Class News

Number work

Posted on Friday 23 September 2011 by

The boys look pleased with their learning here!
The boys look pleased with their learning here!


Posted on Friday 23 September 2011 by

This half term, your child will practise his / her number skills.  So far, we’ve learnt about multiples of numbers and odd and even numbers.  We’ll soon be focusing on using methods to add and subtract. To help your child at home, you could practise counting forwards and backwards from random numbers in 1s, 2s and 10s.


Posted on Friday 23 September 2011 by

We’ve been focusing our learning on using capital letters and full stops properly.  To help your child at home, please make sure your child can write their full name with capital letters. Perhaps you could look for words that use capitals in reading books – look for words such as names of places and days of the week.

Recently, we’ve used describing words to make our sentences more interesting and we’ll soon be learning about the features of stories and writing our own, too!

Spellings will go home on Fridays and be tested the following week – your help with learning the words – a little time each night – is needed here, please.


Posted on Friday 23 September 2011 by

We’ve started the year with a mini-topic associated with sound.  We’ve been identifying sounds, thinking about how sounds are made and how we can change the volume and pitch of sounds.

Next week, we have a themed week: ‘Staying Safe’.

Our big topic this term is ‘Doctor! Doctor!’  We’ll discuss how people in the emergency services help us, how our bodies work and how to stay healthy. Your child will also learn about historical figures such as Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale.  There’ll be a variety of art and DT activities, too.  This topic provides us with the opportunity to invite lots of people in for talks and we’re also planning a trip.  Our class novel is George’s Marvellous Medicine – you might like to read this along at home as well as in school.


Posted on Thursday 22 September 2011 by

How many connectives do you know? Do you know what type of connectives they are? Have a look at these pictures below of a competition we had today to see which group could answer these questions. Well done, Green Group!




Cycling and Buddies

Posted on Thursday 22 September 2011 by

Year Six have had a great week.

Monday saw many of the children continuing the cycle training that they started in Year Five. The instructors told me how impressed they were with the attitude and enthusiasm exhibited by the group. This made me very pleased. It’s always great to have such positive feedback! (Mr Roundtree was pleased to hear that Angel didn’t fall off this time!)

Many of your children have been buddies to the new reception children and have given up their lunchtimes to show their new friends the routines and expectations in the canteen and dinner hall. Again, it’s really pleasing to see how the class has volunteered to help out the new children and make their first day at Moortown a success.

Well done Year Six. You’ve made a fabulous start to being in the oldest age group in school.

Welcome to Year 3!

Posted on Monday 19 September 2011 by Mr Wilks

Hello and welcome to the Year 3 Class News!

It’s been an excellent start to the year and I’ve been really impressed by the children’s fantastic attitude to their learning. In the Class News this year you’ll find all sorts of information about what we’ve been doing in school.

Below are some information about routines in Year 3.


PE is on Mondays and Fridays. Please make sure that children have suitable outdoor and indoor PE kits.


Reading this year is a little different to Year 2. The children will read with me once a week in small groups. At the end of this session, the children will be given a target page to get to by the next time they read with me. As the group are all reading the same book it’s really important that they don’t read past the target page! If the children have reached their target page they can read a different book from home or I can arrange for them to take home an additional book from school.  During the week other adults will usually read with the children too. However, it’s really important that the children read at home with an adult as well.


The routine for homework is the same as in Year 2. It will be given out most Fridays and is expected in the following Wednesday. Children are expected to spend between 30 minutes – 1 hour on their homework. It should only cover one page of their homework book.

Tables and spellings

Tables and spellings are given out on Fridays and will be tested the following Friday. The yellow Learning Lists book has the spellings and tables listed in them. Children can practise for the tests in these books at home. They should be brought back into school each day so the children can practise in school and so that the new lists can be put in on Fridays.

Thanks very much for taking the time to read through the first post of the year. They won’t usually be as long as this one! If you have any questions at all or just want to say hello, please come and find me. If you can’t see me on the playground I’ll probably be in the classroom – just ask at the office for someone to show you where I am!

Welcome to Reception

Posted on Sunday 18 September 2011 by Mrs Wood

Finally the start of school for Reception children has arrived!  All the new children will be starting this week.

Here are some of the things you need to know this week.


After the first day children need to arrive by 8.50 when the bell rings. Reception children don’t line up but please bring your child into the classroom to help them with their coat and to settle them. There will be different activities for the children and you to get involved with. We will play music when it’s  time for parents to leave. (usually 9.20).


Please wait at the gate of our outside area at 3.15. When we see you we will send your child out. Those children collected by Candystripe will stay in the classroom to be collected.


Children should bring their bookbag to school every day. Letters are put in the bookbags at the end of the day.


In reception we like to go outdoors in all weathers. Please make sure that children come to school appropriately dressed and please label all your child’s clothes. Children often take their jumpers and coats off and either forget where they have left them or somebody else picks them up first. If it is not labelled it might not get back to them. Labelled clothes save a lot of time for us and anxiety for the children as we can quickly identify who they belong to.


Your child has a choice of packed lunch or hot dinners. Packed lunch children eat  in the hall and hot dinners are served in the dining hall. Children are very well supervised and looked after. They have help to carry their tray and are encouraged to eat as much as they can. It would be very helpful if you could encourage your child to use a knife and fork before they come to school as lunchtimes can be very stressful for children who are not used to feeding themselves.

There will be more information to follow in the weekly newsletter and here on the website. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions.

We are very much looking  forward to greeting you and your children during the coming week and can’t wait to get started on their learning journey at Moortown.

Welcome to Year 1

Posted on Saturday 17 September 2011 by Mrs Weekes

Wow! What a fantastic start to Year 1.  The children have shown some great learning from the start and we are very excited to see how they are going to develop.    Benjiman and Adwait have both shown how they understand their own feelings and those of others and Mia has already received a certificate for taking responsibility for her own learning.

Look out for all the exciting learning that is going to take place in Year 1!

Some things you need to know:

  • children will need their PE kits on Tuesdays and Fridays
  • book bags will be needed every day
  • homework is sent out on Friday and is expected back on Wednesday
  • spellings are sent out on Friday and need to be learnt for the following Friday

Look out for the newsletter which will be coming home soon.  In the meantime,  if you have any questions, please come in and see Mrs Maver or me, Mrs Weekes.

Looking forward to working with you and your children over the coming year.

Welcome to Year 4!

Posted on Friday 16 September 2011 by

Hello parents, carers and pupils to the Year 4 blog!

First of all, I’d like to offer everyone a warm welcome. If you haven’t introduced yourself yet, please come up and see me soon.

Here you will find regular updates of all the fun and exciting things taking place in Year 4. We’ll have pictures, videos, quotes as well as examples of brilliant learning.

In addition, you will find a bunch of resources that I have come across which will further your child’s learning.

I’m really looking forward to the year ahead with what is quite clearly a lovely class of children and I’m certain that they will all enjoy and achieve along the way. Find out more about me in our staff interview.