A few reminders…
PE Clothes
Please make sure that your child has their PE clothes in school. PE lessons are on Tuesday and Wednesday; if they do not have the correct clothes they miss out on this vital part of the curriculum. The children are getting much quicker at getting changed but please make sure that their clothes have their names in – it makes life much easier before and after PE lessons.
Reading Books
We’re really pleased with the children’s progress in reading and would like to thank you for your support at home. When you hear your child read at home, please write a comment in the book – this shows your child a good partnership between home and school as well as indicating to us who has read at home.
We now have a ‘New Reading Books’ basket in the classroom; if your child has read the book really well at home they can put their book and reading record in the basket. We can then talk to them about the book and change it if we feel they are ready for a new book. Please remember that reading other things apart from the reading book is very valuable. This could include library books, comics and of course a favourite story book from home.
Thank you for your time and support.
Mrs Weekes & Mrs Maver
Learning letters and sounds
This week we’ll begin to learn letters (graphemes) and the sounds they make (phonemes). There are several websites that contain information and activities which you could try at home.
Your child will be taught how to pronounce sounds correctly to make blending easier. Each week, we’ll let you know which sounds we’re learning. This weeks sounds are s, a, t, p.
Sounds should be sustained where possible (e.g. sss, fff, mmm) and where this is not possible, ‘uh’ sounds after consonants should be reduced as far as possible (this means, try to avoid saying ‘buh’ for ‘b’, ‘cuh’ for ‘c’ etc.)
For a demonstration of how to pronounce the phonemes visit the Get Reading Right website and click on free resources.
Remember to practise little and often, and have fun!
Sequencing Playscripts
Literacy this week: 27 September
Maths this week: 27 September
In Maths, the children this week have been working on 3-D shapes, money problems and number patterns. They will benefit from practising their money skills on this fun game on the BBC.
Here are some of the children showing how they can do some complex patterns:
Abbey House Museum Trip
Class 2’s behaviour was nothing short of exemplary, leading one of the members of the museum to comment that we were one of the best behaved schools ever to visit Abbey House.
Hello to all the parents and family of Year 2!
I would like to introduce myself to parents that I have not met yet, as well as informing everyone of the exciting learning that has been taking place at Moortown this week.
We have started our new topic this week, which is ‘Toybox’ as I’m sure you’re aware in relation to the trip to Abbey House (I have posted some pictures of the children outside Kirkstall Abbey).
Please see other posts to find out what we have being doing in Maths and Literacy.
Kind regards,
Mr Redfearn
Hunting for Mildred
In Literacy we have been looking at the story of Dogger. It is the endearing story of how Dave’s beloved Dogger was lost and found. We experienced the same emotional journey as Dave by hunting for our Year 1 crocodile, Mildred, who was eventually found in Mr Roundtree’s office!
Here are some pictures of us hunting for Mildred.
Visit to Abbey House Museum
To launch our new topic, ‘TOYBOX‘, we visited Abbey House Museum in Kirkstall. It was an excellent day and there was a lot of exploring to be done looking at old and new toys. Thank you to all of the children for their fantastic behaviour while out of school. We received great compliments from museum staff.