Reading and Literacy
We’ve started a story unit based on Willy the Chimp. There will be lots of drama involved as a stimulus for the children’s writing. The children’s reading in Year 2 is coming on brilliantly. Remember to keep checking your child’s understanding of what they are reading. Here are some tips to help you:
- Find the word/phrase that tells me that…
- How is the character feeling on page _? How do you know?
- What is the problem in the story? How do you think it will be solved?
- Why are there words in bold/capitals/italics?
- Think of 3 adjectives to describe your favourite character in the story.
- Was there a meaning/moral to the story?
This half-term, we’ll be continuing to learn about heroes. Our Literacy work will involve lots of drama work around a book called Willy the Chimp by Anthony Browne. Take a look at our display in the hall.
We’ll be focusing class discussions on inspirational heroes like Louis Braille and a Paralympic athlete, Oscar Pistorius.
We’re looking forward to a very exciting and engaging half term!
From David Beckham to Nelson Mandella, we’ve leant about a whole range of heroes. Our class discussions have been focused on what qualities people need to make them a hero. We’ve studied Pop Art and the artist Roy Litchenstein who often painted real life heroes as well as superheroes. Take a look at our own versions in our classroom! In ICT, we wrote character descriptions and even designed our own superhero. Next, we’ll create comic strips. We’re currently learning about inspirational Olympic and Paraolympic heroes.
Free swimming lessons!
We have a free block of five swimming lessons to give away to a lucky child in Year 4 to the value of £45!
If you’re interested, please drop in to the office before the end of the week. In the event that we get lots of children who would like the lessons, we’ll put names into a hat. If you have any questions, please come and speak to me.
This week’s phonemes
This week, we’re learning the phonemes ow (as in cow) and oi (as in noise). The new ‘tricky’ word is they.
This half-term, we’re concentrating on letter formation. Please encourage your child to use our handwriting style.
Well Done!
Congratulations to Archie and Owen for being elected to represent Reception Class in the School Council. I am sure they will do a good job.