Class News

Don’t forget our Monster Assembly on Thursday!

Posted on Saturday 07 May 2011 by Mrs Wood

SATs Week

Posted on Friday 06 May 2011 by

The children will be taking their SATs next week from Monday to Thursday. Next week can you make sure the children come to school with a bottle of water every day and make sure they get enough sleep!

We’ll be running a SATs breakfast club from Monday to Thursday from 8.10 in the dining hall. As in previous years, a free healthy breakfast will be on offer for the Year 6 children.

All the children have worked very hard in their preparation and have a positive attitude to the week ahead. Well done children.

Reception celebrated the Royal Wedding

Posted on Saturday 30 April 2011 by Mrs Wood

Enjoying the party food!
Enjoying the party food!
We designed Kate's dress!
We designed Kate’s dress!


A big well done!

Posted on Thursday 28 April 2011 by

Some of the children competed in a tennis competition yesterday and I am happy to say that the Year Four children came second in their group and the Year Five children came second out of a staggering five groups! The children played with great skill and were gracious runners-up to Talbot Primary. They are going through to another round where they will compete against more schools – fingers crossed for another excellent result!

Well done to Sami, Connor, Iona and Rishitha in Year Four.

Well done to Adam, Jatinder, Kiran and Cydnee in Year Five.

Light and Dark

Posted on Sunday 24 April 2011 by

For the next few weeks, our mini-topic is all about Light and Dark.

Here are some examples of what we’ll be learning in class:

  • To be able to know that light is essential for seeing things.
  • To be able to recognise that there are many sources of light and they vary in brightness.
  • To know that shiny objects need a light source if they are to shine and that shiny objects are not light sources.
  • To be able to suggest how to find out about where a reflective strip will shine brightly.
  • To investigate shadows.

Have a look at the following websites to support learning at home:…/science_5_6.shtml

Calculating area

Posted on Wednesday 20 April 2011 by

Team work!
Team work!

Measuring skills

Posted on Wednesday 20 April 2011 by

The look of concentration!
The look of concentration!


Posted on Thursday 24 March 2011 by

There is no swimming next week or the first week back after the Easter holidays. Consequently, the next swimming session will be on Wednesday 27 April.

What is Learning?

Posted on Wednesday 23 March 2011 by Mrs Weekes

learning 002This week Year 1 have been thinking about the word “learning.”  They were asked to think about different questions:

  • What is learning?
  • How do we learn best?
  • How do you go about learning something new?
  • How do you know you have learned something new?

They are working really well together and came up with some great ideas about learning!

learning 004learning 011

Perfect Persuasion and Promotion

Posted on Wednesday 23 March 2011 by

Year 6 have learnt how to write adverts that persuade and promote. We invented a new bike and wrote an advert to encourage people to buy our product. Here is the advert – it’s fantastic!

Do you want to be the coolest cyclist in town? With our brand new, top of the range, most innovative bike ever, you can go anywhere, any place, any time with the awesome Speed-o-Matic. It’s fast… fun and funky. Only a fool would settle for less.

Are you ‘wheelie’ ‘tyred’ of your boring bike? We know you are, so go and buy the Speed-o-Matic… NOW! Jam-packed with heaps of high-tech features, the Speed-o-Matic is everything you’ve ever dreamed of… and more.

From its six smooth gears to its jaw-dropping 15 metallic colours, the Speed-o-Matic has it all. Other mind blowing features include:

  • spokes fitted with neon lights.
  • luxurious padded seat (with an extra option to change the colour to suit your mood).
  • carbon fibre frame that gives you the lightest, fastest bike ever invented.
  • wireless Ipod and mp3 docking system.
  • built-in ultra accurate SAT NAV – you’ll never lose your way again.
  • adjustable steel stunt pegs for additional top class performance.

Surely you would agree that this global phenomenon is the ultimate in cycle technology. The facts are clear: Speed-o-Matic is the highest ever rated bike in ‘Race Magazine’ with an astonishing ***** rating. Don’t just take our word for how brilliant the Speed-o-Matic is… “This is the greatest bike I’ve ever used.” Jim Smith (Olympic Cycling Gold Medallist)

Available from all good bike retailers around the globe. Normal price £200, but now reduced to a bargain price of only £129.99 while stocks last. (With 3 free seat covers)

The Speed-o-Matic comes with a life time guarantee.

Speed-o-Matic’s for you

Speed-o-Matic’s for you

Go and get it from the bike shop

Speed-o-Matic’s for you

The Speed-o-Matic…. fast, fun, funky.  Get it…..NOW!