Class News


Posted on Monday 17 September 2012 by

For the first few weeks of term we have learnt about ‘Ourselves’. We’ve looked at our bodies, families and the five senses. These photographs are of us learning about faces.

We had great fun making faces on biscuits.


What an interesting class!

Posted on Sunday 16 September 2012 by Mrs Weekes

I certainly feel that I know the children very well now after looking at their homework; well done to everyone for telling me something about yourself.  I now know not to mess with Dylan, Harry B and Hari R as they are all experts in some kind of martial arts and I know where to go for tea as Brannoc loves making spaghetti bolognese!  The photos show a very detailed Moshi Monster map, an amazing Lego model and Pavanpal’s board game.  Great homework Year Five!


Posted on Saturday 15 September 2012 by Mr Wilks

In a recent literacy lesson, the children worked in groups to correct sentences that had no capital letters. They got points for spotting each missing capital letter and the winning team won a Wilksy Wonder prize!

Guided Reading in Year 3

Posted on Saturday 15 September 2012 by Mr Wilks


Guided reading is a bit different this year so I thought I’d write a post explaining how it all works:

The children are split into five different guided reading groups. Each group has about six children in it and each group reads with me once a week on a designated day of the week. For example, Monday Group read with me on Monday, Tuesday Group on Tuesday, etc.

All the children in the group read the same book. After they read with me, I set a “target page”. They have to reach this “target page” by the next time they read with me. It’s really important that the children reach but do not exceed the target page so that they are all at the same place in the book. If you find that your child has reached the target page quickly, they can read another book at home or I can arrange for them to take another school book home.

I hope that makes sense! Please come to see me if you have any questions.



The Water Cycle

Posted on Saturday 15 September 2012 by Mr Wilks

Our first mini-topic of the year is water. As part of the topic, we’ve been learning about the water cycle. In this topic lesson, children annotated a picture on the iPads to show the different parts of the water cycle.


Posted on Saturday 15 September 2012 by

Using forces

We’ve started the year with a mini-topic on forces. We went to the playground to think about pushes and pulls that we use. Here’s a pupil using a pull force to lift himself up (he loves climbing from what I read in his homework)! Gravity and friction are two new words that we’ve learnt this week.


Posted on Saturday 15 September 2012 by

This half-term, the children will learn to develop their number skills. So far, we’ve learnt about multiples of numbers, partitioning numbers, odd and even numbers and we’ve been mentally adding numbers, too.

We’ll soon be focusing on using other methods to add and subtract. To help your child at home, you could encourage them to count on and back from random numbers in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s.

We’ll learn our 2, 5 and 10 times table this year so practising them will help, too.

Roll Up! Roll Up!

Posted on Saturday 15 September 2012 by

Our big topic ‘Roll Up! Roll Up!’ will start in October – we’ll learn all about the circus.

We’re looking forward to learning some circus skills too!

You might be interested to know that the Netherlands National Circus are performing in Harrogate on The Stray between the 18 and 23September.(Check out Groupon for some discounted prices!)


Posted on Saturday 15 September 2012 by

The SEAL topic for this half term is ‘New Beginnings’. As a class, we have decided what rules we should all follow and have created a learning contract that we have all signed. The children will develop their speaking, listening and thinking skills through circle time. It is also a good opportunity for children to reflect on their week and help others with their problems.

Well done to Grace and Mia for making Jorja feel welcome in her new beginning at Moortown Primary.

Welcome to Reception!

Posted on Thursday 13 September 2012 by Mrs Wood

We’ve now visited all of the children and are looking forward to them starting next week. We are confident that they will settle well and enjoy the new challenges of ‘big’ school!

There are three members of staff in Reception this year: Mrs Boulton, Mrs Maqbool and me, Mrs Burke. In addition, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Taylor will be taking the class for a short time on Tuesday afternoons. When your child starts school we encourage you to come in each morning and settle them in classroom. This is an ideal opportunity for you to find out what your child is learning, look at your child’s Learning Journey and discuss their learning with us.

We’ll open the doors at 8.50 each morning and take the register. When collecting your child, please wait at the gate. We’ll let your child out at 3.15 when we see the adult who is collecting them. Please make sure to bring and collect your child on time. Children can become very anxious if they arrive or leave late from school.

Our main emphasis this term is the children’s personal, social and emotional development. We’ll be settling the children into school life and familiarizing them with routines and expectations. The children will be forging new friendships, learning to share and care for one another and look after their environment.

Here are some of the ways you can help your child at home over the coming weeks:

Mathematics – Encourage your child to count objects and actions. For example, counting while going up the stairs or how many knives and forks on the table. Look for numbers around the house and in the environment. For example, on the remote control, on the telephone, house numbers, bus numbers and numbers on car registration plates. Look for different shapes within the home and environment, clothing, the walls and windows.

Writing – Provide your child with opportunities to use pencils and pens. Encourage your child to ‘mark make’ and develop good pencil control. Encourage your child to use writing in their play.  If they are playing shops ask them to write a shopping list.  If playing police get them to write an incident report! If your child is writing their name please help us by teaching them that the first letter of their name is a capital letter and the rest are lower case letters. Please use the school’s handwriting style. There is a copy in your ‘Welcome Pack’.

Reading – Share books with your child. While reading encourage your child to talk about the illustrations and predict what may happen next. After reading, talk about what happened in the story and encourage them to re-tell the story. Look for letters and print in the house and environment – encourage your child to look for letters from their name while you are out and about. If your child shows an interest in letter shapes encourage them to use the ‘sounds’ the letters make, for example ‘sssss’ for snake, ‘mmmm’ for Mummy, and ‘zzzz’ for zebra.

As the term progresses, I’ll send you more information about how we teach reading and phonics. Keep checking on-line, too!

Please remember that we want you to be very much involved in your child’s learning so please ask if you need more information or have any questions or concerns.

For more information about the Foundation Stage and how children learn in Reception go to