Class News

Welcome back!

Posted on Thursday 05 January 2012 by


I hope you’ve had an enjoyable break. I’m pleased to say that the children have returned to school refreshed and ready to learn! You can help your child at home this term in the following ways:


  • Practising the 2, 5 and 10 times table.
  • Doubling and halving numbers (you could show this by using coins or other objects).
  • Encouraging your child to use ‘because’ to explain their answers about books that they have read.
  • Handwriting – you can download our handwriting guide here

Parents’ Evening will be in February so I look forward to seeing you all again then.






Star Wars Anti-bullying

Posted on Thursday 05 January 2012 by Mr Wilks


An example of one of our brilliant anti-bullying homeworks

It’s Party Time

Posted on Monday 12 December 2011 by Mrs Weekes

On Thursday 15 December it will be the Christmas party for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 after lunch.  The children must come to school in their school uniform but are welcome to bring some party clothes to change into for the party.

Please ensure that the clothes are easy for the children to put on themselves and that they are in a named carrier bag.  Please remember that they will be playing party games and dancing so make sure that the shoes that they bring are sensible. 

Thank you.

This week’s phonemes and ‘Tricky Words’

Posted on Sunday 04 December 2011 by Mrs Wood

The last phonemes in Phase 2 are f, l, b, h. This week we will be assessing the children to see who is ready for the next phase. Children should know all the sounds (phonemes) of the letters learnt so far and be able to blend (read) and segment (spell) a word like s-a-t. We call these ‘cvc’ (consonant, vowel, consonant) words.

Don’t worry if your child is not able to blend and segment yet. We will continue to practise these phonemes and skills and remember it does take some children a little longer to be able to do this.

This week, the ‘tricky words’ to learn are I, no, go. A fun way to learn these is to play ‘pairs’. Write each word out twice and take  turns to turn over two words at a time trying to find a matching pair.

Don’t worry if they get some wrong! These are hard to remember – they need plenty of practice.

Another big well done to…

Posted on Friday 02 December 2011 by Mr Wilks

…everyone in Year 3.

I was so proud of the class during our recent Ofsted inspection. They weren’t bothered by our visitors at all. They showed off what fantastic learners they are and the inspectors were very impressed by their enthusiasm for learning. Special praise must go to Madison, Amie and Abigail who amazed the inspectors with their mature and articulate answers to the inspectors’ questions.

A massive well done to…

Posted on Friday 02 December 2011 by Mr Wilks

Holly Stevenson!

Holly recently took part in a gymnastics competition. It was only her second ever competition but she still managed to scoop four medals and five certificates. Well done, Holly. We’ll be looking out for you in the Olympics in a few years!

Master Chef

Posted on Thursday 01 December 2011 by

We made healthy fruit salads as part of our topic learning. The children took it in turns to wash, chop, slice and mix the fruit. We used our recipe to create a set of instructions in our literacy lesson.

Preparing the oranges
Preparing the oranges

Little Miss Paramedic

Posted on Thursday 01 December 2011 by

Trying the helmet out for size!
Trying the helmet out for size!

Doctor! Doctor!

Posted on Thursday 01 December 2011 by

A doctor in the making!
A doctor in the making!

A day in the life of a paramedic

Posted on Thursday 01 December 2011 by

Thank you to Richard (Indi’s dad) for talking to Year 1 and 2 about his job as a paramedic. We learned lots and were even able to try out some of the equipment!

Trying out the equipment.
Trying out the equipment