Class News

Cross country

Posted on Wednesday 06 March 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Well done to the children who represented school at the Leeds Schools Sports Association cross country race at the weekend in typical cross country conditions!

Thank you to parents who supported and transported children to this event.

It was incredibly muddy and very cold and wet. I was really impressed (as always) with the children who ran in such tough conditions and supported each other all the way.

This was the last race of the season. However, local Park Runs continue weekly at Roundhay Park and Temple Newsam.


York Railway Museum

Posted on Tuesday 05 March 2024 by Mrs Wood

Today, Reception went on their first school trip to York Railway Museum. We enjoyed looking at the trains in The Great Hall. We particularly enjoyed sitting on the high-speed Japanese bullet train – the world’s fastest passenger rail network. We also found the replica version of Stephenson’s Rocket.

We look forward to sharing more photos in our class assembly next Wednesday.




Class assembly

Posted on Tuesday 05 March 2024 by Mrs Taylor

The children have been working hard to get ready to share their learning at our class assembly tomorrow, 6th March.

See you at 2:40pm.

We hope you enjoy it!

PE: How can we improve our performance in physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle?

Posted on Tuesday 05 March 2024 by Miss Goswami

Once again, Year 5 were joined by our visitors from the University of Leeds. This week we focused more on physical education (PE). We discussed how we can improve our performances in PE.

The three main ways are:


Children aged between 6-12 should be getting 9-12 hours of sleep every night. Here are some reasons sleep is VERY important:​

  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Improve mental health
  • Allows the body to recover and grow stronger
  • Helps us to conserve energy



Going to bed at the same time every night helps us to sleep better and feel more awake during the day.Therefore, ​we have more energy which directly improves our physical activity performance.

Our lesson then lead us on to reaction time. Did you know an adult’s average reaction time is 250 milliseconds whereas a cat’s average reaction time is 20-70 milliseconds.

We then put our reaction times to the test with a little experiment.

Help at home: Ask your child to explain the reaction time experiment or why not give it a go yourself. Also, try one of these ways to improve sleep. ​

  • Go to bed at the same time every night
  • Make sure your mattress, pillows and duvet are comfortable
  • Aim to not use devices such as phones, TVs and videogame consoles 2 hours before bed.

The Secret Garden

Posted on Monday 04 March 2024 by Miss Wilson

It was a pleasure to welcome M&M productions to perform ‘The Secret Garden’ for us. It’s a classic story (written in 1911!) about resilience and friendship. They gave it a modern twist with some familiar songs – it was very entertaining!

What a start to the week it was! Keep your eyes peeled for what we get up to on World Book Day, this Thursday.

Help at home by discussing what your child liked about the performance using the pictures above! Can your child retell the story?

We loved it!

Y2 – I really liked it because Master Colin was able to walk. He believed in himself.

Y6 – It was funny and had all the things a play should have. I’ll definitely be checking out the book from the library.

Y3 – The sign language song was cool and interesting!

Y5 – I liked the show because they had a creative way to change the scene. They had a great voice projection.

Reading records: Draw it!

Posted on Sunday 03 March 2024 by Mr Roundtree

Check out some super ‘Draw It’ activities from Year 4’s reading records!

Help at home by making sure your child’s reading record is accompanied by a comment from an adult. Thank you!

Living and learning: internet safety

Posted on Sunday 03 March 2024 by Mr Roundtree

In Year 4, we know how to stay safe online.

During internet safety day, Year 4 thought particularly about the statement: I know it’s important to check with a trusted adult before sharing personal information online.

Personal information is any information about who you are.

Websites and apps can collect our personal information and data and use it to provide services to us. For example, a website might need your address if they are delivering something you have ordered online.

We need to keep this information safe whilst online. We must always speak to a trusted adult before sharing any information online.

Help at home: Can you think of an example of a piece of personal information that you should keep private?

Guided Reading Week 2

Posted on Saturday 02 March 2024 by Miss Goswami

Here are the target pages for this week’s guided reading. These need to be read by Friday 8th March:

Divine Freaks: up to chapter 9/page 95.

Street Child: up to chapter 14/page 119.

How To Train Your Dragon: up to chapter 7/page 83.

The Considine Curse: up to chapter 9/page 70.

Extra Time: up to chapter 18/page 80.

The London Mystery Eye: up to chapter 16/page 117.

Spring 2: Week 2

Posted on Friday 01 March 2024 by Mrs Wood

This week, we’ve been reading The Hundred Decker Rocket by Mike Smith.

This story has a very important message about keeping our planet clean. We watched a video about the 3 Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle. After watching the video, we thought about what we could do to look after our planet.

Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog (it’s along the play bar) and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip
after clip.

Put rubbish in bins.
Respect our planet.
Don’t leave rubbish on the beach because it could hurt our animals.
Put garden rubbish in the brown bin.
Reuse our water bottles.
Take old clothes and toys to a charity shop.

For our writing, we used our imaginations to design new decks for a rocket.
Yesterday, we watched a video of first moon landing and looked at some rockets from the past.
Help at home: Watch and talk about the above video again at home.

This week, we used our artistic skills to do an observational drawing of a bunch of tulips.
Help at home: Choose an object to draw at home.

Morning activity
Every morning, Reception have a go at doing a writing activity before phonics. They particularly like it when there’s an interesting picture on the board for them to write about.

Help at home: Write a sentence about the above picture. Don’t forget to check your sentence.

Take a look at some of this week’s space chilli challenges…

Poetry picnic
Pop, pop, pop went the popcorn! We hope you enjoy watching this week’s poem as much as we did learning it.

School trip
We’re very excited about our first school trip to the National Railway Museum next Tuesday!

What will my child need?

  • Rucksack
  • Packed lunch
  • Water bottle
  • Suitable coat




Posted on Thursday 29 February 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

This afternoon in PE we had a Yoga session. We started with some calm breathing exercises which made us feel relaxed and peaceful. We then learnt some of the Yoga poses: warrior I, warrior II, triangle and twisting dragon. It was difficult at times to hold our balance but we were getting much better the more we practised. After getting the hang of each pose, we put the poses together to make a flow. We moved from warrior I into warrior II and then down to triangle. It took lots of control and patience to move from one pose to the another. We ended the session with a guided meditation which was so calming. I was very impressed with the children’s focus and engagement.

Help at home by asking your child to show you some of the poses from today’s lesson.