Class News

Happy holiday!

Posted on Friday 29 March 2013 by Mr Wilks

It’s been a great term with lots of fabulous learning. Here are some of my highlights:

  • Lanas has made lots of progress with her reading.
  • Molly has made super progress in literacy and maths.
  • Ravinder has had a brilliant term and is excellent at explaining his learning and applying it in different ways.
  • Jennifer showed off some excellent sewing skills when we made the hand puppets.
  • Lennox and Isabella were chosen as our new school councillors.
  • Pavan and Zachary have really impressed me with their hard work and determination in all lessons.

The Year 3 and 4 production was brilliant and all the children in the class made an important contribution. However, I was especially impressed by Bailey and Ethan’s acting skills.

Have a great holiday. See you in two weeks!

Super Science Day!

Posted on Thursday 28 March 2013 by Mr Wilks

My task during Super Science Day was to make slime by causing a chemical reaction to happen between different materials. The children worked brilliantly together to make some pretty disgusting, gooey slime!











Alien hand puppets

Posted on Thursday 28 March 2013 by Mr Wilks

Last Friday afternoon, we were supposed to have our science themed day but because of the snow it was postponed. Instead, we learned how to sew by making alien hand puppets. Some children found it quite relaxing and enjoyed it. However, some found it really frustrating! Fortunately, we all persevered and everyone made and decorated a puppet.










Spring has sprung!

Posted on Thursday 28 March 2013 by Mrs Weekes

Spring has sprung…well it’s supposed to have done.

Even though spring is not quite here, Year 1 have been springing all term and have made a lot of progress. The learning continues to impress us along with the changes we are seeing in attitudes and general behaviour. Here are some of the changes we have seen this spring term:

  • Abdullah and Pohnum are trying to be much more independent
  • Daanyaal and Abigail are making fantastic progress in maths
  • Matteo, Nico, Hibba, Harry and Pippa are impressing us with their use of phonics
  • Archie, Owen and Elias have been learning some new art skills
  • Megan has found a new talent: creating art using photos
  • Grace and Oliver have become our new school councillors and have already been to a few meetings
  • Handwriting is no longer a chore for Zach and Enya – we’ve seen a massive improvement
  • Noah and Aleena have noticeably improved their listening skills while Sam and Stan have taken on more responsibility
  • Neive and Hannan showed some great writing skills when writing instructions (Neive was allowed to be bossy!)
  • Well done to Matthew: he has improved his spelling scores this term
  • Pavan and Saleem have made excellent contributions to our SEAL lessons showing how we should think about other people
  • Isobel, Edward and Nishaan have started to take ‘safe risks,’ meaning that they are contributing more and not so worried about making mistakes

As you can see, we’ve been very busy this term. Have a relaxing holiday and come back for more learning on 15 April.

Super Science Day Talk Time

Posted on Wednesday 27 March 2013 by Mr Roundtree

We don’t normally set specific homework tasks in the holidays, but we encourage you to spend some time discussing the nine science activities your child will have taken part in, especially considering what they have learnt. The learning objectives were:

  • I know that dyes are made up of other colours
  • I know why objects float
  • I can create a gas with a solid and a liquid
  • I know that static electricity creates a charge
  • I know about irreversible changes
  • I know the effects of a chemical reaction
  • I know what exercise does to my body
  • I am aware of acids and alkalis
  • I know what happens when you mix water with oil

Check out the pictures from the day to help jog your child’s memory of each activity… Can they match the learning objective to the photo?


More Super Science Day

Posted on Tuesday 26 March 2013 by

Is it magic? No! We learnt that opposite charges attract so the balloon’s negative charge is attracted to positive charges on clothes, hair and walls. This is what makes them stick to each other.


Super Science Day

Posted on Tuesday 26 March 2013 by

We used static electricity to make the can roll without touching it!


The end of another busy term!

Posted on Sunday 24 March 2013 by Mrs Wood

We’ve reached the end of another busy term in Reception. The time has flown!

Here are just some of the ways the children continue to impress us:

  • Manpreet, Sachpreet and Noorpreet have been busy practising their letter formation and form all letters beautifully.
  • Ismail, Albert, Theo, Josh and Ethan are making great progress with their independent writing.
  • Isaiah has become the ‘King of Challenges’, by being so busy with his learning and engaging in every activity on offer.
  • Dylan is well on his way to becoming an author! He writes stories every day.
  • Ripley, Alex, Martha and Mia are becoming great mathematicians and love to challenge themselves in this area.
  • Isaac and Thomas are fantastic readers and if you want to know about ‘split digraphs’, ‘Shy i and Tuffy y’ they are the people to ask.
  • Lewis continues to impress us with his creativity and has given us lots of ideas.
  • Gabby, Ishaan and Nicky have impressed us by the way they keep trying even when they find things hard.
  • Humairah and Ben are consistently helpful and polite.
  • Lori and Karam have tried really hard this term with their phonics and writing.
  • Kai and Farai are the ‘kings’ of model building and storytelling with their models.
  • Filip has become a confident talker and shown great knowledge and interest in our topic on minibeasts.
  • Grace, Pia and Phoebe have made great progress in all their learning and become confident members of the class.


Have a great break and see you next term!





Remarkable recounts

Posted on Friday 22 March 2013 by

To bring our recount writing to a close, I thought I would upload some amusing recounts performed by the children. The children have demonstrated some really fantastic ICT skills.



Can you tell which words would be in brackets in this recount?

Science day warm-up

Posted on Thursday 21 March 2013 by Mrs Taylor

Getting the balance right – What should we eat to stay healthy? and Cough, sneeze, sniff and wheeze – How do we breathe? were two interactive sessions led by Leeds University students to Key Stage 2 classes this afternoon.

As part of the science in school initiative, two students delivered a variety of interactive activities and informative learning.

Year 3 and 4 focussed on What should we eat to stay healthy?

This session covered the important components of our diets – the major components which provide us with energy, and the building blocks that we need for growth and to maintain a healthy body, and the minor components – the vitamins and minerals.

Year 5 and 6 investigated How do we breathe?

  • What causes us to breathe?
  • How the lungs function under normal circumstances and after exercise
  • The danger to the lungs of smoking or passive smoking

All in preparation for a packed science themed-day tomorrow!