Supertato continued
We continued to read Supertato. We created wanted posters to try and help capture the Evil Pea. We thought of sentences to describe the Evil Pea.
He is green.
He is round.
He has a red cape.
He wears a black mask.
He is tiny.
Once again, the Evil Pea has been up to mischief! We’ve been super building traps in the construction area. The children came up with some fantastic ideas!
Some of the children drew a picture of their traps.
We’ve been learning about weight. We used balance scales to compare the weight of different objects.
We looked at some of Yayoi Kusama’s famous dot paintings. Yayoi is a Japanese artist who is sometimes called ‘the princess of polka dots’. Although she makes lots of different types of art – they have one thing in common, DOTS! In the creative area, we had fun creating our own dot paintings using cotton buds and bubble wrap.
Poetry Picnic
This week’s was called Mrs Bluebird. The children particularly liked being Mr Bee!
Outdoor learning
The wind didn’t stop us from having fun outside.
Early writing
A short presentation by Mrs Payne, one of our Sphere Federation Reception teachers has been emailed to you this week. The presentation explains how writing develops over the Reception year and has some ideas of things that you can try at home to support your child’s learning. If you have any questions about the presentation, please ask.
- Parent-teacher meetings – Monday 06 & Tuesday 07 February
I look forward to chatting to you all in person next week. - A new e-book is assigned every Thursday. Please make sure your child reads this daily at home.
- Library books must be returned every Friday.
Finally, thank you to all of the parents and carers who came to the fiddly fingers stay & learn session today. It was lovely to see so many of you! We hope you all enjoyed it.
Geography: Coastal Erosion
In Geography, we have been analysing the impact of coastal erosion on seaside villages and towns. We used the website Digimaps to measure the severity of land loss.
We looked at 3 separate locations on the North East Yorkshire coastline (Great Cowden, Skipsea and Hornsea). We were able to study and compare 3 maps from the locations: 1890s, 1950s and 2022.
We compared the land loss at all 3 locations and discussed what impacts this had on the area. Some of these were:
- infrastructure being lost into the sea;
- house prices declining in the area;
- loss of habitat;
- reduction of tourism.
Finally, we compared the land loss to something we know – Moortown Park. Moortown park is around 200m in length and this is how much land was lost at Skipsea!
We are chefs!
Year 5 have become chefs this past week; they created a very delicious vegetable pasta bake. The children learnt how to cut up vegetables using the bridge and claw method. They EVEN washed up!
If your child wishes to take a paper copy of the recipe home, they are in the end of the day tray in their classroom. Some children have already made it!
Cross country finalists
Today, four Key Stage 2 pupils represented our school in the Leeds cross country final after qualifying in the North East Leeds competition.
Well done to all the children who gave 100% in their races of over 100 runners and with a tough hill at the end.
Special congratulations to our Year 6 runner who after finishing 1st in his heat went on to finish 1st in the Leeds final today! A fantastic acheievement! He will now qualify for the West Yorkshire cross country final.
Thank you to parents who transported and supported the children today.
Living and Learning: being safe
In Living and Learning and circle time we have been talking about hwo to stay safe. We have thought about when we might need to get help and how to get help.
The NSPCC Speak out Stay safe assembly gave a very clear message about being safe and in our weekly circle time, the children were all able to say how they would seek help (Start Telling Other People).
Help at home by reinforcing these important safety messages that were part of your homework last week.
The NSPCC has also developed an adapted version of their assembly for parents/carers to use at home with their children and some resources that can be used to enable further discussion whilst doing activities with your children.
You’ll also find online safety information for families of children with additional needs and disabilities.
Childline also have a website with age-appropriate advice for primary school children on topics such as bullying. It also has games and other interactive tools.
Living and Learning – I know how to seek help.
Last week, our Living and Learning focus was how to seek help when it is needed. Asking for help is important in lots of different situations. We discussed how it could be something smaller like asking for help during a lesson or something bigger like asking for help with friendships or family.
The children watched the NSPCC assembly where it highlighted children’s rights and gave the clear message of ‘Speak out, Stay safe’. The children identified who their own trusted adults are and felt comfortable that they could ask for help.
This is a topic that we talk about often in school but it’s important that it is spoken about openly at home too! In circle time, we all shared how it makes us feel to have to ask for help and there were lots of mixed feelings. For example, feeling worried or silly but also feeling confident and happy.
Help at home: Visit the Childline website, which has age-appropriate advice for children on topics such as bullying. It also has games and other interactive tools.
Model of our Solar System
In a recent Science lesson, we learnt about the different planets in our Solar System.
We learnt about the heliocentric model of the Solar System by which all the plants revolve around the Sun that is in the centre.
We learnt that different planets are different distances away from the Sun.
In order for us to fully grasp this concept, we scaled down the actual distances between the planets and represented their relative distances in the playground!
We found out that Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun and Neptune is the furthest away!
Help at home by seeing if your child can remember the order of the planets from the Sun. We made a mnemonic in class to help us!
Living and Learning: I know how to seek help
This week, we have discussed how to seek help when it is needed. The children watched a NSPCC assembly where it highlighted children’s rights and gave the clear message of ‘Speak out, Stay safe’. The children were confident at identifying who their own trusted adults are and felt comfortable that they could ask for help.
This learning will be revisited in a couple of weeks time when they will have a workshop to recap their learning and deepen their knowledge of being safe.
Help at home: Discuss who your child would speak to if they needed help and/or visit the Childline website, which has age-appropriate advice for primary school children on topics such as bullying. It also has games and other interactive tools.
Writing: Narratives with dialogue
Over the past couple of weeks, the children have developed ideas, planned and written narratives which contain dialogue. The focus of the work was for the speech to convey character and advance action. Our inspiration was a silent animation where the two main characters were carrying out a heist for a priceless ruby, however, the plot took a turn and the thieving brothers ended up in a fight.
The children then created their own two characters who were also trying to steal something and similarly ended up in an argument.
Have a look at these extracts from their fantastic work:
Living and Learning
This week, our Living and Learning was ‘I know how to seek help’. We talked about different scenarios and how/who we would ask for help.
AP – I would ask a teacher.
MB – I would ask my Mummy and Daddy.
SSK – I would ask the police.
TH – I would ask my neighbour.
FlM – I would ask someone who works there who is wearing a hi-vis jacket or wearing uniform.
DD – I would ring 999.