Class News

Golf opportunities

Posted on Thursday 03 February 2011 by Mrs Taylor

Today Year 5 have taken part in a tri-golf session hosted by golf professional Paul O’Donnell. 

The class were very enthusiastic and skillful and as a result Paul has invited all of Year 5 to take part in a free morning of golf at Cookridge Hall golf club 9am – 11am Tuesday 5 April in the Easter holidays.

A letter with more information will be sent out after the half term.


Posted on Thursday 03 February 2011 by

The Year Four cross-country competition that was due to take place in November has been rescheduled for Friday 18 February. The children will have their lunch as usual at school and then be taken in mini buses to Cardinal Heenan. We’ll return in time for the end of the school day. Children will need their PE kits in school that day. It should be a fun end to the half-term!

How to help with phonics at home

Posted on Sunday 30 January 2011 by Mrs Wood

We are beginning to learn vowel digraphs such as ai, ee, igh, oa, and oo. Encourage your child to say the letter names as this is less confusing at this stage.

Here are some examples of words they will be reading. Their confidence from the daily experience of practising and applying their phonic knowledge to reading and writing is really paying off!

tail, week, right, soap, food, park, burn, cord, town, soil.

Tricky words

The number of tricky words is expanding. These are so important for reading and spelling: he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, her, they, all.

Continue to play with magnetic letters, using some of the two grapheme (letter) combinations:

r-ai-n = rain blending for reading      rain = r-ai-n – segmenting for spelling

b-oa-t = boat blending for reading    boat = b-oa-t – segmenting for spelling

h-ur-t = hurt blending for reading     hurt = h-ur-t – segmenting for spelling

PLEASE continue reading to your child even when they are reading independently. This is very important – your child needs to practise their reading skills every day, and needs the support of an interested adult.

Symmetry in Shapes

Posted on Saturday 29 January 2011 by

Objective: Create a shape with one line of symmetry.
Objective: Create a shape with one line of symmetry.

Splendid Symmetry

Posted on Saturday 29 January 2011 by

Symmetry has never been so much fun!
Symmetry has never been so much fun!
A symmetrical pattern which earned one Year 2 child a certificate!
A symmetrical pattern which earned one Year 2 child a certificate!

Circus Time

Posted on Saturday 29 January 2011 by

Where should the big top go ?During this term the Year 1 children are investigating the theme of the Circus through maths, literacy, art, music, and drama.

At the moment, we are working with The Blahs Theatre Company developing our drama skills. We are in the early stages of preparing to hold our own circus, a flea circus! This is being linked to our Literacy work on Fantasy.

Have a look at the children hard at work developing their ideas.

A drama lesson
A drama lesson

Can you ride a unicycle ?
Can you ride a unicycle ?

Class Poetry

Posted on Thursday 27 January 2011 by

As you know, Year Six studying a unit of work where they are imagining they are ‘Snowbound’ in school. As part of the topic, we have been studying different writing genres.

Today the class worked together to share ideas about writing poetry.

We wrote a poem about sleeping in school that compares the noises, thoughts and fears you may have at night in school to those you may have in a jungle.

Here is our poem.

Classroom Jungle

Darkness… all around.


Wailing wind lashes windows,

Tiger-claw branches scratch.

It whispers: let me in.


Blinds are shadow makers,

Moonlight is squeezing through.

Transforming everything.


Children are snakes,

Tables are fallen trees,

Door keys are panther eyes:


Staring….. staring.


Caged animals line the walls,

Clicking and groaning.

Bat-like paper draped from the ceiling…



To pounce?



A drawer falls, eyes open, hearts pound, screams of fear,

Night is disturbed.

The classroom jungle has awoken.



By Year Six


Posted on Sunday 23 January 2011 by Mrs Wood

Reception children have been following and making their own repeating patterns in Maths.

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Relax and Read!!

Posted on Thursday 20 January 2011 by Mrs Weekes

January 2011 073In Year 1 we spend time every day reading; it might be reading with an adult or it might be reading independently.  Please remember that it is important to read “real” books as well as the reading books that the children bring home; your child will become a much more fluent reader if they experience a wide range of books.  There will be a leaflet coming home soon with some questions you can ask your child when they have read a book as it is essential that they understand the different features of the text. 

Enjoy some reading time with your child; it is a very valuable and enjoyable time!

Homophone Quiz

Posted on Thursday 20 January 2011 by

Test your knowledge with this homophone quiz!