A thank you from Mr Redfearn
This is a message to everyone in Year 4 for being so incredible over the past few days when inspectors have been in school. Our SEAL theme this week has been to ‘keep calm or help others to be calm’. The children in Year 4 have definitely helped me to keep calm and should be proud of how mature they have been whilst we have had visitors.
There have also been lots of fun and exciting learning this week with some children even being introduced to lowest common denominators in Maths (an objective for Year 6s!).
We were lucky enough to have a visitor on Friday. Richard Gale (Indi’s dad) is a paramedic and he came in to talk about his job. As you can see we had great fun using bandages, oxygen masks and stethoscopes! It looked like there had been an awful accident at one point but I can assure you that no-one was hurt at all!
Thank you Richard for taking the time to visit us.
Knock Knock!
This week, your child will be sketching some observational drawings. In keeping with our topic of ‘Our House’, they will have the opportunity to look at doors throughout British History as well as developing some essential skteching techniques along the way. Below, you will find doors from the Anglo-Saxon period right up to the Edwardian period. Later on the week, I will upload some of the children’s drawings to see how they compare alongside the real thing. Why not discuss with your child how the features change through the ages?

Tricky Words
This week, your child will start to bring some ‘Tricky Words’ home to learn. These are words that have have unusual or untaught phonemes and are ‘tricky’ to decode. Show your child the word and try to blend it as usual, discussing the letters that are ‘tricky’. For example, in the word ‘go’ the last letter does not represent the same sound as in the word dog. Keep looking at the words, use them in a sentence and point them out in their reading book. This week, the tricky words are ‘the‘ and ‘to‘.
Still measuring!
General information
It was lovely to meet you all properly at Parents’ Evening. Thank you for taking a strong interest in your child’s learning. Many parents were keen to help even more at home. I hope the handwriting example has been helpful. Examples of what your child is expected to know by the end of Year 2 will be sent home shortly. Also, thank you for coming to see our assembly. I know the children loved showing you all what they have learned.
Takeover Day
Recently, it was Takeover Day and there were some unusual goings ons…

Well done to Isra, Sarina, and Abdul-Ahad who also chose who would win our certificates in Friday assembly. They then wrote the certificates and handed them out in front of the whole school, explaining why they had won.
Class Assembly
Well done to the whole class for an excellent performance in our first school assembly of the year. To say we started practising on Monday, I think everyone did a fantastic job.
Thanks to all the parents, carers, grandparents, siblings who came to watch. It was great to see so many people there.
Our class assembly…
…is today at 2.40pm – friends and family of pupils in Y3 are welcome to attend.
As you know, Year 1 and Year 2 went to Eureka museum in Halifax on Tuesday 15 November. The main focus of our day was in the learning area known as “Me and My Body.” Our learning included the way our mouths work, how fast we breathe and how our skeletons move.

What a tiring day…
…just time for a snooze on the way home.