04 June 2020: Home learning
This week we are practising the digraphs ai, ee, and the trigraph igh.
Words to read:
Can you write a sentence?
(Read the sentence to your child for them to write.)
Book of the week: The Rainbow Fish
Use the rainbow animal you drew yesterday to make your own Rainbow Fish story. You could draw a story map.
Challenge: Write your story using first, next, then, finally.
Maths-teen numbers
Count and clap.
Yesterday we learnt about the number 15.
Watch Numberblocks
Fill in the missing numbers on the tracks.
03 June 2020: Home learning
Hi everyone!
I hope you are enjoying your home learning this week.
Today’s home learning.
Practise all phase 3 phonemes.
Words to read:
Read the sentence.
Book of the week: The Rainbow Fish
Listen to the story of the week.
Make a different rainbow animal. You could draw, paint or make a collage.
Let’s learn all about the number 15
Draw Rainbow Fish. Draw or stick 15 sparkly scales on your fish.
Have fun!
02 June 2020: Home learning
Good morning
I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s learning. I love seeing all your home learning.
Here are today’s home learning activities.
Make sure you have a whiteboard and pen or paper and pencil for today’s recap lesson on the phonemes ai and ee.
Watch BBCBitesize lesson
Book of the week: The Rainbow Fish
Listen to the story of the week
Something special.
Maths- odd and even
Count to 20 and back again.
We have been learning about teen numbers.
Tomorrow we will be learning about the number 15.
15 is an odd number. An odd number is a number that can’t be split into 2 equal groups.
Using Lego, counters or any other objects you have at home can you find any other odd numbers between 0 and 15?
Watch this Numberblocks episode on odd and even numbers.
Take a picture of your odd number findings and email them to moortowneyfs@spherefederation.org
Have a lovely day!
01 June: Home learning
Hello everyone!
I hope you had a great half-term week. Let me know what you’ve been doing to by sending photos. If you have any questions about the home learning please ask.
Today’s home learning.
Practise your letter formation in your home learning book. Remember to use a lead-in.
Words to write:
king sheep feet chop
Can you write a sentence including one of the above words?
Think of a sentence
Say it out loud
Count the words
Write every word
Book of the week: The Rainbow Fish
Listen to the story of the week.
Tell a grown up what you think the Rainbow Fish learnt in the story.
Draw or paint the Rainbow Fish.
Maths-teen numbers
Listen and sing along to the video about teen numbers.
We have looked at the teen numbers 11, 12, 13 and 14.
Choose one of them and show it in different ways.
Extra activity
Draw a picture of all the different ways you can look after yourself. Think about healthy eating, sleeping and washing your hands.
Summer Mid-term: Home learning
Here are some activities you could try this week.
Have fun!
22 May 2020: Home learning
Good morning!
It’s Friday again! I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s learning.
As it’s half-term next week there won’t be daily lessons. Instead I will post a ‘menu’ of activities for the week.
Don’t forget to send me photos of what you’ve been up to.
Watch this review lesson of the phonemes ai,igh, ur from Letters and Sounds.
Sing the tricky word songs.
Phase 3
Phase 4
Practise writing the tricky words.
Tricky word countdown! Can you read the tricky words?
Listen to Mrs Burgess read a story.
Recognising numbers to 20
Have a great week!
21 May 2020: Home learning
Good morning everyone!
I hope you enjoyed the lovely weather yesterday.
Here are today’s home learning activities.
Have you looked on the Oxford Owls website? It is free at the moment and has lots of online reading books and activities. Just register and choose phase 2 or 3 books for your child to read.
Practise handwriting with me.
Literacy-The Rainbow Fish
Listen to another story about animals that live in the sea.
Watch this under the sea clip
Draw, collage or paint an under the sea picture.
Count with Numberblocks.
There are six buns
Can you share them fairly between Goldilocks and Baby Bear. How many do they have each?
Another friend has joined. Can you share them now?
Draw pictures to show your learning.
Have a lovely day!
20 May 2020: Home learning
I hope you re enjoying the learning this week.
Here are today’s home learning activities.
Words to read:
Remember you can practise phonics at BBC Bitesize.
Words to write:
sniff, twin, glad, green
Listen to the story of the week.
Why do you think it is important to share? How does it make you feel? How does it make your family feel? How does it make your friends feel?
Draw a picture of a time you shared with someone? Can you write a sentence about how you felt?
Let’s investigate the number 14
Watch Numberblocks.
Have a lovely day!
19 May 2020: Home learning
Good morning, everyone.
Are you enjoying this week’s story?
Don’t forget to send photos of your learning.
Practise Phase 3 phonemes at BBC Bitesize.
Join me to blend and segment four phoneme words.
Literacy – Sharing a shell by Julia Donaldson
Listen to the story of the week
Play pass the shell.
Find a shell or other object and ask your family to join you in a circle.
Pass the object around your family – when you are holding the shell each family member can talk.
Use these sentence stems or think of your own.
“My favourite food is…”
“My best friend is..”
“I like playing…”
“I am important because…”
“I am good at…“
Counting practise
Count forwards and backwards from 0-20.
Watch Numberjacks to learn about sharing.
Great news! All 90 Numberblocks episodes are available on BBCiplayer!
18 May 2020: Home learning
Good morning! I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Here are today’s home learning activities.
Don’t forget to send me photos of your learning.
Practise all the phonemes at Phonics Bloom.
Words to read:
Read the sentences. Can you spot ‘cl’ or ‘fl’ in any words?
Literacy- Book of the week Sharing a shell by Julia Donaldson
Listen to the story
Draw or paint a picture of the characters.
Count to 20
You can use counters, small toys or buttons to represent the shells and containers instead of buckets
Draw three buckets with the 12 shells shared fairly.
Extra activity
Use sticks or objects as bones. Remember-you can only move two sticks!
Have a lovely day!