Animation at Allerton Grange
Year Six were lucky enough to have the opportunity to go to the City Learning Centre at Allerton Grange to try their hand at animating. Their work included making models, backgrounds and using ‘I Can Animate’ to create Mini Movies about Greek Myths.
The work they completed was excellent. Here are some pictures to give you an idea of how great their marvellous models were.
This week Reception have been busy measuring everything in the classroom!
This week’s phonemes
This week, the new phonemes are g, o, c and k. The children will be taught that c and k together make the same sound. They will look at words with ck and identify that this usually occurs at the end of a word.
When learning a digraph (two letters making one sound), the children will be encouraged to join-up the two letters when they write.
This week, the high frequency word to learn is ‘and‘.
It’s Moustache Season!
As some of you more astute parents may have noticed, I am currently trying to grow a moustache. I’m not doing very well. In fact, Mr Wilks (who is not growing a moustache) by about 4 o’clock everyday seems to have grown more hair than I have done in 2 weeks.
It’s all for a good cause. I’m raising money for men’s health charities during the month of Movember. It would be greatly appreciated if you could donate to this worthy cause.
However, the purpose of this posting is to ensure that you all know that I have not become lazy and dishevelled. I aim to look like Igor by the end of November, where there will be (to most of the teachers’ delight) a celebratory shaving of the moustache.
Super Sculptures!
It is not only children who are involved in learning. On Tuesday, all of the teaching staff were involved in a Art workshop and some super sculptures were produced.
Check out the new member of our school community, Sebastian.
Mrs Burke, Mrs Weekes, Mrs Maver and Miss Hewson worked together to sculpt using newspaper and modrock and this is the result.
Look out for him in the middle building.
Our class photo will be in the Evening Post on Tuesday!
Photos of the class will be in a special supplement in the Yorkshire Evening Post on Tuesday 08 November.
Doggie Heaven
Year 4 were treated to a special four-legged visitor today.
Meet Bailey, a 5 year-old dog who just loves to be cuddled!

The class were brilliant with him and Bailey definitely enjoyed his stay. Year 4 learnt all about how to be safe around dogs. They also learnt about what to do in difficult situations around dogs.
Thank you to Dog’s Trust for making it such a fun session.

Remember, Remember…
… Thursday 10th November!
It’s our class assembly. We look forward to seeing you there at 2.40.
This week’s phonemes
This week, your child will be learning the letters s, a, t, p, i, n and the sounds they make.
The children will be taught some of the terminology we use. So that you don’t feel left out, here are a few definitions:
- A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a word.
- A grapheme is the letter, or letters, representing a phoneme, such as t, ai, igh, ch.
- A digraph is two letters, making one sound; a consonant digraph contains two consonants (sh, ck, th), whilst a vowel digraph contains at least one vowel (ai, ee, ar, oy).
- A trigraph is three letters making one sound, like igh, dge.
- Blending is recognising the letter sounds in a written word (for example c-u-p), and merging or synthesising them in the order in which they are written to pronounce the word ‘cup’ (this is essential during the reading process).
- Segmenting is the opposite of blending; it involves identifying the individual sounds in a spoken word (eg ‘him’ = h – i – m) and writing down letters for each sound to form the word (segmenting supports the writing process).
- A c-v-c word is a consonant, vowel, consonant word such as c-a-t and also sh-o-p.
Encourage your child to read and write cvc words, especially using letters and sounds that you know we’ve covered in school – this week, lots of words can be blended and segmented using s, a, t, p, i, n.
Hobby Half Day
Check out our fantastic photos of our first Hobby Half Day!
Children from Year 1 to Year 6 had the opportunity to participate in an afternoon of learning something new. The activities ranged from everyday baking and cooking to the unusual: creating their own carbon footprint.