Class News

Victorian Day

Posted on Friday 19 November 2010 by

Hand inspection

Working hard. Make sure it's neat!


Helping your child at home

Posted on Thursday 18 November 2010 by Mrs Wood

Thank you to everyone who came to the curriculum meeting yesterday. If you could not make it  please let us know as we will be arranging a morning session very soon for those parents who wish to attend.

For information on how we teach maths using Numicon there is a useful parent’s page on their website.

For more information on the correct pronunciation of phonemes this website is very useful.

New Literacy Module: Traditional Stories

Posted on Monday 15 November 2010 by

For the rest of the term, Year 2 will be plunged into a world of dragons, princesses and wizards. How much does your child already know about fairy tales and traditional stories? See what stories or characters they can take away from this picture below. Fairy tale Pic

This would be a great time to introduce (or re-visit) stories at home like ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ etc. How well can your child describe the main character and how well can they describe the villain?

Supporting your child’s learning

Posted on Sunday 14 November 2010 by Mrs Wood

Don’t forget the Curriculum Evening this Wednesday at 6.30pm!

For ideas for helping your child at home, download some useful leaflets from Early Education entitled ‘Maths is everywhere’ and ‘The road to reading’.

The children takeover!

Posted on Sunday 14 November 2010 by Mrs Wood

On Friday, the children in Reception took over ‘Show and Tell’ and did such a fantastic job that we may let them do it every week!


Maths: Understanding Data

Posted on Sunday 14 November 2010 by

This week in Maths we have been estimating weight and length. Ask your child to describe to you what weight and length are and how they can check their predictions.

Cubes test their prediction of what is heavier that a chocolate bar.
Cubes Group test their prediction of what is heavier than a chocolate bar.

Cylinders and Cones had to estimate what was lighter than a whiteboard pen.
Cylinders Group and Cones Group had to estimate what was lighter than a whiteboard pen.

The children also carried out an investigation this week to find out what was the most common amount of letters in their first names. Ask your child if they can remember which one was the most popular and which one was the least popular letter. Go to the BBC for a great game all about interpreting data.

New Literacy Unit

Posted on Saturday 13 November 2010 by

We start a new unit in Literacy this week. In this unit we will be looking at labels. What are they? Can children identify them and then write one of their own?  Next, we will explain that lists are used for remembering, for planning or for presenting information clearly. Lastly, we will discuss captions and write our own simple caption.

By the end of the week, the children will have used lists to organise and present information about toys.

You can support your child to use captions next to pictures at home. Here is an example.

Lego is a construction toy.

It can be put together to build a model.

Reception are happy learning together!

Posted on Sunday 07 November 2010 by Mrs Wood

Our SEAL Theme is ‘Getting On’. Reception are happy to learn together!

IMG_2061 IMG_2055 IMG_2058 IMG_2059


Posted on Sunday 07 November 2010 by

In PE we have been extremely lucky to have had coaches take Year Four for multiskills lessons. These lessons have focused on throwing, catching and balancing. These sessions will continue once a week until the next school holiday. I will teach the other weekly session of PE. We will focus on netball and basketball skills.

Try out the game about feelings!

Posted on Sunday 07 November 2010 by

Try the game about feelings which links to our PSHCE this half term.