Outstanding homework
This is an example of some clear, detailed and well-presented homework from Zakib. Well done! This gives everyone the idea of how homework could be presented.
Learning in Reception
There are seven areas of learning in the Foundation Stage. One of these is ‘Expressive arts and design’. Have a look at all the learning and development that took place in this area last week.
This week we are blending and segmenting orally. We do this by ‘sound talking’.
The separate sounds (phonemes) are spoken aloud, in order, all through the word, and are then merged together into the whole word. This merging together is called blending and is a vital skill for reading.
Children will also learn to do this the other way around – cat = c-a-t. The whole word is spoken aloud and then broken up into its sounds (phonemes) in order, all through the word. This is called segmenting and is a vital skill for spelling.
This is all oral (spoken). Your child will not be expected to match the letter to the sound at this stage. The emphasis is on helping children to hear the separate sounds in words and to create spoken sounds.
How you can help at home
Find real objects around your home that have three phonemes (sounds) and practise ‘sound talk’. First, just let them listen, then see if they will join in, for example, saying:
‘I spy a p-e-g – peg.’
‘I spy a c-u-p – cup.’
‘Where’s your other s-o-ck – sock?’
‘Simon says – put your hands on your h-ea-d.’
‘Simon says – touch your ch-i-n.’
It is our class assembly on Thursday 18 October. It starts at 2:40. The children are looking forward to sharing their learning.
See you there!
…to all friends and family who came along to the Class Assembly for Year 4.
This week, our SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) is I can make a fresh start, which is part of the SEAL theme New Beginnings.
A highlight for me was seeing how powerful this SEAL statement is in different contexts: learning, friendships, behaviour…
Here are some of your comments:
- “Impressed with the children’s confidence and their obvious enjoyment.”
- “Loud and clear message done really well. Great performance (as always!). Loved it.”
- “Great acting and good messages.”
- “Excellent entertaining assembly. Loving the ‘X Factor’ style singing.”