Researchers hard at work
At Allerton Grange, we used the Apple computers to research our news reports.
Lights, Camera…Action!
We enjoyed our visit to Allerton Grange where we produced a TV news report.
Relocation, Relocation
‘Relocation, Relocation‘ is our final topic in Year Four.
We’ll focus on reasons for relocating and we will learn a little bit about the Vikings and their movements. The topic, as always, will be cross-curricular and therefore will incorporate art activities (printing), history and geography. Our SEAL theme of ‘Changes’ also fits well with this topic.
Thank you to Mrs Jaber for volunteering to speak to the children about her experiences of relocating. If any other parents or relatives are interested in sharing their experiences, please see me to discuss a convenient time.
Dancing Together!
During “Community Week” we were very lucky to work with Tracy, a dance teacher. She taught us a dance about the Little Red Hen which was based on the theme of working together. We learnt lots of moves and then put them all together to tell the story. As you can see from the photos, we had lots of fun!
French Skipping
Celebrating our goals!

Well done to all our children for taking part in the sponsored Hot Shots event, raising money to help victims of the earthquake in Japan as part of My Community themed week.
Please return money raised as soon as you can – at the latest the first Friday after half-term.
Hot Shots!
Well done to Ahmed and Tyler who today achieved the fastest speed (41 mph) out of the boys in the Year Four shooting activity. Also, Iona achieved the fastest speed out of the girls (including me!) with a fantastic 32 mph.
Swimming Success
Well done to the children who achieved swimming awards today. If you wish to buy the badges they are £2.90. Money needs to be sent to Miss Hewson by Wednesday 08 June in a sealed envelope.
5 metres
Lili, Max, Amir, Connor
5 and 10 metres
Meva, Mehar, Liam, Henry, Adam, Grace
Well done to Rishitha, Iona, Sami, Connor, Jatinder, Adam, Cydnee and Kiran for a super performance at the tennis competition last week. Both the Year Four and Year Five teams came in first place! Once again, the children showed great empathy for the other teams. These children should feel very proud for representing our school so well.
Easy Peasy Publishers
Year 2 were treated to a literary delight this week. Year 6 have designed, constructed and written some fabulous books, taking their inspiration from Roger Hargreaves’ Easy Peasy books. Year 6 then shared these with Year 2 and they thoroughly enjoyed it!
Some of our Year 2 children even read the Easy Peasy books to the Year 6s!