We had a fun PE session today doing Jabadao! Jabadao is a type of dance which uses scarves and ribbons. It can be very lively or very calm. Music is played but the dancer is in control of the movements so it’s varied and unique. Look at these photos; you can see how much fun we had.
Wake Up Shake Up success
A very big well done the to the Key Stage 1 WUSU team, made up of ten Year 2 children, who have made it through to the next round of the competition. All the team performed brilliantly at Allerton Grange and comments from the judges included how enthusiastic and energetic they all were!
Good luck in the next round!
Reception will be opening the Summer Fair
Reception Class will be opening the Summer Fair this Friday at 3pm with an amazing Maypole Dance. Don’t miss it!
Alien Hand Puppets
Bike Week 20 – 24 June
Next week is Bike Week. Why not use our cycle rack and bike to school during this week?
Throughout the week each time you cycle to school you will be entered into a prize draw from Leeds City Council to win lots of cycling related prizes. Let your class teacher know each time you come to school on your bike.
Year 5 and Year 6 have both recently had their cycling training and what a better way to put these new cycling skills into practice than to bike to school during Bike Week.
For more information about Bike Week visit www.bikeweek.org or www.leeds.gov.uk/bikeweek
For more information about cycling in Leeds visit www.leeds.gov.uk/cyclemaps
Soaking up the sun
Some friends just enjoying the sun!
Measuring Up!
As part of our Maths learning we tried to use anything we could find to measure length! As you can see we used plastic counting pegs, cubes, dinosaurs and bears. Predictions were made first and then we measured to see if we were accurate. Marvellous measuring – learning about length!
Moortown In Bloom
A piece of land between Stonegate Road and Scothall Road has been prepared to be part of Moortown In Bloom. We were asked to go and help with some of the planting in partnership with the Moortown Group. Off we went on Monday morning; we were given high visual vests (very fetching!), gardening gloves and a spade. Several holes were dug and plants were planted and the results will be evident in a few months when the flowers are blooming. Nine pupils from Year 6 represented Moortown Primary School very well; they worked well as a team and dug holes very well! Abdul and Sanna were demon diggers!! Look out this week in the Yorkshire Evening Post as we may appear along with our plants!
Reception Class have been busy writing this week.
Our most recent project
Year Four had an amazing time at the CLC centre last week. The children used skills such as researching, script writing, selecting images, editing and acting!
The end product was a news report.
Henry, Ebony and Georgia appear to have natural talent for news reporting!