Class News

Ideas for helping your child with maths

Posted on Sunday 27 February 2011 by Mrs Wood

This week we are learning to recognise and write the numerals 0-9.  Here are some ideas for helping your child at home.

Choose a number for the week eg 2

Encourage your child to look for this number all the time, at home, in the street and while out shopping.

Choose a different number each week and encourage your child to write the numeral.

Try this website for games to help your child to recognise numerals.

Roald Dahl Book Fair

Posted on Friday 25 February 2011 by


TAG rugby

Posted on Thursday 24 February 2011 by Mrs Taylor

For the next half term, Year 6 will be taking part in five weeks of tag rugby coaching on Monday afternoons.  The programme has been set up by Leeds Carnegie and we are one of a small number of local schools selected to take part.

Please ensure children have their outdoor PE kit at school for these sessions.

Tag rugby

Posted on Thursday 24 February 2011 by Mrs Taylor

For the next half term, Year 5 will be taking part in five weeks of tag rugby coaching on Monday afternoons.  The programme has been set up by Leeds Carnegie and we are one of a small number of local schools selected to take part.

Please ensure children have their outdoor PE kit at school for these sessions.

We can write super sentences!

Posted on Tuesday 15 February 2011 by Mrs Weekes

We have been learning even more about sentences.  We all know that a sentence needs:

  • to make sense
  • a full stop at the end
  • a capital letter at the beginning

Now we are even adding a conjunction.  A conjunction is a word that joins two sentences together.  We have been learning to use “but”, “and” and “because”.

Look at our super sentences!

January 2011 025January 2011 026

The Circus is Coming to Moortown!

Posted on Sunday 13 February 2011 by


Testing nets to make cubes

Posted on Thursday 10 February 2011 by

Look at that concentration!
Look at that concentration!

Practical Maths

Posted on Thursday 10 February 2011 by

Look what we've made!
Look what we've made!

Testing nets to see if they make cubes

Posted on Thursday 10 February 2011 by

What hardworking mathematicians!
What hardworking mathematicians!

What a great 3D dodecahedron!

Posted on Thursday 10 February 2011 by

Feeling proud!
Feeling proud!