Easter Excitement!
Thanks to everyone who entered the Easter cake competition. There were some fantastic entries and it was great to see that the children had done lots of the hard work. It was “eggstremely” hard to decide on the winners but we got there in the end.
Thank you for supporting your children in the competition and also thanks to everyone who helped at the bun sale and to those of you who spent lots of money!
Have a great holiday. See you on Monday 16 April.
Dynamic Dancers
Look out for Year 1 in the future as they are certainly “dynamic dancers“. On Tuesday, we all went down to Allerton Grange to work with some Year 10 pupils. There was an hour long workshop where we learnt different moves and had lots of fun putting together a dance sequence. Thanks to all the Year 10 pupils and to the adults who worked with us.
Fun fractions resource
Click on the link below to be directed to an interactive resource which will aid your child’s maths learning this week. If you have any problems loading the game below, you can access the same game on the BBC maths site for KS2.
There is also a quiz which your child can have a go at.
Apologies: this week’s homework has not been sent home.
Your child will get their Practice Makes Perfect worksheet on Monday and we will collect it in on Thursday.
A very unique zoo
Year 4 were able to meet some fantastic animals – some that they may never see or touch again!
We were able to hold a corn snake.
Nayana fed a sugar glider a live insect. Everyone was able to have a touch.
Jaspreet commented, “They were brilliant!” while Zaki stated proudly, “I saw animals that I didn’t even know!”
The Enormous Crocodile

As part of World Book Day last week, we discovered the world of Roald Dahl’s Enormous Crocodile. We hot-seated the croc, and asked him some challenging questions about his need to eat small children. He didn’t take too well to some of the questions as you can see below.
We also tried to get inside the mind of the crocodile and we expressed his thoughts as he crawled down our conscience alley.

A quick reminder…
It’s the Year 2 class assembly this Thursday (8 March) at 2.40. We hope to see you there!