Class News

Comic Relief

Posted on Thursday 10 March 2011 by

Friday 18th March is comic relief. Year Four have the theme of Astronauts and Aliens. It would be great to see some of the children dressed up as something linked to our topic (I don’t want to be the only alien)! Our learning will also link to this theme on the day so it should be enjoyable! 

School Councillors

Posted on Thursday 10 March 2011 by

Thank you to Faizaan and Henry for being fantastic school councillors and good representatives of Year Four.

Well done to Sami and Iona who have now taken over their role – I’m sure they’ll be just as great!

Super Sports at Allerton Grange

Posted on Wednesday 09 March 2011 by Mrs Weekes

allerton grange 003We had a fantastic morning at Allerton Grange High School on Wednesday. After a breezy walk to the school the children were taught by some Year 10 pupils.  They had planned some great activities including general fitness, ball skills and dance.  We then walked back to Moortown helped along by the wind!  Thank you to the pupils and staff at Allerton Grange and thank you to the Year 1 children who were brilliant representatives of Moortown Primary.

allerton grange 010allerton grange 005allerton grange 013


Posted on Sunday 06 March 2011 by Mrs Wood

Try this activity at home to help your child with understanding addition and partitioning:

Spot the difference

Draw a row of six coloured spots.


  • In turn, one player closes his/her eyes.
  • The other player hides some of the spots with a sheet of paper.
  • The first player says how many spots are hidden.
  • Try with other numbers of spots.
  • Show your child how to count on.

Reading Activities

Posted on Sunday 06 March 2011 by Mrs Wood

Here are some ideas when reading with your child:

1. Introduce the book.

2. Look at the front cover illustration and ask your child to predict what the book is about.

3. Ask questions eg “What can we see on the front cover?”

4. Look through the book at the illustrations.

5. Read the blurb – the description on the back of most books.

6. Ask questions about the text as you read.

7. Explain unfamiliar vocabulary and new words.

8. Ask your child to find words in the text and discuss them.

Other questions and prompts you might use are:

  • Show me where you start reading.
  • Show me how you point to the words as you read.
  • Point to a capital letter.
  • Point to a full stop.
  • Can you find a word that starts with___?
  • Can you see any speech bubbles / exclamation marks?
  • Can you find a long word on the page and count the syllables?

Well done!

Posted on Saturday 05 March 2011 by

Congratulations to Archie and Isabella for their election to the school council. I’m sure they’ll do a great job.

Also, well done to all the other children who stood in the election. I was very impressed with all the candidates’ presentations.

Don’t forget the class assembly on Thursday at 2.45pm.

The Forum

Posted on Thursday 03 March 2011 by

Keep your eye on the Forum over the weekend for another set of puzzles.

Why not try to add your own topic for discussion like Bethany and Yutaro?

School Council

Posted on Thursday 03 March 2011 by

Congratulations to Rosie and Yutaro for their election to the school council. I’m sure they’ll do a great job.

Also, well done to all the other children who stood in the election.


Posted on Thursday 03 March 2011 by

Year Three and Four’s production will be on Wednesday 30 March at 2.00pm and Thursday 31 March at 6.00pm. We hope to see you there!

Topic – To Infinity And Beyond!

Posted on Thursday 03 March 2011 by

Can your child tell you how long it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun?

How about how long it takes for the moon to orbit the Earth?

Year Four seem to be really enjoying the Space topic!  Last half term, the children produced some fantastic drawings of some of the space artefacts we have in school – take a look at our space display in class! This half term we will be developing our sewing skills to create alien hand puppets.

We have an exciting visit from a space dome to look forward to at the end of March when the children will experience an interactive virtual tour of the solar system!