Allerton Grange Visit
Year Four have been invited to go to Allerton Grange next Wednesday (26 January) to take part in dance and multiskills sessions.
We’ll be walking there in the morning and returning to Moortown in time for lunch. Please ensure children have their PE kits in school.
Class Assembly – To Infinity and Beyond!
Don’t forget Year Four’s class assembly on Thursday 27 January. It will start at 2.45.
We look forward to seeing you then!
Maths in the playound
In a recent maths lesson, the children were tasked with calculating the cost of some new playground equipment. They had to add together the different pieces of equipment to see what they could buy if they had £300.

Every Child Matters Survey Preparation
This week, Year 5 have their pupil diary to complete prior to taking part in the ECM survey next Monday. By completing this diary, the more accurate the data will be in the survey.
The anonymous ECM survey gives our school information of how we can support the health and well-being of our pupils and will be used by other health professionals to bring about positive change in all areas of health.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the diary.
If you have any questions or concerns about the survey please come and see me.
Every Child Matters Survey Preparation
This week Year 6 have their pupil diary to complete prior to taking part in the ECM survey this Friday. By completing this diary, the more accurate the data will be in the survey.
The anonymous ECM survey gives our school information of how we can support the health and well-being of our pupils and will be used by other health professionals to bring about positive change in all areas of health.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the diary.
If you have any questions or concerns about the survey please come and see me.
What a start to 2011!

We have only been back two weeks and we have done so much already. The children have made a brilliant start to 2011; they are working hard and have learnt basketball skills and circus skills. Ask them what they learnt in the circus skills workshop but don’t let them spin your plates as they only practised with plastic ones!

Class Assembly
Don’t forget the Reception Class assembly on Thursday at 2.45.
A Review of Last Term
Last term was very successful with lots of learning taking place in all curriculum areas and SEAL. When we asked the children what their favourite learning was, many said it was the opportunity to dress up and experience Victorian Day. The children have also enjoyed the opportunity to use the Year Six Forums on the website.
Here’s looking forward to another busy, eventful and successful half term!
Would you like to read to a small group of children or the class?
Do you have a favourite story from your childhood you would like to share?
We are learning traditional stories in our Literacy sessions this term and would like to provide the children with a wide range of stories read by a variety of people. If you would like to read to the children at story time please let us know.
We would particularly like to hear stories from a variety of cultures, not necessarily from a book.
Games to play at home
Memory, also known as concentration, is a fantastic game that can be played by even the youngest children, making it a very enjoyable way to learn the phonemic code. Because children generally excel at memory-based games, it also allows them to compete easily with older players.
The player to the dealer’s left starts. On each turn, a player must turn over two cards and pronounce each phoneme. If they match and are a pair the player may keep them if he or she can pronounce the phoneme correctly. If playing with the advanced code phoneme cards, then a word containing that phoneme has to be said in order to keep the pair. Because that player was successful, he/she also gets to take another turn. If, however, the two cards that he/she turns over do not match, then the player must turn them face down again and the next player takes his/her turn. The game is over when all of the pairs have been found. The person with the most pairs is the winner.
Word Card Winners
Place all the cards face down and take it in turns to pick one. If your child says the word correctly they keep it. Read a few words wrongly and encourage your child to spot the mistake. The person with the most cards is the winner.
Have fun!