Reception Class News

Active travel and safety around the school gate

Posted on Wednesday 22 January 2025 by Mrs Taylor

As a happy and healthy school, and to promote safety outside school at the start and the end of the day, we encourage children to travel to school actively.
We have bike and scooter storage facilities by the Y3/4 classrooms.
Please be mindful and considerate on the approach to school where children are travelling actively on their bikes and scooters.
If you do have to drive to and from school, please use Marks & Spencer car park to park and stride.
To reinforce this important message, we have been sent this short video regarding school parking from our local PCSO.


Spring 1: Week 2

Posted on Friday 17 January 2025 by Kay Lowry


Over the half term, we will be developing our yoga and dance skills. We have started with yoga. The children have been enjoying learning yoga and balancing in the different positions. We have talked about yoga being a form of meditation and how different types of breathing can affect how we feel.



The children are doing really developing their phase3 phonics knowledge. After looking at the Little Wandle reading report online, I can see some people are not access the books frequently. Please do let me know if you are having any issues with the website.

Help at home by: reading regularly.


We have been looking at one more of numbers up to 5. The children enjoyed making their own Numberblock staircase and getting their friend to guess which Numberblock was missing.


Poetry Picnic

Our poem about snow was very appropriate this week. The children took it in turns to perform it to the rest of the class.


Thank you to all those parents who came to the stay and learn session this week. The children enjoyed sharing their learning with you.

If you haven’t already, please could you give feedback using the QR code from Tuesday’s post.


Spring term after-school clubs

Posted on Friday 17 January 2025 by Mrs Taylor

We’ve had a great first week to our after-school clubs. There are some places available on the following clubs if your child would like to join. Please refer to the letter below to show the relevant year groups.

Story and colouring 
Lego KS2
Wake up Shake up – now open to Year 3
Fun and Games – now open to Year 4
Puzzle club
Story and colouring
Dazl dance
Basketball – now open to Year 3

Reminder: stay and learn session

Posted on Monday 13 January 2025 by Kay Lowry

Phonics Phase 3 – 14.01.25  9-9:30am

Phonic Presentation

Posted on Monday 13 January 2025 by Kay Lowry

Thank you to all those that came to our phase 3 phonic presentation. For those of you who could not make it, here are the PowerPoint slides for you to look over.


Mt Stay and Learn PH3

As always, if there are any questions please ask.
I would be grateful if you could please complete the feedback form which is found in the QR code.

Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Lowry

Spring 1: Week1

Posted on Friday 10 January 2025 by Kay Lowry

The children have come back ready to learn and very happy to see their friends.

They were very excited to see the snow in the playground and it has fit in well with our learning this week about Antarctica. Our word of the week was iceberg and the children are now confident talking about what one is. We were thinking of other words with ice and came up with the word icicle.  We went on a hunt around the school grounds to find icicles – the children were very excited when we found some.


Our poem of the week suits the weather we have had. It is called Put on your Mittens. The children have enjoyed sharing the poem and showing me their mittens.


On Thursday, we had a zoom with Farmer Verity. We Zoom Farmer Verity every few months to see changes around the farm and ask her questions.

The children came up with some great questions.

‘Are the animals cold?’

‘Do the animals hibernate?’

‘Do any of the animals like playing in the cold?’


We have been making sure that we are forming our letters correctly by practising our letter formation.

Help at home: by practising too.


We have moved onto our phase3 phonics and have been learning lots of new sounds.

Help at home: by practising the new sounds sent home on Friday.


Our maths next week is all about numeral recognition.

Help at home: by pointing out numerals in the environment.


Reminder: stay and learn

Posted on Tuesday 07 January 2025 by Kay Lowry

Stay and learn will take place next week.

Phonics Phase 3 – 14.01.25  9-9:30am

It would be great to see you all there. It is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn how we deliver our lessons and the content that is covered.

Autumn 2: Week 7

Posted on Friday 20 December 2024 by Kay Lowry

I think I speak for everyone when I say how proud we are of our wonderful reception class for their fabulous singing during the nativity performance. They did such a fantastic.

Alongside our performance this week, we have made Christmas hats, completed jiqsaws, built models and danced at our Christmas party.

Thank you for all the wonderful gifts you have given.

Enjoy your Christmas break and we look forward to seeing you all back in the new year.


Reception Team


Autumn 2: Week6

Posted on Friday 13 December 2024 by Kay Lowry

This week, we have been completing challenges, writing postcards to Santa and practising our nativity.

The children enjoyed completing the different challenges in the classroom and sharing them with others. They have been developing their fine motor skills by cutting shapes; developing their writing skills by writing letters to Santa; sequencing stories in the reading area and making pictures with our 2d shapes.

On Thursday, the children enjoyed their Christmas dinner.

Help at home: by identifying 2d shapes in the local environment.

Remember: our nativity is on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.

This week and next are review weeks for phonics so there will be no phonic sheet sent home.

I am however sending home a wow sheet. This is for you to complete at home if there is anything wow that happens and you would like to share. I will send one home every half term. If you would like any in addition to this please let me know.

We are making a book of our families. Please can you email or send in a picture of your family.

Autumn 2: Week5

Posted on Friday 06 December 2024 by Kay Lowry

During this week, we have been practising our Christmas songs for the nativity. You may have even heard the children singing them at home. They are enjoying learning the songs and creating actions for them.

Our poem of the week this week is Wise Old Owl. Please encourage your child to share this with you and discuss the key vocabulary.

We are encouraging the children to begin sentence writing during our writing sessions and in the areas. We ask them to think of a sentence, count it, try and write it and then check it. We are not expecting these to be accurate but we are trying to develop a love of writing and modelling the thought process.



We have been working on numeral recognition this week. The children have been finding numbers and then selecting the correct amount of objects to match the number. Alongside this, we’re supporting the children with their accuracy with counting and recognising that the number they finish on is the amount they have – the stopping number.

Help at home: by pointing out numbers in the environment

We have been having lots of fun both inside and outside this week. The children have been working as a team to erect different buildings.