Big Write!
Here are some pictures of the class getting ready for a big write this afternoon (the last day of term).
Surprisingly, they didn’t complain at all and actually seemed quite happy to do it. What a group of super learners!
I was only joking about the big write! Instead, we had a fun afternoon of playing games and singing carols.
Merry Christmas!
As a term comes to a close, it’s always a good time to reflect on the recent events; I’d like to take the opportunity to say
thanks to the children for all their hard work and well done for all their successes.
The class have worked extremely hard on their Rich and Poor Big Topic. The topic books of some of the children – Iona, Georgia, Henry, Mehak, Faizaan and Ebony – are especially good in terms of their research and how the children have expressed their ideas about rich and poor in a range of styles.
We have had many good class discussions inspired by SEAL or Talk Time homework about rich and poor. Luke, Connor, Adam and Max always add huge amounts to these discussions with their considered and interesting opinions.
Linked to our Rich and Poor topic, the children paired up to work on adverts that a charity may use to persuade people to donate money to help the poor. Scripts were written and the advert was made using a great app called ‘Explain Everything’. Husna and Lili made a superb job that looked and sounded like a real advert.
Those of you who have been into class or seen the class assembly will have probably noticed the excellent artwork on show. Art is a
major strength of the class. I’m already looking forward to the art we have planned for next term!
Recently, we have written quests in Big Writing. Grace wrote one of the best stories I’ve ever read in all my (many) years as a teacher. Tyler, Zahra, Sami and Fatima also wrote some brilliant stuff!
I have been really impressed with how much progress has been made with reading. Riyaz and Nevan have done a great job with the class novels ‘Street Child’ and ‘The Switch’ and Ibraheem, Dovydas, Liam and Meva have done extremely well with their guided reading.
Homework has really improved. Zakib always produces detailed work. Alongside this, Ahmed, Mehar and Amir are working much harder to produce homework of a great standard.
All in all it’s been a great start to Year Six and I’m looking forward to lots more learning in the new year.
A Christmas round-up
It’s always a busy time at Christmas in school. Here are a few photos showing you what Year Six have been up to. Activities have included making illuminated Christmas cards with a light bulb and a switch controlling the circuit and our brilliant Victorian Chrismas day.
A round-up of the term
Wow! This term has absolutely flown by. I’ve been so impressed by the progress that the children have made this term and by their enthusiasm for learning.
We’ve been so busy this term. Our All Aboard topic was great fun and the highlight, for me, were the brilliant prototype vehicles we created in DT lessons – and, of course, the big go-kart! In literacy we’ve been writing stories, reports, recounts and poetry. Within this, we’ve explored how authors create mood. In maths, we’ve developed our calculations strategies, learnt about shape and measures, fractions and practised telling the time.
There are some children who have stood out this term and deserve a special mention:
- Arran and Roshan have both made fabulous progress in their writing this term.
- Brandon has made great progress in writing and maths this term.
- Isabella has made super progress in all subjects but especially in maths.
- Ibrahim has made fantastic progress with his reading – I love listening to him reading!
- Both Lennox and Jennifer have settled in really well at Moortown and are fantastic additions to the class!
Finally, thanks to Mr Toms for all his hard work this term.
Have a super holiday and a happy new year!
Highlights of the term
I’ve had a great term teaching Year 2. All of the children have made good progress since they started. It’s clear to see that they’re supported at home in their reading, spellings and times tables.
I could praise every child individually for their efforts but here are a few examples:
- Jorja (who only joined Moortown in September) has made excellent progress in her reading and writing
- Haider shows amazing learning behaviour every day
- Emre, Ebonnie, Indi and Kieron spoke clearly and confidently in our production
We have a new friend called Kostas joining us after the holidays. He visited us on Tuesday and his mum told us that he had been made to feel really welcome and is very excited about starting at Moortown. Well done to Ben, Luke, Emre and Owen who were seen greeting him and waving him off at the end of his day.
