Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
I’m confident 2025 will be a great year for Y6, especially if our first term was anything to go by.
Our new class novel will be The Nowhere Emporium by Ross MacKenzie.
It follows the story of Daniel, an orphan, whose life turns upside down when he enters a mysterious shop.
If you like the book – good news! – there are another two in the series to sink your teeth into.
Merry Christmas!
I just wanted to wish everybody a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.
I was really impressed with everyone’s performance, both acting and singing, in both nativities this week! All the children should be very proud of themselves!
I also wanted to say a huge thank you from myself and Miss G for all the cards and gifts we have received. It is very much appreciated!
Have a restful holiday and we will see you all again in 2025!
Autumn 2: Week 7
I think I speak for everyone when I say how proud we are of our wonderful reception class for their fabulous singing during the nativity performance. They did such a fantastic.
Alongside our performance this week, we have made Christmas hats, completed jiqsaws, built models and danced at our Christmas party.
Thank you for all the wonderful gifts you have given.
Enjoy your Christmas break and we look forward to seeing you all back in the new year.
Reception Team
Topic: Art, art and more art!
Here are our final collages that were inspired by Wren and Hadid’s architecture.
They turned out brilliantly with lots of different materials and layers to create new art!
We also used these to create your new calendars for 2025.
Help at home: What visual and tactile elements can you see in these?
- line
- shape
- texture
- shadow
- tone
- composition
- colour
We are artists!
We’ve come to the end of art topic and the children have created some fantastic collages based on Sir Christopher Wren’s or Dame Zaha Hadid’s architecture.
Throughout this half term, the children have been exploring a variety of media in our art lessons, such as using carbon paper, tracing and freehand drawing. They then used these different media in their final collages of a piece of architecture designed by either Sir Christopher Wren or Dame Zaha Hadid.
We made sure to think about the composition of our collages before beginning to stick the pieces together. They came out brilliantly!
Have a happy and healthy Christmas break!
Have a happy and healthy Christmas break
Well done to the cast of Whoops a daisy angel! It was great to welcome you into school to watch performances this week.
We hope you agree that the children did a fantastic job and we are very proud of them all.
Mrs Taylor, Mrs Lake, Mrs Roth and Mrs Maqbool would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing all the children in 2025!
Saturday morning cross country runners
Well done to all our KS2 pupils who took part in the third Leeds Schools Sports Association cross country race at Prince Henry’s Grammar School in Otley on Saturday morning.
It was great to have some first time runners this time and many improved their race positions from last time.
Thank you to parents who supported at the event.
There is one more race this season and information will be sent about these nearer the time. Please note there is a new registration system this year with all children being registered prior to their first race to take part.
Reading: Hot Seat
For the final week of term, we’ve been reading The Santa Trap, written by Jonathan Emmett and illustrated by Poly Bernatene.
This story’s all about a very naughty boy called Bradley. Each year, Bradley only gets socks from Santa which he’s not happy about. So one year, he decides to set up an enormous santa trap!
Year 4 took on the role of Bradley in our hot seat lesson. Using information and hints from the book, the children had to answer questions from the class from Bradley’s perspective. There were some very convincing Bradleys!
How does it make you feel when you only get socks at Christmas?
Why do you think Santa only brings you socks every Christmas?
Your parents do so much for you, why are you so ungrateful?
Do you think trapping Santa was the best way to get more presents?
How does it make you feel that your plan to trap Santa didn’t work?
Will you behave differently next Christmas?
What were you feeling when you saw that you had more than a pair of socks in your stocking?
Help at home: recreate the hot seat at home and ask your children some of the questions above.
Royal Ballet and Opera School Set Design
Today, Year 3 joined a live lesson to learn more about how someone set designs for the Royal Ballet and Opera’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Visit this link to see more about this production: https://www.rbo.org.uk/tickets-and-events/alices-adventures-in-wonderland-details
We listened to how a set designer starts with their drawings to building a prototype to their final sets.
A part of the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland set is the trees. We had a go at creating our own prototype trees using different materials.
It was quite tricky to create the cone shape but once we did, we tried to add texture to make it look realistic. Here’s some of our final trees…
Help at home: You can join another of their live lessons at home too! Visit this link here…https://www.rbo.org.uk/schools/teacher-training/live-lessons
Year 3’s PE day is changing to a TUESDAY rather than Thursday.
Your child needs to come into school in their PE kits on a Tuesday and Wednesday (plus swim kits) from the first week back!
Please remember to have your child in white or black trainers too.
Thank you!