Class News

York Railway Museum

Posted on Monday 27 March 2023 by Mrs Wood

Last Friday, Reception enjoyed a day out to York Railway Museum.
When we first arrived, the children were amazed at the size of the trains.

In the morning, we enjoyed looking at all of the different trains. We jumped on board the high-speed Japanese bullet train – the world’s fastest passenger rail network. When lunchtime arrived, they were so excited to sit with their friends and show off their packed lunches!  After lunch, we continued to explored the museum. We found the replica version of Stephenson’s Rocket.

From getting on the coach to arriving back at school, their behaviour was impeccable. It was a pleasure taking them all on their first school trip.

Barney had a good time, too!

Smart Money Award 2023

Posted on Monday 27 March 2023 by Mrs Taylor

Today, we welcomed Nicola and Linda from HSBC to our whole school assembly to present us with our Smart Money Award 2023.

This is awarded for financial education lessons which took place in school for all classes last summer as part of our Living and Learning curriculum.

Nicola combined this visit with some more financial education for the children.


Living and Learning: I can give and receive compliments.

Posted on Monday 27 March 2023 by Miss Goswami

In Living and Learning, the children discussed and defined ‘a compliment’ as “giving someone praise in a respectful way”.  We then went on to give ourselves a compliment, others a compliment and also talked about how it makes us feel when we are given a compliment. Some of our emotions included: being happy; feeling embarrassed; being proud; feeling appreciated and validated.

Here are some of the things the children complimented themselves on:

We love reading!

Posted on Sunday 26 March 2023 by Mrs Lake

Each week, we enjoy visiting our school library. The children enjoy browsing the fiction and non-fiction books in the library, discussing their favourite books and choosing new books to take home each Friday.

Big Walk and Wheel – getting active on the way to school

Posted on Sunday 26 March 2023 by Mrs Taylor

It’s been a great start to Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel walking, scooting and cycling challenge this week.

After the first five days, we are currently in 14th place (out of 514 schools) in the small primary category with an average of 90.36% of our journeys to school being active. This is a great achievement and we want to thank families for supporting this challenge.

To keep up with the leader board for the rest of the challenge, it can be viewed here.

Thank you to those families who brought along bikes to the bike register event too. Nineteen bikes were registered at school.

By walking, cycling and scooting to school, you are helping us make a positive change to the school run. With less cars close to the school gates, this is a safer and healthier way to start the day.

The Big Walk and Wheel challenge continues until Friday 31st March so we look forward to seeing our progress over the upcoming week.

Go For Gold!

Posted on Friday 24 March 2023 by Miss Birch

As I’m sure you are aware, Year 3 and 4 having been working their socks off preparing and rehearsing for their Easter production for the last 5 weeks. Today was their first official dress rehearsal in front of their first audience and Miss Needham and I (plus everyone else!) were just blown away by how well they did.

The 3 key points that we practised the most were:

  • Projecting our voices so that even people at the back of the hall can hear us.
  • Using the stage to our advantage and standing in the correct places.
  • Facing the audience even though we might be having a conversation with someone else across the stage.

Every single person remembered all of these points and went above and beyond by adding actions and expression into their voices. The audience loved it, especially the songs.

A huge thank you to all the help with costumes and props – we couldn’t have done this without everyones help!

We look forward to our next two performances… let’s break a leg!

Miss Birch

Making Pizza!

Posted on Thursday 23 March 2023 by Mr Wain

Recently, Y6 spent the morning in groups making pizza!

We followed a recipe and created our own pizzas from scratch!

Firstly, we made the dough and kneaded it into shape.

Then, we made our tomato sauce for our base.

After that, we prepared our toppings before placing them onto our tomato base.

Once we’d cooked our pizzas, it was time to enjoy!

Well done, Y6!

Spring 2: Week 5

Posted on Thursday 23 March 2023 by Mrs Wood

It’s been another busy week in Reception!

This week, we’ve been reading the traditional tale Jack and the Beanstalk. We had lots of fun using prosody when saying the Giant’s famous line…
On Tuesday, we all planted our own (magic) beans. We talked about what a bean needs in order to grow and the life cycle of a bean.

What’s a life cycle?

HA – Something that grows and grows.
AT – Something that goes round.
FlM – Something that grows day by day by day.
HM – A life cycle is like us.

After planting our beans, we wrote instructions to explain to others how they could plant a bean.
We’ve been learning about doubles!
The children are super quick at showing doubles on their fingers.
We used this stem sentence…
_____ is made of _____ and _____ ; double _____ is _____
when explaining double patterns.
We made doubles patterns on ladybirds, butterflies and with paint!

Help at home: Can you make a double pattern at home?

This week, the chilli challenges were based on our focus story.

Next half-term, PE will be changing to a Monday and Thursday. A coach from Foot-Tech is coming to teach us some football skills .

Your child will have an extra e-book on their account for you to read at home.

Poetry Picnic
This week’s was called Hungry Birdies. We used our gentle voices when saying the poem. Click here to watch our careful hand actions.


  • PTA egg competition
    Please bring your decorated egg to school on Thursday 30 March.
  • Reception coffee morning – Monday 27 March – 9am – 10am
  • Learning journey drop ins – Monday 27, Tuesday 28 and Thursday 30 March

A special visitor!

Posted on Tuesday 21 March 2023 by Mr McGriffiths

Today, Year 1 had a special visitor come into class. Our local councillor, Mahalia France Mir, came to talk to us about the letters we sent to her before half term. She was very impressed with our writing and our arguments for improving safety around the shops near school. She explained what her job entails and how she helps the local community solve problems. We asked some great questions!
This followed on from our trip to the shops with the police last Tuesday to hand out warning tickets to local drivers. We are very proud of ourselves for making a difference in our locality.

Well done Year 1!

Putting our views across

Posted on Tuesday 21 March 2023 by Mrs Taylor

Today, Councillor Mahalia France-Mir came into school to hear about the concerns the children had about litter in our locality.

The children clearly put across their views about the litter they had seen as part of a local walk during our geography ‘streets around our school’ topic.

Councillor Mahalia was very interested to hear from the children. We were pleased to hear she is going put forward their views with the hope that a recycling bin will be added to Moortown Park and for some of the existing bins to be moved to better positions.

The children felt proud to have their views heard and fingers crossed some actions will be taken to help improve our local area.