Lastly, thank you very much for all of our gifts this week!
A terrific term!
This term has been lots of fun and Year 4 have done really well! We’ve made cars, drawn real-life trains, performed poetry, investigated friction and much, much more!
However, there have been some stand-out stars of our first term and they deserve a special mention. In literacy, there have been some outstanding pieces of writing. Here’s a descriptive build-up of an adventure story by Lucas:
“As the sun began to dissolve beneath the gentle waves, Max’s tummy began to bubble. What was lying beneath the murky depths of the sea? Were there man eating sharks? He shivered and shuddered all over. He began to want to go home.”
We’ve been paying close attention to mood and how it can change through a narrative. Olivia, Steven and Tyler have all made excellent progress in their writing this term so a big well done to them.
In maths, we’ve developed our strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. All of the children have been pushing themselves up our learning mountain this term. Nevertheless, Danyal, Zakir and Isra have blown me away with their enthusiasm and as a result have all made especially good progress in maths.
It’s great to see that so many children are reading regularly at home with an adult. Umar, Abdul-Ahad, Kacy and Billy have all made great progress in their reading this term. A lot of this is because they are working hard at home.
Finally, thanks to Mrs Freeman and Mrs Edwards who have contributed massively to the success of the children.
Have a great Christmas, Year 4, and I’ll see you again next year.
(Finally, in case you missed it, here’s my (in)famous Christmas jumper that your child has no doubt been talking about…)
Carol singing
This morning, we sang our hearts out at Marks and Spencer’s. The weather was awful but it wasn’t a match for our Christmas spirit!
Thanks to all the parents and family who came to watch and sing along!
Paper chain competition
Today, the class have had to work cooperatively in teams to try to produce the longest paper chain. There were lots of enterprise skills on show as children assigned themselves specific roles and divided them into sub-teams.
The winning team were the Snakes who managed to make a paper chain that was five and a half metres in length!
Happy Christmas!
A very busy term is coming to an end. Thank you for your support with the Christmas performance; the children worked really hard practising lines and songs and without your help this wouldn’t happen.
It has been a long and tiring term but what a successful one. All of the children have made an excellent start to Year 1 and we have seen changes in them all since September. Here are some examples of fantastic progress:
- Nico, Owen and Oliver have impressed us with their maths skills
- Abi has settled really well and has made lots of new friends
- Zak and Neive have tried really hard to make positive choices and have shown they have a real sense of humour
- Brandon has shown excellent learning behaviour
- Sam is coming into school every day with a smile on his face
The transition from Foundation Stage to Year 1 is a big change but the children have taken it in their stride with very few hiccups and have had a very successful term in Year 1.
We hope you have a relaxing break over Christmas and we will see you in the New Year ready for even more learning!
Happy Christmas.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We have reached the end of the children’s first, very busy, exciting term at Moortown Primary School! All of the children are settled and happy and are making excellent progress in all areas of their learning and development.
These are just some of the ways the children have impressed us this term:
- Isaac, Manpreet, Noorpreet and Sachpreet are blending and reading brilliantly
- Dylan and Isaiah have been keen to learn by always listening and trying
- Kai, Pia, Grace and Gabby have made excellent choices all term and shown they know how to learn
- Filip has impressed us by overcoming his shyness to communicate more confidently with children and adults
- Ishaan, Farai, Josh and Ismail have been constructing amazing buildings and models
- Nicky and Lori have taught us a lot about trucks
- Thomas, Albert and Ethan have shown great imagination in their play and story-telling
- Lewis and Phoebe have shown amazing creativity with their pattern-making and drawings
- Alex and Ripley have wowed us with their maths
- Ben, Martha, Humairah and Mia have been great members of the class by being kind and helpful to adults and other children
- Karam has been polite and caring
- Theo has made us laugh with his great sense of humour.
We hope all the children are back to full strength and ready to enjoy the last week of term and the Christmas party.
Have a great break and see you next year!