Thank you to Roundhegians
We had a great sports day last Thursday and thanks go to Roundhegians Rugby Club for once again allowing us to use their great facilities.
Have a look at the options for rugby coaching available at the club.
We know the children appreciated it too.
Living and learning: Health Week
Last week was a themed week at Moortown – Health Week. Our whole school spent a week taking part in lots of different sessions about how to be healthy both physically and mentally.
We had a visit from Donna Russell at Active Schools who spoke to us about how to stay active and what a balanced diet looks like…
Katie from Skipping School helped us practise our skipping which we got to demonstrate to the rest of the school…
We competed in Sports Day…
And took part in a British Military Martial Arts session!
Help at home by asking your child what different types of food fit into these categories:
Carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, dairy, fats and sugars and protein
Food technology
This week, Year 3 learnt how to make savoury scones in Food Technology.
We practised lots of practical skills such as chopping, grating and kneading!
The children loved trying their tasty treats and we hoped you liked them at home, too!
Food Technology – Savoury scones!
Today, Year 4 completed their final Food Technology session. This time, they made savoury scones! Some of us had never eaten a savoury scone before, let alone made them.
They had courgettes, carrot and sweetcorn in to make them filling and part of our balanced diets.
We worked in groups of 10 to make a batch of 15 scones so we all had to share the jobs. The two main skills we learned and practised were grating and kneading.
Grating the vegetables was tricky as we needed to keep the slippery grater up-right! The courgette was more difficult as it was moist.
Kneading our dough was interesting as the dough was quite sticky. We needed to make sure our surface and hands had enough flour on to stop it from sticking everywhere.
Overall, we did a fantastic job and ALL of the children loved the flavour!
Help at home by using the recipe to remake the savoury scones using different vegetables! The children thought that pepper and tomatoes could be tasty…
Go-karts using TechCard
In D&T, we have been making the prototype of a go-kart.
We have been using a construction material called TechCard to design and make the prototypes which must satisfy a number of design criteria.
The design criteria for our go-karts are:
- It has to roll freely
- It must carry a (toy) person
- It must contain an electrical component to make it move
Watch this space to see our finished products!
Being healthy themed week: bike safety
Thank you to Stu and Alex from Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative, based in Chapel Allerton, for visiting this during our Being Healthy week.
They were kept busy by checking lots of bikes to ensure they were safe to use. Thank you to everyone who brought their bike into school.
Then, Year 5 and 6 learnt some different bike maintenance tips to do on their own bikes.
Living and Learning: Being Healthy themed week – d:side visit
On Tuesday, we had a visit from Dave from d:side. Dave talked to us about keeping our body healthy.
There are three things that should go in our body (also known as our basic needs which is part of our current science learning). These are:
- food
- water
- air
If we have all these things, we might still get poorly so Dave reminded us of keeping safe around medicines and who should (and shouldn’t) give us medicines.
But where does the food, water and air go in our body?
We learnt about different parts of our body and where they are found. We recreated it correctly too!
Help at home: Ask your child, what were the different parts of the body we learnt about?
Being Healthy Week!
This week has been full of fun and informative activities all about the topic of ‘Being Healthy’.
On Monday, we had a visit from D:Side Dave, who talked about the risks of smoking and vaping, especially the impacts on children. We also had an orienteering session where the children had to find hidden photos and numbers around the school.
On Tuesday, the children had an assembly about physical activity and how important it is. The main message was ’60 minutes of exercise every day’. This doesn’t need to be all in one go but can be broken down in to smaller chunks of time. We also took part in a bike maintenance workshop.
On Wednesday, we had an assembly on healthy eating. We then went to Allerton Grange to take part in a PE lesson.
After that, we had a skipping session with the Skipping School and showcased our skills to the rest of the school.
On Thursday, we had our sports day. On Friday, we finished the week with a talk about promoting good health and a martial arts workshop.
Health Week – what a week!
This week has been a themed week at Moortown – Health Week. This means that the whole school have been focused on being healthy in our bodies and our minds!
Year 4 have been very fortunate to have experienced a range of different activities and talks that relate to health.
Monday began with a visit from Leeds Beckett University. We were outside being active while learning about Orienteering! The children began with a quick warm up activity where they had to find certain areas in the playground that related to a picture. This then led onto map reading and navigating their groups around the school to find letters to spell words. It was a great and unique way of getting our bodies and minds working.
On Tuesday, we had D:side in to talk to us about alcohol and how to be safe around it. We spoke about how to identify if something has alcohol in it. For example, comparing WKDs to J20s. We also spoke about how alcohol affects people such as, changing how their minds and body work. Here are some of the class with the ‘alcohol’ glasses on.
On Friday, we had a martial-arts session. Some of our children already attend a martial-arts club after school so they were prepared and ready for what was to come. Others were starting as beginners but we all worked together as a team so help one another. Here’s some great snaps of us doing some kick-boxing:
Help at home by asking your child what different types of food fit into these categories:
Carbohydrates, Fruit and Vegetables, Dairy, Fats and Sugars, Protein.
Food tasting
This morning, we were very brave tasting and feeling new food in a bush tucker trial. Even the teachers had a turn!
Help at home: Can your child remember the names of the new food?