We started the day off with an assembly to celebrate. Mr Wilks (Gangsta Granny) talked to us about how books can mean different things to people and how to spend the £1 book token. Some teachers then shared some of their favourite books.
After assembly, we then completed a book recommendation bingo. The children were able to share their favourite books with their friends.
We also had a peaceful and relaxing time, listening to music whilst we coloured in bookmarks.
Take a look at our fantastic costumes!
Help at home: Can you guess all the different characters we dressed up as? Bonus points for the authors who created the books!
This half term, computing is our topic. We have had 2 unplugged lessons where we have discussed what a computer is and what a search engine is. This week, however, we have taken to the laptops!
Year 5 had some time to explore Scratch and remind themselves where everything was and how to use it. Then, the task was to create their sprite (cartoon character or object) to walk up a set of stairs. The children showed good teamwork as they worked in pairs.
Take a look at their brilliant code!
World Book Day!
Today was World Book Day! World Book Day is a day that celebrates books and reading all over the world. This year, the children were invited to dress up as their favourite character from a book and there were some fantastic outfits! We also spent some of our day discussing our favourite books and reading. Year 3 read with the Year 1 children. Take a look at some of them!
Year 3 were great with the younger ones and earned loads of choice chips for the class. Well done!
World Book Day
We’ve had a wonderful day we’ve had celebrating World Book Day. Our classroom was full of wonderful book characters. Thank you to all the parents/carers who came to our stay and learn session this morning. It was lovely to see our classroom so busy!
World Book Day!
Today we celebrated reading in Year One! We all had an incredible time!
First thing we had an assembly lead by Gangsta Granny (aka Mr Wilks). We learnt all about the joy of reading and how we can spend our £1 book token! Some teachers also read parts from their favourite books.
After wake up shake up Year 3 came to visit and we shared some of our favourite books with them. They read to us and we read to them. It was such a wonderfully calm atmosphere.
After breaktime, we had a webinar with John Patrick Green – author of the Investigators books. We listened to how he creates the books and had a go at drawing some of the characters. The drawings were very impressive!
In the afternoon, we looked at some of the books the children had brought in to match their costumes. We loved reading all the different types of books.
Throughout the day we also read as many other books as possible. Which one was your favourite?
Help at home by discussing the activities your child has done today and looking at the free books they can buy with their £1 book token.
Leeds North East Youth Summit 2024
Today, the Year 5 and 6 Junior Leaders visited the Leeds Civic Hall to attend the North East Youth Summit. It was a great day where the children had the opportunity to meet and hear from councillors, ask questions and give their say when thinking about things we would like to change and improve about our local area.
We even got to sit in the chambers with Leeds City’s Mayor! Will asked her a question on the microphone, “How many candidates were there for mayor?” “It can depend, sometimes there are 4, 2 or even just 1!”
We were in a room with lots of other Junior Leaders from around our locality so it was great to meet them as well!
World Book Day
Today, we celebrated World Book Day!
Some of us completed some fun book-related activities…
… or just enjoyed some reading time.
Some of us created a trailer for a fantastic book using some computing skills…
… or used computing skills and our knowledge of books to create a quiz.
Sometimes reading takes me to another world. Sometimes it’s just nice to look at funny fiction or adventurous action. It’s like watching a movie but in your mind. – Javi
You get to explore new things. – Jiya
We should celebrate books to help people understand why it’s good to be a reader. – Betsy
Reading is good for your mental health and increases your knowledge. – Omar
World Book Day Stay & Learn
The classroom is all set up ready for our World Book Day stay & learn session tomorrow morning. We look forward to inviting parents and carers into our classroom. See you all tomorrow!
Living and Learning: I know we’re all the same and we’re all different
Last week, in Year 2 , we have read the book ‘Elmer’ by David McKee and considered things from another’s point of view. How might Elmer feel about being different from the other elephants? Why did Elmer want to look like the other elephants? How do the other elephants view Elmer?
Through this book, the children were able to discuss how the elephants are the same and different. We have applied this to ourselves too.
Help at home: What similarities and differences are there between all the people in you family? Encourage you child Say what they really like about someone else and why.
Our new Computing topic!
Today’s computing learning focused on the skill of selection.
“Selection means choosing different things. We use ‘If… then… else…’ in Scratch,” explained Rufus.
Our goal was to create an interactive quiz game where the sprite would react different depending on what answer was given.
Help at home by quizzing your child on this half term’s vocabulary.
Previously, we have analysed what is a computer and what isn’t by the definition that it can input, process, store and output data.
Last lesson, we used repetition to create an animation!
It’s very good because I enjoy making my own games. – Javi
It’s really interesting because I love learning about computing and how projects work. – Saif