English: our own Goldilocks story.
This week we have been learning and then changing the Goldilocks and the 3 bears story, inspired by Michael Rosen’s Goldilocks and the three crocodiles. We decided as a class we wanted to change the bears to penguins but this meant we had to change lots of other things too! The cottage became an igloo, the woods became Antartica, the porridge was fish, the chairs were ice cubes and the beds became water beds!
Once we had finished altering our story map, we took advantage of the glorious weather to practice retelling our story outside.
Our next job is to come up with our own animals and draw our own story map.
Help at home by practising their story at home.
Magnificent Maths!
We have started this half term learning about statistics and measures. Last week, Year 2 learned how to recognise, create and interpret tally charts, block diagrams and pictograms.
For the next two weeks, we are learning how to measure mass and capacity. We will also be looking carefully at reading scales in grams (g) , kilograms (kg) , millilitres (ml) and litres (l).
Help at home by looking at different scales. Can you weigh items and say how much the mass is in g or kg?
This morning, we were very hot after doing LOTS of learning. Therefore, we decided to do a bit of mindfulness drawing to help cool us down. We had lots of fun using our imaginations to create purposeful drawings.
Click here to look at our wonderful drawings.
Your child must bring a water bottle and named sun hat to school everyday. We will refill your child’s water bottle when needed.
New spelling list!
This half-term, instead of learning eight different words each week, we’d like you to learn these 40 words over the whole half-term. Lots of research suggests that learning more spellings over a longer time leads to better remembering how to spell them in the long term.
How you decide to do this is up to you. You might decide to focus on the trickiest words first. Or, you might decide to learn 8 words a week and really focus on these whilst still practising the others, too. For some of you, you might already feel confident with some of the words so might choose to not practise these at all.
However you decide to do it, is up to you. The important thing is that you’re learning them and learning how you like to learn them best.
Each week, we’ll choose eight random words to test you on. These tests aren’t pressured. They might just help you figure out which words you need to practise more.
Learning spellings in this way might feel quite different – or even scary – but it shouldn’t. In fact, you’ve actually got less words to learn this half-term than you normally would.
We’ll keep thinking about this in school and we’ll regularly talk about how we can best practise these words at home.
If you need some ideas for practical things to do, check out the Super Spelling Strategies Guide on the school website.
attention confusion fraction mission explosion because decide describe exercise |
increase height beautiful medal meddle mist missed who’s whose |
bicycle decide sentence experience centre friend guard guide guest |
material actual arrival personal mammal guess people really every |
Circle time
This week, Year 3 took advantage of the sunshine and had our circle time outside on the new grass.
Our circle time this week revolved around speaking about people we trust. The class offered examples of people in their lives that they trust and explained why.
We then talked about keeping secrets and how we should always tell a trusted adult if we are worried about someone, even if they have asked us to keep it a secret.
Spellings 3.2
Welcome back!
I can’t believe it is already the last half term of Year 3 – the year has flown!
This half term, we are continuing to practise the 40 spellings from half term 2.2. There were a few tricky words in the list that I feel the class will benefit from some extra practise with.
Instead of learning eight different words each week, we’d like your child to learn these 40 words over the whole half-term. Lots of research suggests that learning more spellings over a longer time leads to better remembering how to spell them in the long term.
anticlockwise ball bawl capture caught delicious feature forward history |
impatient impolite important impossible independent inexperienced infamous international machine |
male measure mention naughty ordinary pleasure position possession pressure |
scene seen should special sugar supernatural therefore thought treasure |
Any questions please ask!
Summer 2: Week 1
I can’t believe it’s the last half-term. Where has this school year gone?
This week, we’ve dived straight into our new topic, Let’s make a splash! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be thinking about days at the beach – we even have our own beach! We’ll investigate floating and sinking, locate seaside towns on a map, talk about what we see at the seaside that we don’t see in Leeds and talk about seaside holidays of the past.
This week, we’ve been reading One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab by Jeff Sayre and April Sayre. Before reading the book, we looked carefully at the front cover and discussed where the story is set.
Have you ever been somewhere like this?
HB – I’ve been to Serbia and there’s a beach there.
HFW – I’ve been to Whitby and there’s lots of house. I have a house there.
JZ – I have been to a lake in the Lake District.
SB – I’ve been to a Spain beach.
FlM – I’ve been to Saltburn and I saw an ice cream shack.
HW – I’ve been to Lanzarote and I went to a flamingo beach.
HM – I’ve been to Robin Hood Bay. I did rock hammering to see if there’s ammonites inside.
LC – I went to a beach in France. I went with my family and lots of cousins.
MB – I built sandcastles. I have a bucket that looks like a real castle.
When reading this book, we found it rather funny! This book also helped us with our maths learning.
Yesterday, I challenged the children to work out how many legs there are ALTOGETHER in our classroom. We counted in 2s all the way up to 66!
Counting beyond 20 has been an important focus this week. For the children to develop familiarity with the structure and the pattern of counting, we have been practising these key skills:
- tagging each object in a group of up to 10 objects
- knowing that the last number counted gives the total in the set
- counting movements, such as jumps, hops, sounds, etc.
- developing strategies to keep track of what has and has not been counted when counting larger sets of objects, e.g. rearranging objects into groups and rows
- developing strategies for counting larger amounts that can’t be moved, e.g. using a pen to cross through each object
Help at home: Practise counting things that can’t be moved. Can you use one of the strategies we’ve been using in school? You could use the patterns below, patterns on wrapping paper or draw your own patterns to count.
Poetry picnic
We’ve been practising our prosody skills when reading this week’s poem. Click here to check out our fantastic actions!
Maypole dancing
This week, we’ve been practising our Maypole dance ready for the Summer Fair next month. We are looking forward to opening the fair.
This half-term is very busy! Please make sure you’ve noted down the below events.
Diary dates
19 June – Moving from Reception to Year 1 parent Zoom meeting – 6pm
23 June – PTA non-uniform day
03,04 & 07 July – Learning journey drop ins
06 July – Trip to Temple Newsam Farm
7 July – PTA Summer Fair
13 July – Sports Day
18 July – Sports Day – reserve date
Design and Technology
This week we have started our new topic all about Design and Technology. We have been learning about the design process. It involves three stages (plan, make, evaluate) and is always repeating.
Today, we evaluated some products to see if they had been badly or well designed. We pointed out problems and thought about solutions. Can you spot the problems with these products.
Our project this half term is to build a new chair for baby bear and we can’t wait to get going.
Help at home by looking at the vocabulary in this week’s talk time.
Robinwood Residential 2023
This week has been Y6’s residential!
We arrived on Wednesday morning and were thrown straight into activities!
These have included; Zip-line, caving, dungeon, piranha pool, trapeze, canoeing, raft building and climbing wall! Here’s some pictures of us below!
Plenty more of fun activities await us tomorrow!
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
During the week beginning the 12th of June, Year 4 will be completing their statutory Multiplication Tables Check.
This check:
- tests them on their facts up to 12 x 12.
- gives them 6 seconds to answer each question.
- gives 3 seconds in between each question.
- can only be completed once.
Year 4 have been working their socks off all year learning their facts by using times table grids, TTRS and Maths Frame. Please encourage your child/children to practise all their times table facts this week and onwards to ensure they achieve their best scores. TTRS sound check mimicks the official check so this is a great way to practise!
As a challenge for those who are confident on all the facts, see if you can type the answer, delete it and type it again in the space of 6 seconds to make sure you aren’t rushing!
Help at home by timing yourself when completing the times table grids. Then try to beat your time!