Design and Technology: food preparation
This week, Year 1 have prepared, eaten and evaluated some overnight oats. This is part of our Living and Learning (healthy eating) and Design & Technology (food preparation) learning.
The children have thoroughly enjoyed it and have used lots of different food preparation skills and techniques.
Then we got to taste it! Yum!
The recipe has been sent home so you can ask your child to demonstrate their cookery skills at home over the holidays!
Working scientifically
This half term, we have been working scientifically using roads and a scientist called John McAdam, who invented tarmac, as our focus.
The children have enjoyed all our investigations and have learnt lots of working scientifically skills too.
First of all, we carried out a comparative test to see how a car travelled along different surfaces around school.
Then, using four different materials, each one was tested to see which made the best road surface. Water was added to see which of the materials had the best drainage.
Finally, we recreated the layers that made up McAdam’s road.
Science: A sticky experiment!
In Science this week, the children planned and created their own glue. The children decided on their variables and then completed the experiment.
This type of scientific enquiry was comparative and fair testing.
We then put our glues to the test! The children added pegs to their pieces of paper which were stuck together using their glue. The glue that held the most pegs was the stickiest. In conclusion, we found out that flour and sugar were the stickiest substances.
Afterwards, the children went on to reflect on their experiment and decided what they would do differently next time. Some responses were: adding more glue between the pieces of paper; changing the amount of substance so it made the glue thicker and trying to add the pegs when the glue was still drying.
Design & Technology: food preparation
This week, Year 2 have prepared, eaten and evaluated our overnight oats. This is part of our Living and Learning (healthy eating) and Design and Technology (food preparation) learning.
The children have used some different food preparation skills (snipping, peeling, claw cutting technique, mixing, measuring liquids, using measuring spoons, weighing and arranging toppings) as part of this learning to create their finished product.
Then, it was the best bit – the tasting!
Finally, we evaluated our product and considered any changes we’d make next time.
York Railway Museum
Last Friday, Reception enjoyed a day out to York Railway Museum.
When we first arrived, the children were amazed at the size of the trains.
In the morning, we enjoyed looking at all of the different trains. We jumped on board the high-speed Japanese bullet train – the world’s fastest passenger rail network. When lunchtime arrived, they were so excited to sit with their friends and show off their packed lunches! After lunch, we continued to explored the museum. We found the replica version of Stephenson’s Rocket.
From getting on the coach to arriving back at school, their behaviour was impeccable. It was a pleasure taking them all on their first school trip.
Barney had a good time, too!
Smart Money Award 2023
Today, we welcomed Nicola and Linda from HSBC to our whole school assembly to present us with our Smart Money Award 2023.
This is awarded for financial education lessons which took place in school for all classes last summer as part of our Living and Learning curriculum.
Nicola combined this visit with some more financial education for the children.
Living and Learning: I can give and receive compliments.
In Living and Learning, the children discussed and defined ‘a compliment’ as “giving someone praise in a respectful way”. We then went on to give ourselves a compliment, others a compliment and also talked about how it makes us feel when we are given a compliment. Some of our emotions included: being happy; feeling embarrassed; being proud; feeling appreciated and validated.
Here are some of the things the children complimented themselves on:
We love reading!
Each week, we enjoy visiting our school library. The children enjoy browsing the fiction and non-fiction books in the library, discussing their favourite books and choosing new books to take home each Friday.
Big Walk and Wheel – getting active on the way to school
It’s been a great start to Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel walking, scooting and cycling challenge this week.
After the first five days, we are currently in 14th place (out of 514 schools) in the small primary category with an average of 90.36% of our journeys to school being active. This is a great achievement and we want to thank families for supporting this challenge.
To keep up with the leader board for the rest of the challenge, it can be viewed here.
Thank you to those families who brought along bikes to the bike register event too. Nineteen bikes were registered at school.
By walking, cycling and scooting to school, you are helping us make a positive change to the school run. With less cars close to the school gates, this is a safer and healthier way to start the day.
The Big Walk and Wheel challenge continues until Friday 31st March so we look forward to seeing our progress over the upcoming week.
Go For Gold!
As I’m sure you are aware, Year 3 and 4 having been working their socks off preparing and rehearsing for their Easter production for the last 5 weeks. Today was their first official dress rehearsal in front of their first audience and Miss Needham and I (plus everyone else!) were just blown away by how well they did.
The 3 key points that we practised the most were:
- Projecting our voices so that even people at the back of the hall can hear us.
- Using the stage to our advantage and standing in the correct places.
- Facing the audience even though we might be having a conversation with someone else across the stage.
Every single person remembered all of these points and went above and beyond by adding actions and expression into their voices. The audience loved it, especially the songs.
A huge thank you to all the help with costumes and props – we couldn’t have done this without everyones help!
We look forward to our next two performances… let’s break a leg!
Miss Birch